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Oil and Gas Index Page

1759 records returned--50 displayed at a time.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
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T16S R31W, Sec. 2, NW NW SW SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Win 2C-3D 1 15-171-21008
2872 KB
2867 GL
4675 WILDCAT 04-DEC-2013 17-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 2, NE SE NW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
York 1-2 15-171-20967
2876 KB
2866 GL
4630 WILDCAT 12-AUG-2013   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 2, NE SE SE NW Larson Operating Co.
(Larson Operating Company)
York 1-2 15-171-20749
2845 KB
2840 GL
4616 WILDCAT 28-FEB-2010 11-MAR-2010 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 2, NE SW NE NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
York 2-2 15-171-21037
2780 KB
2770 GL
4560 WILDCAT 11-MAR-2014 22-MAR-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
YORK 3-2 15-171-21305
2863 est.
T16S R31W, Sec. 2, SW NE SE SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
YORK 3-2 15-171-21305
2868 KB
2858 GL
4610   28-NOV-2022 06-DEC-2022 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 2, NE SW SE Landmark Oil Exploration, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
York 'A' 1-2 15-171-20376
2872 KB
2867 GL
4650 WILDCAT 23-SEP-1988 02-OCT-1988 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 5, SW SE NW NE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Hell Creek 5A 1 15-171-20952
2805 KB
2800 GL
4622 WILDCAT 28-MAY-2013 08-JUN-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 10, NE NW H. A. Chapman Investments
Harper 1 15-171-20140
2895 KB
4640 WILDCAT 18-DEC-1976 04-JAN-1977 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 12, SE SE NE NW Larson Operating Co.
(Larson Operating Company)
York 1-12 15-171-20816
2824 KB
2817 GL
4560 WILDCAT 30-JUN-2011 12-JUL-2011 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 12, NW SE NE NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
York 1-12 15-171-21032
2848 KB
2838 GL
4630 WILDCAT 28-FEB-2014 10-MAR-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 12, SW NW NE Slawson Exploration Co., Inc.
(Slawson Exploration Company, Inc.)
York 'BZ' 1 15-171-20379
2843 KB
2838 GL
4583 WILDCAT 22-FEB-1989 02-MAR-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 13, S2 S2 N2 NE Larson Operating Co.
(Larson Operating Company)
York 1-13 15-171-20823
2850 KB
2843 GL
4600 WILDCAT 26-JUL-2011 08-AUG-2011 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 15, NW NE Abercrombie Drilling, Inc. and Beren Corp.
Swilley 'A' 1 15-171-20077
2916 KB
2911 GL
2914 DF
4744 WILDCAT 06-MAR-1975 16-MAR-1975 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 17, W2 NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
SCHEUERMAN 17D 1 15-171-21248
2951 KB
2943 GL
4700 WILDCAT 24-APR-2019 05-MAY-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 18, SE NE SW NE CMX, Inc.
(CMX, Inc.)
BLACK KETTLE 1-18 15-171-21228
2939 KB
2931 GL
4675 WILDCAT 12-JUL-2018 24-JUL-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 18, SE NW NW NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Carpenter 18B 1 15-171-21007
2941 KB
2936 GL
4750 WILDCAT 29-NOV-2013 08-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 18, NW NE SE NE Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
(Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.)
Russell 1-18 15-171-20991
2936 KB
2929 GL
4700 WILDCAT 30-NOV-2013 11-DEC-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 19, NE SE NW Berexco, Inc.
(Manuel Corporation)
Alice 1 15-171-20247
2958 KB
2953 GL
4140 WILDCAT 22-MAR-1983 28-MAR-1983 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 19, SW SE NE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Huseman 19D 1 15-171-21029
2952 KB
2947 GL
4750 Michigan North 24-FEB-2014 05-MAR-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 19, SW NE NW NE Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
(Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.)
Rodenberg 1-19 15-171-20992
2957 KB
2950 GL
4702 Michigan North 18-NOV-2013 29-NOV-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 20, NW SE NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Hell Creek 20D 1 15-171-20987
2938 KB
2933 GL
4735 WILDCAT 01-OCT-2013   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 20, E2 NE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Huseman 20A 1 15-171-21100
2937 KB
2932 GL
4723 Michigan North 14-OCT-2014   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 20, SE NE NW NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Huseman 20B 1 15-171-20968
2946 KB
2938 GL
4770 WILDCAT 10-AUG-2013 18-AUG-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 20, NW NW NE SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Huseman 20BC Unit 1 15-171-21033
2950 KB
2945 GL
4770 Michigan North 22-FEB-2014 03-MAR-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 20, SE NW NW SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Huseman 20C 1 15-171-20949
2952 KB
2947 GL
4750 Michigan North 13-MAY-2013   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 21, NE SW NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
LARSON 21B 1 15-171-21332
2941 KB
2928 GL
4708 UNNAMED 07-OCT-2024 16-OCT-2024 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
LARSON 21B 1 15-171-21332
2928 est.
