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Oil and Gas Index Page

1731 records returned--50 displayed at a time.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
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T16S R33W, Sec. 35, SE SE SE NW Grand Mesa Operating Company
(Grand Mesa Operating Company)
BFF 1-35 15-171-21013
2979 KB
2970 GL
4800 WILDCAT 07-JAN-2014 15-JAN-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 1, SW SE SW NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
MARTIN 1-1 15-171-21306
3108 KB
3098 GL
4620 UNNAMED 08-DEC-2022 19-DEC-2022 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 1, NE NE NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Martin Trust Unit 1 15-171-21025
3100 KB
3095 GL
4920 WILDCAT 10-FEB-2014 22-FEB-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 2, SE SW SW NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Allen-Radnor 1 15-171-21021
3109 KB
3104 GL
4955 WILDCAT 25-JAN-2014 08-FEB-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 2, SE NW SW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
JOSEPH 1-2 15-171-21309
3118 KB
3109 GL
4805   02-JUN-2023 11-JUN-2023 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 3, NE SE SE NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
SCOTT COMMUNITY 1-3 15-171-21206
3094 KB
3083 GL
4930 WILDCAT 16-JUN-2017   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 4, NW SE SE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
McDaniel 1-4 15-171-21093
3145 KB
3135 GL
4802 WILDCAT 02-OCT-2014 14-OCT-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 5, S2 NW NW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Tucker 1-5 15-171-20976
3112 KB
3102 GL
4865 WILDCAT 05-OCT-2013 21-OCT-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 6, NE NW NW SE Russell Oil, Inc.
(Russell Oil, Inc.)
Carson-Edwards Unit 1 15-171-20994
3150 KB
3143 GL
4870 American Beauty 02-NOV-2013 13-NOV-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 6, SE NW SW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
EDWARDS 1-6 15-171-21272
3146 KB
3137 GL
4881   28-JUN-2021   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 6, NE NE NW SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
EDWARDS COMM. 1-6 15-171-21291
3127 KB
3117 GL
4825   27-JUL-2022 04-AUG-2022 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 6, NW Russell Oil, Inc.
(Russell Oil, Inc.)
Edwards FG Unit 1 15-171-21031
3096 KB
3082 GL
4790 WILDCAT 11-MAR-2014 11-SEP-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 6, N2 SW NW NW Russell Oil, Inc.
(Russell Oil, Inc.)
Edwards Trust 'F' 1-6 15-171-20965
3131 KB
3117 GL
4830 WILDCAT 04-AUG-2013 31-AUG-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 6, SW NE Russell Oil, Inc.
(Russell Oil, Inc.)
Edwards Trust G 6-1 15-171-21089
3084 KB
3073 GL
4790 American Beauty 20-NOV-2014 21-MAR-2017 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
3156 GL
3156 DF
5210 UNKNOWN 09-JUL-1959 08-AUG-1959 OTHER-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 8, SW NE NE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
TUCKER 1-8 15-171-21216
3143 KB
3138 GL
4850   18-JAN-2018 27-JAN-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 9, SE NW SW NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
KFY 1-9 15-171-20912
3142 KB
3132 GL
4839 WILDCAT 17-OCT-2012 29-OCT-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 9, NW SE SE SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Tucker 1-9 15-171-20947
3140 KB
3130 GL
4864 WILDCAT 04-MAY-2013   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 9, SE NW NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Tucker 2-9 15-171-20973
3149 KB
3139 GL
4865 WILDCAT 10-SEP-2013 21-SEP-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 10, NE SW SW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Koehn 1-10 15-171-21049
3132 KB
3122 GL
4860 WILDCAT 26-AUG-2014   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 10, W2 SE SE NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Rose 1-10 15-171-20835
3128 KB
3118 GL
4845 WILDCAT 09-SEP-2011 22-SEP-2011 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 11, NW SW NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Carson 1-11 15-171-20882
3127 KB
3117 GL
4876 WILDCAT 26-APR-2012 15-MAY-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 11, NE NE SW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Carson 1-25 15-171-20880
3104 GL
Cancelled API Number
T16S R34W, Sec. 11, SE SE Hefner Co.
Koehn 1 15-171-00066
3119 KB
3114 GL
4978 WILDCAT 08-NOV-1964 26-NOV-1964 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 11, SE Westmore Drilling Co., Inc.
