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Oil and Gas Index Page

1181 records returned--50 displayed at a time. Search limited to Horizontal Wells.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
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T11S R21W, Sec. 20, SE NE SW SW Samuel Gary Jr. and Assoc., Inc.
(Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.)
11-21-29 H1 15-195-22865-0100
2295 KB
2282 GL
8458 WILDCAT 14-JUL-2013   OIL
T12S R22W, Sec. 4, SE SW SE NE Samuel Gary Jr. and Assoc., Inc.
(Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.)
12-22-4 H4 15-195-22881-0100
2402 KB
2390 GL
4035 Shaw Creek South 24-FEB-2014   OIL
T12S R22W, Sec. 8, SE SW SW NE Samuel Gary Jr. and Assoc., Inc.
(Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.)
12-22-8 H3 15-195-22882-0100
2398 KB
2385 GL
4639 WILDCAT 08-AUG-2013   OIL
T12S R22W, Sec. 8, N2 S2 NE NE Samuel Gary Jr. and Assoc., Inc.
(Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.)
12-22-8 H4 15-195-22930-0100
2389 KB
2377 GL
4893 WILDCAT 26-MAR-2014   OIL
T12S R22W, Sec. 9, SW SW SE SW Samuel Gary Jr. and Assoc., Inc.
(Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates, Inc.)
12-22-9 H2 15-195-22868-0100
2349 KB
2337 GL
T34S R8W, Sec. 33, S2 S2 SW SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
4J Ranch 3408 1-33H 15-077-21906-0100
1265 KB
1249 GL
4774 Jennifer West 05-FEB-2013   GAS
T34S R8W, Sec. 33, SW SW SE SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
4J Ranch 3408 2-33H 15-077-21917-0100
1266 KB
1250 GL
5503 UNNAMED 18-MAY-2013   OIL
Inactive Well
T34S R8W, Sec. 33, SE SW SE SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
4J Ranch 3408 3-33H 15-077-21931-0100
1266 KB
1250 GL
5489 Jennifer West 06-JUN-2013   OIL
Inactive Well
T34S R8W, Sec. 33, S2 S2 SE SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
4J Ranch 3408 4-33H 15-077-21969-0100
1265 KB
1250 GL
9280 Jennifer West 19-SEP-2013   OIL
T35S R12W, Sec. 14, SE SE SW NW BCE-Mach III LLC
ACHENBACH 14-11-35-12 1H 15-007-24489-0100
1383 KB
1368 GL
4803 STRANATHAN 05-JAN-2024   OIL
(Viking Resources, Inc)
AHERNS 1-HORIZ 15-193-20555-0100
3183 KB
3178 GL
4782 UNKNOWN   18-DEC-1992 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R5W, Sec. 12, N2 N2 N2 NW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Albert 3405 2-12H 15-077-22083-0100
1256 KB
1254 GL
5167 GERBERDING 08-AUG-2014 09-APR-2019 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R7W, Sec. 15, E2 SW SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Albright Croft 3407 15-1H 15-077-21787-0100
1422 KB
1398 GL
4764 Cooper Creek 16-DEC-2011   O&G
Inactive Well
T34S R7W, Sec. 15, E2 SW SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Albright Croft 3407 15-2H 15-077-21788-0100
1398 GL
4764 Cooper Creek 05-JAN-2012   O&G
Inactive Well
(Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.)
Alden Storage 19 15-159-22328-0100
1684.8 KB
1670 GL
4394 ALDEN 16-SEP-1992   OTHER
Authorized Injection Well
T19S R1W, Sec. 36, SW NW NW NW Orca Operating Co. LLC
(Te-Pe Oil & Gas)
Alfred 1-36H 15-113-21343-0100
1577 KB
1567 GL
6955 Bitikofer North 21-SEP-2010   OIL
Inactive Well
T33S R6W, Sec. 12, NW NW NE NW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Alice 3306 1-12H 15-077-22081-0100
1355 KB
1332 GL
4429 STOHRVILLE 31-JUL-2014   OIL
T31S R33W, Sec. 10, NW NW NE SW Merit Energy Company, LLC
(Merit Energy Company, LLC)
ALLEN TRUST 9 15-175-22149-0100
2901 GL
Inactive Well
T31S R20W, Sec. 2, N2 N2 NW NW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Amelia Grace 1-2H 15-033-21612-0100
2164 KB
2164 GL
5236 Wiggins Creek West 16-MAR-2012 29-APR-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R39W, Sec. 8, NE SE NW EOG Resources, Inc.
(Palmer Oil, Inc.)
ANDREWS 8 #1H 15-129-21800-0100
3258 KB
3247 GL
5970 KINSLER SOUTH 28-MAR-2007   GAS
Inactive Well
T34S R9W, Sec. 35, NE NE NW NE Tapstone Energy, LLC
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Andy 26-34-9 1H 15-077-22134-0100
1291 KB
1269 GL
4645 UNNAMED 10-APR-2015   OIL
T34S R9W, Sec. 35, NE NE NW NE Tapstone Energy, LLC
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Andy 35-34-9 1H 15-077-22135-0100
1292 KB
1270 GL
4740 UNNAMED 22-MAR-2015   OIL
T34S R20W, Sec. 12, N2 N2 NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.)
Anita 3420 1-12H 15-033-21673-0100
1816 KB
1795 GL
5241 WILDCAT 24-OCT-2012   GAS
T34S R20W, Sec. 13, N2 N2 NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.)
Anita 3420 1-13H 15-033-21718-0100
1792 KB
1772 GL
9582 UNNAMED 17-JUN-2013   GAS
T34S R20W, Sec. 12, NE NW NE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.)
