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Oil and Gas Index Page

17 records returned.
T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
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Field Spud Date
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T30S R39W, Sec. 15, C NE SW Pan American Petroleum Corp.
Nicholas Gas Unit 'C' 1 15-187-00057
3181 KB
3172 GL
3178 DF
6200 NICH 11-FEB-1961   GAS
T30S R39W, Sec. 15, SE SE SE SE Amoco Production Co.
(BP America Production Company)
Nicholas SWD 1 15-187-20188
3186 KB
3179 GL
1439 NICH 12-JUL-1975 25-FEB-1994 SWD-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 16, NW NE NW Presco Western LLC
(McElvain Energy, Inc.)
Winger 1-316 15-187-20914
3233 KB
3222 GL
5780 NICHOLS 17-DEC-1998 19-JUN-2015 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 16, NE SW SE Amoco Production Co.
(BP America Production Company)
Bronx Bomber 1-16 15-187-20811
3206 KB
3195 GL
3204 DF
5950 NICH 15-JAN-1996 31-JAN-1996 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 16, NE SW SW Amoco Production Co.
(BP America Production Company)
Levi Jacoby 1-16 15-187-20773
3197 KB
3186 GL
5900 NICH 25-MAY-1995 18-APR-2001 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 17, NE NE SW McElvain Oil and Gas
(McElvain Energy, Inc.)
Baughman 11-17 15-187-20922
3211 KB
3206 GL
3210 DF
5710 NICHOLS 12-OCT-1999 22-OCT-1999 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 18, N2 SW Presco Western LLC
(Presco Western LLC)
Litherbury 1-1218 15-187-20917
3246 KB
3235 GL
2345 DF
5900 NICHOLS 06-JAN-1999 16-JAN-1999 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 20, SE NE SE Amoco Production Co.
(BP America Production Company)
Contact Lens 1-20 15-187-20763
3215 KB
3203 GL
3213 DF
5900 NICH 04-FEB-1995 21-FEB-1995 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 21, S2 SW SE McElvain Energy, Inc.
(McElvain Energy, Inc.)
Nickens 21-15 15-187-20931
3209 KB
3198 GL
3206 DF
5770 NICHOLAS 30-APR-2000 12-MAY-2000 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 21, SE NW SW Amoco Production Co.
(Merit Energy Company, LLC)
Andrea Frances 1-21 15-187-20770
3213 KB
3203 GL
3212 DF
5935 NICH 11-MAY-1995   GAS
T30S R39W, Sec. 21, SE NW SE Presco Western LLC
(Presco Western LLC)
Nickens 1-1021 15-187-20919
3207 KB
3196 GL
3206 DF
5800 NICHOLS 18-JAN-1999 18-JAN-1999 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 22, NE NW SW Amoco Production Co.
(Merit Energy Company, LLC)
Stacy Lynn 1-22 15-187-20797
3193 KB
3182 GL
3191 DF
5924 NICH 27-OCT-1995   GAS
Inactive Well
T30S R39W, Sec. 22, SW NW SE Presco Western, LLC
(McElvain Energy, Inc.)
Shore 1-1022 15-187-20915
3195 KB
3183 GL
3193 DF
5812 NICHOLS 30-DEC-1998 11-OCT-2011 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R39W, Sec. 23, NE NW Amoco Production Co.
(Merit Energy Company, LLC)
David Trent 1-23 15-187-20761
3179 KB
3168 GL
5850 NICH 28-DEC-1994   GAS
T30S R39W, Sec. 27, NW NW NW McElvain Oil & Gas Properties
(Evans Energy, LLC)
Sentney 1-427 15-187-20916
3202 KB
3191 GL
3200 DF
5800 NICHOLS 07-MAY-1999   O&G
T30S R39W, Sec. 28, NW NE Presco Western LLC
(Presco Western LLC)
COLLINGWOOD 1-28 15-187-20743-0001
3210 KB
3190 GL
5948 NICH 11-JUN-2003   OIL
T30S R39W, Sec. 28, NW NE Amoco Production Co.
(Merit Energy Company, LLC)
Collingwood 1-28 15-187-20743
3210 KB
3190 GL
5948 NICH 19-MAY-1994   GAS