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Oil and Gas Index Page

15 records returned.
T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
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Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
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T29S R12W, Sec. 20, SE SW SE F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Wray 1 15-151-21966
1918 KB
1901 GL
4759 HIRT 27-DEC-1989   GAS
T29S R12W, Sec. 20, SE SW SE F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Wray 1-20 15-151-21966-0001
1913 KB
1901 GL
4761 HIRT 26-OCT-1990 24-OCT-1991 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
(Abercrombie, A. L., Inc)
WRAY 2 15-151-21965
1900 GL
  HIRT 30-MAY-1990   LOC
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T29S R12W, Sec. 21, SW SW SW F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Dauner 1-21 15-151-22019
1902 KB
1893 GL
1900 DF
4770 HIRT 13-NOV-1990 23-OCT-1997 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, S2 NW NE F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Kennedy 1-29 15-151-21951
1909 KB
1900 GL
4769 HIRT 07-OCT-1989   O&G
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, SE SE NW F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Hirt 1-29 15-151-21355
1902 KB
1893 GL
4780 HIRT 18-NOV-1983   OIL
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, E2 NE NW F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Hirt 'A' 1-29 15-151-21976
1912 KB
1903 GL
4770 HIRT 15-JAN-1990 02-APR-1991 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, N2 NE SW F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Hearn 1-29 15-151-21461-0001
1890 KB
1878 GL
4575 HIRT 31-JAN-1990 21-FEB-1994 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, SE NW F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Hirt 2-29 15-151-21495
1903 KB
1894 GL
4689 HIRT 23-OCT-1984 13-JUN-1988 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, SW SW NE TXO Production Corp.
(Marathon Oil Company)
Kennedy 'H' 1 15-151-21420
1908 KB
4607 HIRT 27-APR-1984 15-MAR-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, N2 NE SW TXO Production Corp.
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Hearn 1 15-151-21461
1890 KB
1890 GL
4575 HIRT 23-JUL-1984   GAS
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, NW SE SE NW F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(Griffin, Charles N.)
Hirt 1-29 15-151-21355-0001
1902 KB
1893 GL
4780 HIRT 08-JAN-1990   OIL
Approved for Plugging - CP-1 Received
T29S R12W, Sec. 29, S2 NW NE F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(Griffin, Charles N.)
Kennedy 1-29 15-151-21951-0001
1909 KB
1900 GL
4769 HIRT 31-AUG-1991   OIL
Inactive Well
T29S R12W, Sec. 30, NE NE NE F.G. Holl Co., LLC
(F. G. Holl Company L.L.C.)
Hirt 1-30 15-151-21593
1906 KB
1895 GL
1903 DF
4795 HIRT 07-MAY-1985 16-MAY-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T29S R12W, Sec. 32, NW NW Rupe Oil Company, Inc.
(Rupe Oil Company, Inc.)
Perry 1-32 15-151-22226
1885 KB
1875 GL
1883 DF
4650 HIRT 09-SEP-2005 20-SEP-2007 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned