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Oil and Gas Index Page

1181 records returned--50 displayed at a time. Search limited to Horizontal Wells.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
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Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
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T26S R18E, Sec. 19, NE NE SE Energy-Vest, Inc.
(Splechter, Tim)
MIDDENDORF 1-A 15-001-28344-0100
916 KB
920 GL
T25S R18E, Sec. 26, SW NE Roxanna Pipeline, Inc.
(Roxanna Pipeline, Inc.)
WALLS 1 15-001-29082-0100
988 KB
983 GL
1720 WILDCAT 27-JUL-2004 28-OCT-2010 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R20E, Sec. 29, SE NE SW Verde Oil Company
(Verde Oil Company)
MANSON 'H' 1 15-001-29344-0100
989 GL
Converted to EOR Well
T26S R20E, Sec. 29, SE NE SW Verde Oil Company
(Verde Oil Company)
Manson 'H' 1 15-001-29344-0101
989 GL
Authorized Injection Well
T23S R19E, Sec. 7, NE SW SW NW Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.
(Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.)
Colony 97-H 15-003-25502-0100
1130 KB
1117 GL
957   04-SEP-2012   OTHER
T23S R19E, Sec. 6, NE NE NE SE Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.
(Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.)
Colony 98-H 15-003-25503-0100
1112 KB
1098 GL
955   03-OCT-2012   OTHER
Inactive Well
T32S R14W, Sec. 22, S2 NW NE Texas Energies, Inc.
(SoKan Operating, LLC)
Hinz 'B' 2-22 15-007-22047-0100
1871 KB
1871 GL
4875 STUMPH 21-MAY-1985   O&G
T34S R14W, Sec. 2, NW SW NW Oxy USA, Inc.
(Oneok Resources Company)
Gordon 'A' 1 15-007-22453-0101
1723 KB
1714 GL
5300 Aetna Gas Area 20-FEB-1996 11-SEP-2001 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R12W, Sec. 26, SW SE NW Anderson Energy, Inc.
(Anderson Energy, Inc.)
Colborn 1-26H 15-007-22638-0100
1540 KB
1532 GL
4908 GROENDYKE 03-JAN-2001 14-NOV-2002 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R11W, Sec. 20, SW SE SW NE Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
(Woolsey Operating Company, LLC)
Summers 'A' 5-H 15-007-23550-0100
1389 KB
1373 GL
4660 Landis 18-JUN-2010 17-DEC-2014 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R11W, Sec. 1, SW SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Schrock 1 1-H 15-007-23587-0100
1353 KB
1353 GL
5380 Kiowa 18-SEP-2010 28-AUG-2019 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R11W, Sec. 7, S2 SW SW SW CMX, Inc.
(McGinness Energy Company, Inc.)
Scrooge 1-7H 15-007-23663-0100
1389 KB
1381 GL
4831 Stranathan 04-APR-2011   O&G
T35S R11W, Sec. 8, NW NE NW NW CMX, Inc.
(McGinness Energy Company, Inc.)
Grinch 1-8H 15-007-23722-0100
1367 KB
1350 GL
9315 Stranathan Northeast 21-JUN-2011   OIL
T34S R11W, Sec. 8, NE SW NE SE Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
Wiley Trust 3-H 15-007-23725-0100
1384 KB
1362 GL
4650 RHODES SOUTH 18-JUL-2011   O&G
T35S R11W, Sec. 13, S2 S2 SE SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Robert 1-13H 15-007-23756-0100
1328 KB
1308 GL
4866 Kiowa South 05-SEP-2011 06-AUG-2015 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 11, N2 N2 NW NW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Chieftain Oil Co., Inc.)
William 1-11H 15-007-23768-0100
1320 KB
1300 GL
4845 Gudeman 28-SEP-2011   O&G
T34S R11W, Sec. 11, NW NE NW NW Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
(Woolsey Operating Company, LLC)
Tucker 'B' 4-H 15-007-23769-0100
1415 KB
1400 GL
4121 SCHUPBACH 22-SEP-2011 11-DEC-2014 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 12, SW NE NW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Schrock 3510 12-1H 15-007-23770-0100
1329 KB
1305 GL
4760 Gudeman Southeast 27-SEP-2011   O&G
Inactive Well
T33S R15W, Sec. 26, NE NE NW NW Osage Resources, LLC
(Ramshorn Resources, LLC)
Osage 26-07H 15-007-23780-0100
1822 KB
1807 GL
6945 Aetna Gas Area 15-DEC-2011   O&G
T34S R11W, Sec. 11, NW NE NE NE Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
Tucker 'B' 5-H 15-007-23787-0100
1416 KB
1400 GL
4560 Roundup South 16-OCT-2011   O&G
T33S R15W, Sec. 25, NE NE NW SE Osage Resources, LLC
(Ramshorn Resources, LLC)
Osage HC-3 15-007-23789-0100
1846 KB
1835 GL
5239 Aetna Gas Area 18-FEB-2012   OIL
T34S R10W, Sec. 31, S2 SE SE SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Roark 1-31H 15-007-23802-0100
1311 KB
1291 GL
4733 Mayberry East 01-DEC-2011 25-JAN-2017 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 2, SE SE SW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Chieftain Oil Co., Inc.)
Lori 1-2H 15-007-23816-0100
1304 GL
4777 Gudeman 11-DEC-2011   OIL
T35S R10W, Sec. 10, NE NW NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Jennie 1-10H 15-007-23817-0100
1308 KB
1288 GL
4799 Gudeman 07-JAN-2012 22-MAR-2016 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R15W, Sec. 23, NE NE NE NW Osage Resources, LLC
(Ramshorn Resources, LLC)
Osage 23-05H 15-007-23818-0100
1852 GL
8061 Aetna Gas Area 12-JAN-2012   O&G
T33S R10W, Sec. 25, E2 SE SW SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.)
