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Oil and Gas Index Page

1731 records returned--50 displayed at a time.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
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T17S R33W, Sec. 26, SW SW NE SW Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
(Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.)
Randall 1-26 15-171-20943
3013 KB
3006 GL
4880 WILDCAT 20-MAY-2013 01-JUN-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
RUDOLPH 1 15-171-20160
3028 KB
3020 GL
4877 WILDCAT 08-SEP-1978 21-DEC-1978 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R33W, Sec. 30, SE SW NW SE Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
(Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.)
JANSSEN 1-30 15-171-21215
3093 KB
3080 GL
4930 WILDCAT 12-JAN-2018 20-JAN-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R33W, Sec. 30, NW NE NE NW Red Oak Energy, Inc.
(HG Oil Holdings, LLC)
ST-SI Unit 1-30 15-171-21168
3088 KB
3083 GL
4929 WILDCAT 29-JUN-2016   OIL
T17S R33W, Sec. 31, SE SW NW NW Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.
(Stelbar Oil Corporation, Inc.)
Hess 1-31 15-171-20944
3088 KB
3081 GL
4930 WILDCAT 04-JUN-2013 12-JUN-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R33W, Sec. 32, SW NW NE NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
B4US 1-32 15-171-21051
3066 KB
3056 GL
4845 WILDCAT 28-APR-2014 25-SEP-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R33W, Sec. 35, NW Anadarko Production Co.
FRICK 'A' 1 15-171-20262
3005 KB
2999 GL
4950 SCOTT CITY 05-NOV-1983 15-NOV-1983 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, NW NW SE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
BEESON 5-1 15-171-21190
3103 KB
3098 GL
4830 Capstone East 09-DEC-2016   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, NE NE SE NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Beeson Trust 1-1 15-171-20985
3106 KB
3101 GL
4830 WILDCAT 01-OCT-2013   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, NW SE SW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Beeson Trust 2-1 15-171-21002
3110 KB
3099 GL
4830 WILDCAT 11-NOV-2013   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SW NW NW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Beeson Trust 3-1 15-171-21020
3113 KB
3102 GL
4870 WILDCAT 23-JAN-2014   OIL
Converted to EOR Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SW NW NW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
BEESON TRUST 3-1 15-171-21020-0001
3113 KB
3102 GL
4775 Capstone East 06-OCT-2020   EOR
Authorized Injection Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SE NW NE NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
BEESON TRUST 4-1 15-171-21038-0001
3115 KB
3104 GL
4870 Capstone East     EOR
Authorized Injection Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SE NW NE NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Beeson Trust 4-1 15-171-21038
3115 KB
3104 GL
4870 WILDCAT 17-MAR-2014   OIL
Converted to EOR Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SW SW SW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Beeson Unit 'A' 1-1 15-171-21052
3111 KB
3100 GL
4850 WILDCAT 19-APR-2014   OIL
Converted to Producing Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SW SW SW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
BEESON UNIT A 1- 1 15-171-21052-0001
3111 KB
3100 GL
4850   12-DEC-2016   OTHER
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SW SE SW SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Janzen 1-1 15-171-21011
3110 KB
3099 GL
4897 Capstone East 14-DEC-2013 23-DEC-2013 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SW NE SE SW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Janzen 2-1 15-171-21123
3112 KB
3102 GL
4840 Capstone East 13-JAN-2015 23-AUG-2023 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SE SE NE SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Janzen Unit 1-1 15-171-21069
3102 KB
3091 GL
4820 WILDCAT 21-MAY-2014   OIL
Inactive Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SE SW SE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
JANZEN-BEESON UNIT 1-1 15-171-21044-0001
3109 KB
3098 GL
4845 Capstone East 24-AUG-2020   EOR
Authorized Injection Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 1, SE SW SE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Janzen-Beeson Unit 1-1 15-171-21044
3109 KB
3098 GL
4845 WILDCAT 29-MAR-2014   OIL
Converted to EOR Well
T17S R34W, Sec. 2, SE NW SE NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Beeson 1-2 15-171-20885
3125 KB
3115 GL
4900 Capstone 19-JUL-2012   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 2, NW SW SE SW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Dirks 1-2 15-171-21057
3112 KB
3107 GL
4879 Capstone 03-MAY-2014   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 3, SW NE NE SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 1-3 15-171-20911
3128 KB
3117 GL
4860 Capstone West 10-OCT-2012 18-OCT-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 3, SE NW SW SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 2-3 15-171-21003
3119 KB
3108 GL
4860 WILDCAT 13-NOV-2013   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 3, NW SE NE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 3-3 15-171-21083
3130 KB
3119 GL
4890 Capstone West 02-AUG-2014   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 3, NW NE NW SW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Rose 1-3 15-171-20984
3130 KB
3125 GL
4880 Capstone West 19-SEP-2013 12-OCT-2023 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 3, NW NE NE NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Rose 2-3 15-171-20995
3137 KB
3126 GL
4890 WILDCAT 30-OCT-2013   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 3, E2 SW SW NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Rose 3-3 15-171-21010
3139 KB
3128 GL
4935 WILDCAT 17-DEC-2013   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 4, SW NE SE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Rose 1-4 15-171-21116
3141 KB
3131 GL
4905 Capstone West 09-DEC-2014 19-DEC-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 5, SE SE NW SW Eagle Creek Corporation
(Eagle Creek Corporation)
