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Oil and Gas Index Page

462 records returned--50 displayed at a time.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
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Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
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T17S R35W, Sec. 12, SW NE SE NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
MAZANEC 1-12 15-203-20362
3174 KB
3164 GL
4970   23-OCT-2019 02-NOV-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 12, SE NW NW NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
MAZANEC 2-12 15-203-20389
3174 KB
3164 GL
4900 Beaver Cliff North 12-APR-2024   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 12, SE NE NE NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
MAZANEC COMMUNITY 1-12 15-203-20359-0002
3174 KB
3164 GL
4950   25-OCT-2024   SWD
Pending Injection Application
T17S R35W, Sec. 12, SE NE NE NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
MAZANEC COMMUNITY 1-12 15-203-20359
3174 KB
3164 GL
4950   28-JUN-2019   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 12, SE NE NE NE Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.
(Shakespeare Oil Co., Inc.)
MAZANEC COMMUNITY 1-12 15-203-20359-0001
3174 KB
3164 GL
4950   02-MAY-2024   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 12, NW SW NE SW Eagle Creek Corp.
(Eagle Creek Corporation)
Simons Farms 1-12 15-203-20236
3176 KB
3168 GL
4980 WILDCAT 15-OCT-2013   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 13, SW NE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Baker 'CD' 13-1 15-203-20187
3143 KB
3135 GL
4999 Beaver Cliff 17-SEP-2012   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 13, NE SW NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Baker 'CD' 13-2 15-203-20242
3149 KB
3144 GL
5035 Beaver Cliff 04-NOV-2013   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 13, NE NW NW NE Eagle Creek Corporation
(Eagle Creek Corporation)
BAKER UNIT 1-13 15-203-20375
3147 KB
3142 GL
4690   01-OCT-2022 10-OCT-2022 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 14, S2 SW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Simons 'CD' 14-1 15-203-20177
3177 KB
3168 GL
5000 Beaver Cliff West 23-APR-2012   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 14, S2 SW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
SIMONS 14CD 1 15-203-20177-0002
3177 KB
3167 GL
5000   01-JUL-2024   SWD
Authorized Injection Well
T17S R35W, Sec. 14, S2 SW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Simons 14CD 1 15-203-20177-0001
3177 KB
3168 GL
5000 Beaver Cliff West 10-DEC-2012   OIL
Converted to SWD Well
T17S R35W, Sec. 15, N2 S2 S2 SE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Simons Trust 1735 1-15 15-203-20247
3192 KB
3176 GL
5150 UNNAMED 09-DEC-2013 05-JAN-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 19, SW NE NE NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Mazanec 1735 1-19 15-203-20245
3231 KB
3222 GL
5100 UNNAMED 19-NOV-2013 19-DEC-2013 OTHER-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 24, W2 SW NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
BAKER 24B 1 15-203-20332
3188 KB
3176 GL
5000   04-APR-2018 18-APR-2018 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 24, E2 NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
J. Kollman 1 15-203-20189
3172 KB
3164 GL
5060 Beaver Cliff Southwest 05-OCT-2012   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 24, W2 NE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Kollman 24D 1 15-203-20210-0001
3164 KB
3159 GL
5035 Beaver Cliff Southwest 10-APR-2014   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 24, W2 NE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Kollman 24D 1 15-203-20210
3164 KB
3159 GL
5035 Beaver Cliff Southwest 18-MAR-2013   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 24, NE NW SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Noonan 1 15-203-20176
3176 GL
5019 WILDCAT 30-MAR-2012 13-APR-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 24, SW NW NE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Simons 'A' 1-24 15-203-20170
3177 KB
3166 GL
5000 Beaver Cliff Southwest 12-MAR-2012   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 25, NW SE SW SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
North Six 25C 1 15-203-20229
3180 KB
3175 GL
5070 WILDCAT 11-AUG-2013 23-AUG-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 25, NW NW NE SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
North-Bretz 1 15-203-20145
3182 KB
3173 GL
5001 WILDCAT 13-AUG-2009 23-AUG-2009 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 25, NW NW NE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Smith 25A 1 15-203-20174
3166 KB
3156 GL
4985 WILDCAT 09-APR-2012 20-APR-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 28, NW NE SE NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Bodecker 28B 1 15-203-20261
3214 KB
3209 GL
5050 WILDCAT 01-MAY-2014 12-MAY-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 29, SE NW SE SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
J. Biermann 1 15-203-20264
3219 KB
3214 GL
4965 WILDCAT 13-MAY-2014 24-MAY-2014 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 33, SE SW SE NE Lario Oil and Gas Co.
