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1181 records returned--50 displayed at a time. Search limited to Horizontal Wells.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
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T32S R8W, Sec. 7, E2 NE NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Smith Farms 7-1H 15-077-21818-0100
1536 KB
1505 GL
59 WILDCAT 26-APR-2012 10-SEP-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R7W, Sec. 16, W2 SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Kaup 3407 16-2H 15-077-21886-0100
1362 GL
60 Cooper Creek 06-NOV-2012   OIL
Inactive Well
T34S R4W, Sec. 29, NW NE NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Nulik 3404 3-29H 15-191-22751-0100
1223 KB
1223 GL
60 Eden Road West 18-MAY-2014 19-SEP-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T32S R3W, Sec. 8, NW NW NE NW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Trudy 3203 1-5H 15-191-22752-0100
1242 KB
1242 GL
60 UNNAMED 01-AUG-2014 12-AUG-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T32S R6W, Sec. 30, S2 S2 SW SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Richard 3206 1-30H 15-077-21949-0100
1405 GL
60 UNNAMED 17-SEP-2013 12-AUG-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R5W, Sec. 7, S2 S2 S2 SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Raymond 3505 2-7H 15-077-21985-0100
1278 KB
1262 GL
60 H K W East 22-NOV-2013 08-FEB-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T25S R8W, Sec. 19, NE NW NW NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Shultz Trust 2508 19-1H 15-155-21638-0100
1651 GL
60   15-MAR-2013 20-SEP-2016 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T22S R8W, Sec. 26, SW NW NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Wilkey Trust 2208 26-2H 15-155-21635-0100
1653 GL
60   22-MAR-2013 08-SEP-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T22S R8W, Sec. 26, SW NW NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Wilkey Trust 2208 26-1H 15-155-21634-0100
1653 GL
60   22-MAR-2013 08-SEP-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R10W, Sec. 35, W2 NE NW NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Schrock 3410 35-1H 15-007-24012-0100
1335 GL
60 Gudeman 26-APR-2013   O&G
T34S R10W, Sec. 35, W2 NE NW NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Schrock 3410 35-2H 15-007-24013-0100
1335 GL
60 Gudeman 28-APR-2013 10-JUL-2017 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R9W, Sec. 1, E2 SE SW SE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Chain Land 3509 1-3H 15-077-21876-0100
1275 KB
1251 GL
60 Chainland 27-OCT-2012   OIL
T35S R9W, Sec. 1, W2 SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Chain Land 3509 1-2H 15-077-21875-0100
1275 KB
1252 GL
60 Chainland 07-OCT-2012 02-AUG-2017 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T28S R2W, Sec. 17, W2 SE SW SE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Means 2802 17-1H 15-173-21013-0100
1438 KB
1414 GL
60 WILDCAT 13-NOV-2012 21-OCT-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R9W, Sec. 34, E2 SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Koblitz 3409 34-1H 15-077-21866-0100
1260 GL
60 WILDCAT 07-SEP-2012 23-MAR-2020 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R9W, Sec. 33, E2 SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Koblitz 3409 33-2H 15-077-21861-0100
1251 GL
60 WILDCAT 10-AUG-2012 13-OCT-2020 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R9W, Sec. 28, E2 NE NW NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Koblitz 3409 28-2H 15-077-21856-0100
1271 GL
60 Corwin Southeast 19-JUL-2012 21-OCT-2016 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R6W, Sec. 27, W2 SW SW SE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.)
Stuchal Trust 3107 27-1H 15-077-21793-0100
1395 GL
60 WILDCAT 18-JAN-2012 06-MAY-2013 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 4, NE NE NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Schupbach 3510 4-2H 15-007-23854-0100
1333 KB
1311 GL
60 Knorp Southwest 07-MAY-2012 14-NOV-2022 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R8W, Sec. 23, W2 NW NW NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Schutte Trust 3308 23-1H 15-077-21833-0100
1411 KB
1393 GL
60 WILDCAT 05-JUN-2012 28-DEC-2017 SWD-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R8W, Sec. 23, W2 NW NW NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Schutte Trust 3308 23-2H 15-077-21834-0100
1411 KB
1393 GL
60 WILDCAT 06-JUN-2012 28-DEC-2017 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T23S R8W, Sec. 22, NE SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Foster Trust 2308 22-1HN 15-155-21647-0100
1651 GL
60   08-APR-2013 09-SEP-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T23S R8W, Sec. 22, NE SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Foster Trust 2308 22-2HN 15-155-21648-0100
1651 GL
60   12-APR-2013 09-SEP-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R9W, Sec. 1, SW SE SW SW Tapstone Energy, LLC
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Chain Land 3509 1-2H 15-077-22046-0100
1266 KB
1252 GL
60 WILDCAT 11-MAY-2014   OIL
T30S R5W, Sec. 30, E2 NE NW NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.)