Anita 3420 2-12H 15-033-21703-0100
1820 KB
1800 GL
5690 WILDCAT 29-MAR-2013   GAS
T34S R20W, Sec. 13, S2 N2 NE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.)
Anita 3420 2-13H 15-033-21753-0100
1789 KB
1770 GL
5820 UNNAMED 24-MAR-2014   OIL
T34S R4W, Sec. 21, SW SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Ann 3404 1-21H 15-191-22710-0100
1201 GL
90 BLUFF 19-OCT-2013 03-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R4W, Sec. 21, SW SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Ann 3404 1-21H 1L 15-191-22710-0200
1201 GL
90 BLUFF 19-OCT-2013 03-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R4W, Sec. 21, SW SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.)
Ann 3404 2-21H 15-191-22709-0100
1221 KB
1201 GL
4477 Eden Road West 19-OCT-2013   OIL
T33S R6W, Sec. 16, S2 S2 SE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Anne 3306 1-16H 15-077-21916-0100
1338 GL
8885   21-MAR-2013 28-SEP-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T7S R17W, Sec. 18, SW SW SE SW A & M OIL, INC.
(Pride Energy Company, a General Partnership)
ANSPACH 8-H was 1 15-163-22013-0100
1796 KB
1791 GL
1794 DF
3349 RIFFE 06-APR-1983 08-FEB-2019 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R6W, Sec. 15, NE SE SW SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Anthony 3306 1-15H 15-077-22058-0100
1356 KB
1335 GL
5161 STOHRVILLE 22-JUN-2014 29-JUN-2022 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T21S R22W, Sec. 7, S2 SE SW Buried Hills Production Co., Inc.
(Buried Hills Prod. Co., Inc.)
Antrim 1 HZ 15-083-21448-0100
2268 GL
Approved Intent to Drill
T21S R22W, Sec. 7, SE SE SW SW Buried Hills Production Co., Inc.
(Hartman Oil Co., Inc.)
Antrim-Cossman Lease Line 1 HZ 15-083-21442-0100
2277 KB
2264 GL
2275 DF
6447 WIELAND WEST 15-JUN-1997 13-SEP-2011 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R19W, Sec. 18, NE NE NW NW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.)
Ariana 3419 1-18H 15-033-21717-0100
1803 KB
1783 GL
9862 WILDCAT 23-MAY-2013   GAS
T34S R19W, Sec. 6, SW SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Mike Kelso Oil, Inc.)
Ariana 3419 1-7H 15-033-21702-0100
1834 KB
1813 GL
9999 Collier Flats East 01-APR-2013   GAS
T8S R39W, Sec. 31, SW SW SW Rosewood Resources, Inc.
(Own Resources Operating LLC)
ARMSTRONG 14-31H 15-181-20494-0100
3716 KB
3703 GL
T32S R10E, Sec. 36, NE SE SE Consolidated Gas & Energy Corp.
(Consolidated Gas & Energy Corp.)
ARRINGTON 5 CGEH 1 15-019-26636-0100
1120 GL
1700     11-JAN-2023 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R21W, Sec. 22, SW SW SW SE Reeder Operating LLC
(American Warrior, Inc.)
B.W.B. of Kansas 1-22 H 15-025-21537-0100
2265 KB
2239 GL
5726 WILDCAT 01-FEB-2012 27-JUN-2014 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R8W, Sec. 20, SE SE SW SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Bailey 3408 1-29H 15-077-21994-0100
1286 KB
1265 GL
9746 WILDCAT 29-NOV-2013   GAS
T34S R8W, Sec. 20, SW SW SE SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Bailey 3408 2-29H 15-077-21993-0100
1286 KB
1265 GL
9800 UNNAMED 11-DEC-2013   GAS
T33S R6W, Sec. 20, NW NE NE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Bane 3306 1-20H 15-077-21948-0100
1321 KB
1300 GL
5076 STOHRVILLE 03-JUL-2013 02-SEP-2020 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, SW SW SW KLM Exploration Co., Inc.
(KLM Exploration Company, Inc.)
Bankers Life 1-AH 15-103-21248-0100
1115 GL
2707 BANKERS LIFE 03-FEB-1992 17-FEB-1995 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, SW SW KLM Exploration Co., Inc.
(KLM Exploration Company, Inc.)
Bankers Life 1-H 15-103-21246-0100
115 GL
550 BANKERS LIFE 13-JAN-1992 31-JAN-1992 OTHER-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, NE NE SW KLM Exploration Co., Inc.
BANKERS LIFE 4-H0 15-103-20433-0100
1024 est.
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, NE NE SW KLM Exploration Company, Inc.
(KLM Exploration Company, Inc.)
Bankers Life 4-H1 15-103-20433-0101
1029 GL
1408 MCLOUTH     OIL
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, NE NE SW KLM Exploration Company, Inc.
(KLM Exploration Company, Inc.)
Bankers Life 4-H2 15-103-20433-0102
1029 GL
1408 MCLOUTH     OIL
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, NE NE SW KLM Exploration Company, Inc.
(KLM Exploration Company, Inc.)
Bankers Life 4-H3 15-103-20433-0103
1029 GL
1408 MCLOUTH     OIL
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, NE NE SW KLM Exploration Company, Inc.
Bankers Life 4-H4 15-103-20433-0104
1029 GL
1450 MCLOUTH   16-AUG-2023 OIL-P&A
KCC Fee Fund Plugging
T10S R20E, Sec. 3, NW NE SW KLM Exploration Co., Inc.
Bankers Life 6 15-103-20622-0101
1075 GL
KCC Fee Fund Plugging
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