Koehn 1 15-171-30062
3119 GL
2900 WILDCAT 10-AUG-1966 14-AUG-1966 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 13, SE SW SW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Unruh 1-13 15-171-20950
3113 KB
3106 GL
4850   20-JUN-2013 30-JUN-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 14, SE SW NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Radnor 1-14 15-171-20770
3115 GL
4950 WILDCAT 12-AUG-2010   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 14, NE SW NW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Radnor 2-14 15-171-21056
3129 KB
3117 GL
4870 Radnor 13-MAY-2014   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 14, SE NE NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Radnor-COG 1-14 15-171-21088
3126 KB
3114 GL
4860 Radnor 23-SEP-2014   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 15, NW NE SE NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Janzen 1-15 15-171-20861
3132 KB
3122 GL
4876 WILDCAT 11-APR-2012 25-APR-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 15, NW NE SW NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Nichols 1-15 15-171-20827
3130 KB
3120 GL
4900 Radnor 24-AUG-2011   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 15, SW NE NW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Nichols 2-15 15-171-21110
3134 KB
3122 GL
4865 Radnor 19-NOV-2014   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 15, SW SE NE SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
NICHOLS 3-15 15-171-21246
3130 KB
3120 GL
4860   24-APR-2019 02-MAY-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 16, S2 S2 S2 NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Bahm 1-16 15-171-21016
3143 KB
3133 GL
4880 WILDCAT 27-JAN-2014 10-FEB-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 16, NW SE NW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Janzen 1-16 15-171-20790
3149 KB
3139 GL
4880 WILDCAT 09-DEC-2010   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 16, NW SE NW NW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Janzen 1-16 15-171-20790-0001
3149 KB
3139 GL
4880 Janzen 04-APR-2011 30-JUL-2019 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 16, SW SE SE Ladd Petroleum Corp.
(Ladd Petroleum Corporation)
Koehn 1-16 15-171-20271
3144 KB
3135 GL
5095 WILDCAT 28-MAR-1984 12-APR-1984 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 16, SE NW NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
NIGHTENGALE FARMS 1-16 15-171-21296
3150 KB
3139 GL
4870   25-OCT-2022 03-NOV-2022 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 16, SW SW NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
NIGHTENGALE FARMS 2-16 15-171-21328
3150 KB
3140 GL
4851   25-SEP-2024 08-OCT-2024 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 19, NE NW SW SE Arcadian Resources, LLC
(Arcadian Resources, LLC)
UNRUH 1 15-171-21322
3170 KB
3163 GL
4869 UNNAMED 21-JUN-2024 29-JUN-2024 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 20, NW SE NE NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
ALDAG 1-20 15-171-21254
3153 KB
3144 GL
4900 WILDCAT 05-JUL-2019 14-JUL-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 20, NW SE NE NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Aldag 1-20 15-171-21163
3144 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T16S R34W, Sec. 21, SE NW SW SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Bahm 1-21 15-171-21061
3147 KB
3135 GL
4900 Pence West 26-JUN-2014   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 21, SE NW NW NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Bahm 2-21 15-171-21101
3145 KB
3135 GL
4890 WILDCAT 22-OCT-2014   OIL
T16S R34W, Sec. 21, SW SE NE SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Edwards 1-21 15-171-21174
3140 KB
3132 GL
4915 Pence West 26-JUL-2016 06-AUG-2016 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 21, SE SE SW Texaco, Inc.
Ervin Nightengale 1 15-171-20214
3144 KB
3137 GL
5252 WILDCAT 02-SEP-1981 27-JAN-1982 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 22, NE NW NE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Stoll 1-22 15-171-21087
3140 KB
3128 GL
4916 Pence West 08-SEP-2014 19-SEP-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 23, SE SW NE SE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Koehn 1-23 15-171-20777
3122 KB
3112 GL
4900 WILDCAT 29-SEP-2010 12-OCT-2010 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 24, NW SW SE SW Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
Koehn 1-24 15-171-21172
3109 KB
3101 GL
4900 WILDCAT 13-JUL-2016 25-JUL-2016 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T16S R34W, Sec. 25, NW SW D. R. Lauck Oil Co., Inc.
Carson 1 15-171-30057
3107 KB
3102 GL
4820 WILDCAT 24-NOV-1965 08-DEC-1965 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
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