Rhoads 93 Family Trust 3005 30-1H 15-095-22259-0100
1402 KB
1376 GL
60 WILDCAT 03-AUG-2012 17-MAR-2013 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T22S R7W, Sec. 3, SE NW NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Johnson Trust 3-1HS 15-155-21650-0100
1596 GL
61 WILDCAT 01-MAY-2013 30-APR-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T22S R7W, Sec. 3, SE NW NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Johnson Trust 3-2HS 15-155-21651-0100
1596 GL
62 WILDCAT 26-APR-2013 30-APR-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R8W, Sec. 15, NE SE SW SE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Triple R Farms 2408 15-1HN 15-155-21622-0100
1639 GL
62   03-FEB-2013 06-SEP-2017 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R9W, Sec. 34, E2 SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Koblitz 3409 34-2H 15-077-21867-0100
1260 GL
66 WILDCAT 09-SEP-2012 23-MAR-2020 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R8W, Sec. 31, SE SW SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Rose 3408 3-31H 15-077-22063-0100
1259 KB
1259 GL
75 Jennifer West 03-JUL-2014 05-JUL-2014 OTHER-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T25S R11W, Sec. 25, NW NW NW NE Unit Petroleum Co.
(Unit Petroleum Company)
Shultz 25-1H 15-185-23871-0100
1791 GL
80 WILDCAT 06-MAY-2014 22-MAR-2019 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R6W, Sec. 11, NW NW NE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Marsha 3306 1-11H 15-077-22035-0100
1346 KB
1327 GL
80 WETHINGTON 07-APR-2014 10-MAY-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R11W, Sec. 36, SE SW SW SE BCE-Mach III LLC
JAHAY 1-34-11 1H 15-007-24412-0100
1461 KB
1445 GL
80   21-MAR-2022   OIL
T9S R40W, Sec. 1, NW NE NE Rosewood Resources, Inc.
(Rosewood Resources, Inc.)
LININ 41-01H 15-181-20484-0100
3712 GL
80     14-DEC-2006 OTHER-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R4W, Sec. 21, SW SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Ann 3404 1-21H 15-191-22710-0100
1201 GL
90 BLUFF 19-OCT-2013 03-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R9W, Sec. 10, NE NE NW NE Tapstone Energy, LLC
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Chainland 3509 11-3H 15-077-22116-0100
1265 KB
1243 GL
90 Chainland 07-JAN-2015   OIL
Inactive Well
T35S R7W, Sec. 7, N2 N2 NE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Vornauf 1-18H 15-077-21819-0100
1336 GL
90 Okan 05-MAR-2012 07-OCT-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R20W, Sec. 36, S2 S2 SW SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Roy 1-1H 15-033-21599-0100
2113 GL
90 WILDCAT 11-JAN-2012 05-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R5W, Sec. 11, NW NE NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Wilson 3405 2-2H 15-077-22019-0100
1276 KB
1256 GL
90 GERBERDING 29-APR-2014 29-MAY-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R4W, Sec. 21, SW SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Ann 3404 1-21H 1L 15-191-22710-0200
1201 GL
90 BLUFF 19-OCT-2013 03-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R5W, Sec. 10, SW NE NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Miller 3405 3-3H 15-077-22042-0100
1241 KB
1241 GL
90 GERBERDING 17-APR-2014 25-AUG-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R4W, Sec. 16, NW SW SE SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Kolarik 3404 2-16H 15-191-22744-0100
1243 KB
1233 GL
100 BLUFF 03-JUN-2014 09-OCT-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R18W, Sec. 15, N2 N2 NW NW Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Tug Hill Operating, LLC)
Huck Unit 1-15H 15-033-21683-0100
1857 KB
1835 GL
100 WILDCAT 29-NOV-2012 18-MAR-2015 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T23S R22W, Sec. 20, SW SE SE SE Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Lasso Energy LLC)
Sebes Unit 1-29H 15-083-21855-0100
2355 KB
2332 GL
100 Lippoldt East 09-OCT-2012 24-APR-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T22S R23W, Sec. 15, N2 N2 NE NE Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Tug Hill Operating, LLC)
Hahn Inc 1-15H 15-083-21836-0100
2367 KB
2344 GL
100 WILDCAT 16-OCT-2012 17-MAR-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T27S R21W, Sec. 2, SE SE SE SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Jochems 2721 1-2H 15-057-20821-0100
2281 GL
100 Martin West 05-JUL-2012 27-JUN-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R17W, Sec. 17, N2 N2 NW NW Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Tug Hill Operating, LLC)
Bearden Trust 1-17H 15-033-21649-0100
1903 KB
1881 GL
100 Annamae Northeast 21-SEP-2012 20-NOV-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T28S R6W, Sec. 16, N2 N2 NE NE Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Tug Hill Operating, LLC)
Dye 1-16H 15-095-22255-0100
1469 GL
100 WILDCAT 31-JUL-2012 14-SEP-2015 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R19W, Sec. 5, E2 W2 W2 NW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Jellison A 3319 8-5H 15-033-21740-0100
1886 KB
1886 GL
100 BIRD SOUTH 03-FEB-2014 15-AUG-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R13W, Sec. 10, NE NE NW NW Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Tug Hill Operating, LLC)
Donovan 2-10H 15-007-23983-0100
1824 GL
100 Aetna Gas Area 28-JAN-2013 18-JUN-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
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