T16S R31W, Sec. 21, N2 NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
2938 KB
2933 GL
4695 UNNAMED 26-NOV-2021 05-DEC-2021 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 24, NW SW NW Sandlin Oil Corp.
(Sandlin Oil Corporation)
Stewart Ranch 1 15-171-20268
2861 KB
2856 GL
4635 WILDCAT 11-JAN-1984 19-JAN-1984 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 26, NW NW NW Continental Oil Co.
Thon 1 15-171-00057
2914 KB
2908 GL
2911 DF
4832 WILDCAT 15-MAY-1953 09-JUN-1953 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 26, NE NW SW Mull Drilling Co., Inc.
Thon 'A' 1 15-171-20216
2870 KB
2861 GL
4675 WILDCAT 18-OCT-1981 29-OCT-1981 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 28, NW SE NW Chief Drilling Co., Inc.
(Chief Drilling, Inc.)
Socolofsky 1 15-171-20295
2934 KB
2927 GL
2931 DF
4670 WILDCAT 29-MAY-1985 08-JUN-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 29, NW SW SE Beren Corp.
Edith 1 15-171-20199
2946 KB
2941 GL
2944 DF
4670 MICHIGAN 12-JAN-1981 24-JAN-1981 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 29, NW SE NW White and Ellis Drilling, Inc.
(White & Ellis Drilling, Inc.)
Grothusen 1 15-171-20237
2948 KB
2943 GL
4662 MICHIGAN 18-SEP-1982 27-SEP-1982 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 30, S2 NW NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
EATON ENTERPRISES 1 15-171-21226
2967 KB
2956 GL
4730   30-JUN-2018   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 30, S2 NW NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
EATON ENTERPRISES 1 15-171-21226-0001
2967 KB
2956 GL
4730   27-JUL-2021   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 30, NE NW NE Chief Drilling Co., Inc.
(Chief Drilling, Inc.)
Grothusen 1 15-171-20297
2957 KB
2950 GL
2954 DF
4750 WILDCAT 14-JUN-1985 24-JUN-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 30, NW NW NW NE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
GROTHUSEN SWD 1 15-171-21229
2962 KB
2951 GL
2362 MICHIGAN 17-JUL-2018   SWD
Authorized Injection Well
T16S R31W, Sec. 30, NE NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
GROTHUSEN UNIT 1 15-171-21218-0001
2961 KB
2953 GL
T16S R31W, Sec. 30, NE NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
GROTHUSEN UNIT 1 15-171-21218
2961 KB
2953 GL
4750 WILDCAT 08-SEP-2021   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 32, SE NW SE NW Credo Petroleum Corp.
(Forestar Petroleum Corporation)
Grothusen 1-32 15-171-20776
2943 KB
2938 GL
4700 MICHIGAN 26-AUG-2010 05-SEP-2010 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 32, N2 NW SW NE Petro-Dynamics Corp.
(Petro-Dynamics Corporation)
Harper 1 15-171-20235
2942 KB
2937 GL
2940 DF
4670 MICHIGAN 16-AUG-1982 28-AUG-1982 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 32, NW SW NE Viking Resources, Inc.
(Viking Resources, Inc)
HARPER 1 15-171-20350-0001
2938 est.
4207 MICHIGAN   04-MAR-1998 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 32, NW NW NE Mallonee-Mahoney, Inc.
Harper 1 15-171-20065
2944 KB
2939 GL
2942 DF
4662 MICHIGAN 31-MAY-1974 27-MAY-1988 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 32, NW SW NE Viking Resources, Inc.
(Viking Resources, Inc)
Harper 1 15-171-20235-0001
2942 KB
2937 GL
4157 MICHIGAN 02-JUL-1997 04-MAR-1998 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 32, NW SW NE Viking Resources, Inc.
(Viking Resources, Inc)
Harper 2 15-171-20526
2942 KB
2937 GL
4050 MICHIGAN 02-FEB-1998   OIL
T16S R31W, Sec. 33, SW SW NE NW Credo Petroleum Corp.
(Forestar Petroleum Corporation)
See 1-33 15-171-20892
2923 KB
2918 GL
4706 WILDCAT 20-JUL-2012 29-JUL-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 34, NE NE SE Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
(Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.)
Sowers 1-34 15-171-20566
2843 KB
2838 GL
4386 WILDCAT 14-JAN-2002 21-JAN-2002 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R31W, Sec. 34, NE NW SE Wabash Energy Corp.
(Wabash Energy Corporation)
Sowers, Byron 1 15-171-20642
2921 KB
2913 GL
4660 WILDCAT 24-AUG-2006 31-AUG-2006 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
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