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Data Saved to File |
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File containing tops data (for wells with tops): tops7158.txt
Use the column named KID (a unique ID code) to join the tops table to the wells table.
If there are no tops for these wells, the file will contain only the column headers.
DATA DESCRIPTIONS: Below is a description of the columns saved.
KID | Unique ID assigned by the Survey. Not necessarily permanent. |
API_NUMBER | API number assigned by the Kansas Corp. Commission, or from historical records. |
API_NUM_NODASH | API number, formatted with no dashes. |
LEASE | Lease name. |
WELL | Well number. |
FIELD | Oil and gas field name |
LATITUDE | NAD 1927, generated from the legal location. |
LONGITUDE | Some new wells have GPS longitude and latitude. |
LONG_LAT_SOURCE | May be calculated from footages, quarter calls, or from GPS. |
TOWNSHIP | Public Land Survey System township number, 1-35 in Kansas. |
TWN_DIR | Township direction. S (south) or N (north), Always south in Kansas |
RANGE | Public Land Survey System range number, 1-43 in west and 1-25 in east. |
RANGE_DIR | Range direction. E (east) or W (west). |
SECTION | The PLSS section the site is located in: 1-36 |
SPOT | The legal quarter description qualifiers list as NE, NW, SE, and SW, etc.. |
FEET_NORTH | Distance in feet north from the reference location, negative is to south. |
FEET_EAST | Distance in feet east from the reference location, negative is to west. |
FOOT_REF | Corner from which the footages is measured. |
ORIG_OPERATOR | Operator of the well at drilling completion. Not usually updated except at workover. |
CURR_OPERATOR | Updated operator name; may be newer than original operator but not guaranteed to be the current operator. |
ELEVATION | The elevation the well, in feet. |
ELEV_REF | KB is Kelly bushing, DF is derrick floor, GL is ground level, TOPO is estimate based on digital model. |
DEPTH | Total depth of well, not plugged back. |
FORMATION_AT_TOTAL_DEPTH | Formation at total rotary depth. |
PRODUCE_FORM | Producing formation typed in from completion form or from lease production data. |
IP_OIL | Initial production of oil, barrels. |
IP_GAS | Initial production of gas, MCF. |
IP_WATER | Initial production of water, barrels. |
PERMIT | Permit date. |
SPUD | Date of drilling start. |
COMPLETION | Date of drilling finish. |
PLUGGING | Date well plugged. |
MODIFIED | Date this well record was last altered. |
OIL_KID | Kansas Geological Survey ID code of the oil production data, in our Lease database. |
OIL_DOR_ID | Kansas Dept. of Revenue ID code of the oil production data, in our Lease database. |
GAS_KID | Kansas Geological Survey ID code of the gas production data, in our Lease database. |
GAS_DOR_ID | Kansas Dept. of Revenue ID code of the gas production data, in our Lease database. |
KCC_PERMIT | KCC Permit Number associated with this well. |
STATUS | Well status--type of well. Abbreviation list |
STATUS2 | Additional status info from KCC. |
COMMENTS | Information to enhance well data or explain problems. |
LEASE_WELL_NAME | Concatenation of lease name and well number. |