Circle Industries 3310 25-1H 15-007-23831-0100
1411 KB
1379 GL
6947 Cedar 14-JAN-2012 03-AUG-2013 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T33S R14W, Sec. 19, NE NW NW NE Osage Resources, LLC
(Ramshorn Resources, LLC)
Osage 19-04H 15-007-23839-0100
1808 KB
1795 GL
4841 Aetna Gas Area 13-MAR-2012   O&G
T35S R10W, Sec. 18, W2 SW SW SE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(Tapstone Energy, LLC)
Watkins & Farney 3510 18-1H 15-007-23844-0100
1326 KB
1302 GL
4850 Kiowa South 08-MAR-2012 01-SEP-2015 O&G-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 4, NE NE NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Schupbach 3510 4-1H 15-007-23853-0100
1332 KB
1309 GL
4822 Knorp Southwest 19-AUG-2012   O&G
Inactive Well
T35S R10W, Sec. 4, NE NE NE NW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Schupbach 3510 4-2H 15-007-23854-0100
1333 KB
1311 GL
60 Knorp Southwest 07-MAY-2012 14-NOV-2022 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 2, SE SW SE SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Chieftain Oil Co., Inc.)
Lori 2-2H 15-007-23859-0100
1301 GL
4734 Gudeman 09-APR-2012   OIL
T35S R11W, Sec. 5, SW NW NW Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
Ricke 4-H 15-007-23861-0100
1375 GL
4835 Stranathan 18-APR-2012   GAS
T35S R10W, Sec. 1, NW NW NE SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Kathleen 1-1H 15-007-23876-0100
1317 KB
1316 GL
4819 WILDCAT 03-MAY-2012 14-APR-2021 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 1, NE NE NW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
JoAnn 1-1H 15-007-23877-0100
1340 KB
1320 GL
5317 WILDCAT 17-MAY-2012 22-JAN-2020 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 13, SE SW SW SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Zoey 1-13H 15-007-23892-0100
1328 KB
1308 GL
4795 Gudeman Southeast 04-JUN-2012 13-MAY-2016 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T34S R11W, Sec. 23, NW NE NE NW Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
Miller Gas Unit 'D' 2-H 15-007-23894-0100
1396 KB
1379 GL
4615 Mayberry North 06-JUN-2012   O&G
T34S R13W, Sec. 10, NE NW NE NE Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Burk Royalty Co, Ltd)
Donovan 1-10H 15-007-23910-0100
1641 GL
9301 Aetna Gas Area 02-NOV-2012   O&G
T35S R10W, Sec. 10, NE NW NE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Jennie 3510 2-10H 15-007-23919-0100
1299 KB
1299 GL
4755 Gudeman 27-JUL-2012 07-APR-2021 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 11, NW NE NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Chieftain Oil Co., Inc.)
William 3510 4-11H 15-007-23920-0100
1323 KB
1303 GL
9248 Gudeman 29-AUG-2012   GAS
T34S R10W, Sec. 34, E2 NW NE NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Knorp Farms 3410 34-1H 15-007-23923-0100
1362 KB
1335 GL
9166 WILDCAT 02-DEC-2012   O&G
Inactive Well
T34S R10W, Sec. 34, W2 NW NE NE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Knorp Farms 3410 34-2H 15-007-23924-0100
1364 KB
1334 GL
4733 WILDCAT 02-DEC-2012 07-OCT-2022 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 16, SW SW SW SE Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Schupbach 3510 16-1H 15-007-23927-0100
1353 KB
1329 GL
9956 Gudeman Southwest 12-OCT-2012   OIL
Inactive Well
T34S R11W, Sec. 14, SW SE SE SW Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
Miller-Diel 1-H 15-007-23928-0100
1396 KB
1379 GL
9118 Mayberry North 03-AUG-2012   O&G
T35S R10W, Sec. 3, NW SE SE SW Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.
(BCE-Mach LLC)
Schupbach Ranch 3510 3-1H 15-007-23929-0100
1283 GL
9052 Gudeman 19-SEP-2012   OIL
Inactive Well
T33S R15W, Sec. 25, SW NE NE SE OSAGE Resources, LLC
(Ramshorn Resources, LLC)
Osage HC1 15-007-23931-0100
1849 KB
1830 GL
5216 Aetna Gas Area 07-SEP-2012   O&G
T33S R15W, Sec. 25, SW NE NE SE Ramshorn Resources, LLC
(Ramshorn Resources, LLC)
OSAGE HC1 15-007-23931-0101
1849 KB
1830 GL
5058   03-OCT-2018   GAS
T34S R11W, Sec. 11, NW NE NW NW Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
Spicer 1-H 15-007-23934-0100
1412 KB
1399 GL
4606 SCHUPBACH 23-AUG-2012   O&G
T34S R13W, Sec. 11, NW NE NW NW Tug Hill Operating, LLC
(Urban Oil and Gas Group LLC)
Donovan 1-11H 15-007-23935-0100
1656 GL
6852 BOGGS SOUTHWEST 19-NOV-2012 20-APR-2023 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T35S R10W, Sec. 1, NE NW NW SW SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(Chieftain Oil Co., Inc.)
Hammer SWD 3510 1-1 15-007-23936-0100
1339 KB
1319 GL
6673 WILDCAT 18-AUG-2012   SWD
Authorized Injection Well
T34S R10W, Sec. 6, NE NE NE NW Woolsey Operating Co., LLC
Jahay 6-H 15-007-23946-0100
1472 KB
1455 GL
8930 Kochia 01-OCT-2012   O&G
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