BRANTNER 1-5 15-171-21238
3153 KB
3148 GL
4930 WILDCAT 30-OCT-2018 09-NOV-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 6, NW NE SW SE Eagle Creek Corp.
(Eagle Creek Corporation)
DECKER 1-6 15-171-21217
3164 KB
3159 GL
4970 WILDCAT 02-MAR-2018   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 7, SW NW NW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
BAKER COMM 1-7 15-171-21326
3173 KB
3163 GL
4932   04-SEP-2024 21-SEP-2024 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 7, NW SE SE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
BRUCE 1-7 15-171-21327
3166 KB
3156 GL
4950   23-AUG-2024   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 7, SE NW NW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
WALKER 1-7 15-171-21334
3174 KB
3161 GL
4980 UNNAMED 22-OCT-2024 31-OCT-2024 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 7, NE SW SW SW Red Oak Energy, Inc.
(Red Oak Energy, Inc.)
Wilkens 1-7 15-171-21135
3163 KB
3158 GL
4936 WILDCAT 04-JUN-2015 13-JUN-2015 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 8, NW SE NW SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 1-8 15-171-20954
3156 KB
3145 GL
4940 WILDCAT 18-JUN-2013 27-JUN-2013 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 9, NE SW SE SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 1-9 15-171-20936
3134 KB
3127 GL
4970 Capstone Southwest 22-MAR-2013 09-JUL-2020 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 9, NE SE NE SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 2-9 15-171-20958
3135 KB
3124 GL
4930 WILDCAT 29-JUN-2013   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 9, NW SE NW SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 3-9 15-171-20990
3134 KB
3129 GL
4925 WILDCAT 14-OCT-2013 16-FEB-2024 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 9, NW SW NW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 4-9 15-171-21118
3143 KB
3133 GL
4950   23-DEC-2014   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 9, NW SE SE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Decker 5-9 15-171-21131
3137 KB
3127 GL
4950 Capstone Southwest 30-APR-2015 08-MAY-2015 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 10, SE NW SW SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
DECKER 10 15-171-21290
3116 KB
3108 GL
4925   08-JUL-2022   OIL
T17S R34W, Sec. 11, SE NW NE NW Red Oak Energy, Inc.
(Red Oak Energy, Inc.)
Elissa Ann 1-11 15-171-21104
3110 KB
3094 GL
4951 Capstone South 20-OCT-2014 26-OCT-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 11, SW SW NW NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Janzen-Baker Unit 1-11 15-171-21090
3121 KB
3110 GL
4930 Capstone South 27-AUG-2014 05-SEP-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 11, SW NE NE SW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Sands 1-11 15-171-20948
3103 KB
3092 GL
4900 Capstone South 01-MAY-2013 17-APR-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 11, SW SE NW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Sleeping Indian 1-11 15-171-21079
3116 KB
3105 GL
4880 Capstone South 17-JUL-2014 27-JUL-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 12, NE SW NE SE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Sleeping Indian 1-12 15-171-21014
3104 KB
3093 GL
4906 WILDCAT 01-JAN-2014 10-JAN-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 13, SW SE NE NE Nor-West Kansas Oil, L.L.C.
(Nor-West Kansas Oil, L.L.C.)
Sleeping Indian 1 15-171-20914
3076 KB
3071 GL
4797 WILDCAT 10-NOV-2012 18-NOV-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R34W, Sec. 14, E2 NW NW NE Nor-West Kansas Oil, L.L.C.
(Red Oak Energy, Inc.)
Schneider 1 15-171-20963
3104 KB
3099 GL
4852 WILDCAT 07-JUL-2013 24-APR-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
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