(Lario Oil & Gas Company)
Zellner 1-33 15-203-20228
3210 KB
3201 GL
5110 WILDCAT 16-AUG-2013 25-APR-2019 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 33, NE SW NE Lario Oil and Gas Co.
(Lario Oil & Gas Company)
Zellner 2-33 15-203-20266
3207 KB
3198 GL
5100 Zellner 11-JUN-2014 15-APR-2019 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R35W, Sec. 36, NW SE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Earl Smith 1 15-203-20173
3176 KB
3165 GL
5035 Beaver Lodge Southwest 19-MAR-2012   OIL
T17S R35W, Sec. 36, NE SW SW SW Lario Oil & Gas Company
(Lario Oil & Gas Company)
Smith Trusts 1-36 15-203-20227
3185 KB
3174 GL
5165 UNNAMED 02-AUG-2013 12-AUG-2013 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 5, SW SE SE Hinkle Oil Co.
(Hinkle Oil Company)
Whitham 1 15-203-20078
3297 KB
3292 GL
3294 DF
4841 WILDCAT 20-APR-1984 27-APR-1984 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 7, SW NE SW Hinkle Oil Co.
(Hinkle Oil Company)
Kalbach 1 15-203-20079
3319 KB
3314 GL
3317 DF
5040 WILDCAT 28-MAR-1984 07-APR-1984 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 7, SE NE SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
WILBUR UNIT 1 15-203-20333
3323 KB
3311 GL
4940 WILDCAT 19-APR-2018   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 8, SW NE Thunderbird Drilling, Inc.
Whitham 1 15-203-20044
3301 KB
3296 GL
4990 WILDCAT 09-SEP-1979 22-SEP-1979 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 9, NW NW SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
WELLS-WHITHAM 1 15-203-20358
3295 KB
3287 GL
4930 WILDCAT 28-MAY-2019 10-JUN-2019 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 12, SE NW NW NE SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
(SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC)
Simons 1736 1-12 15-203-20246
3235 KB
3226 GL
5050 UNNAMED 14-NOV-2013 27-NOV-2013 OTHER-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 14, SE SE SW NW Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
(Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.)
Simons Farms-Hunt Unit 1-14 15-203-20232
3247 KB
3236 GL
4950 WILDCAT 11-SEP-2013 23-SEP-2013 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 15, SE SE GALAXY OIL
SMADES 1 15-203-20019
3261 KB
3256 GL
3050 WILDCAT 17-MAR-1973 19-MAR-1973 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 17, SW NE NW SW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
DOUBLE BAR X 1-17 15-203-20353
3289 KB
3278 GL
4880 Wilbur Southeast 06-FEB-2019   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 18, NW NW NE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
SCHRECK-WILBUR UNIT 1 15-203-20382
3293 KB
3285 GL
4900 Wilbur Southeast 11-APR-2023   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 19, SE SW SE SW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Gerstberger 1-19 15-203-20258
3291 KB
3281 GL
5050 WILDCAT 19-APR-2014 30-APR-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 20, N2 SE SW NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
GERSTBERGER 2-20 15-203-20368
3238 KB
3230 GL
4800 WILDCAT 28-APR-2021 08-MAY-2021 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 20, NE NE NE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
GERSTBERGER UNIT 1-20 15-203-20355
3231 KB
3220 GL
4795   20-MAR-2019   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 20, NE NE NE NE Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
GERSTBERGER UNIT 1-20 15-203-20355-0001
3231 KB
3220 GL
4795   20-AUG-2019   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 21, NE SW NW NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
LEE 1-21 15-203-20350-0002
3245 KB
3234 GL
4840   06-JAN-2020   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 21, NE SW NW NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
LEE 1-21 15-203-20350-0001
3245 KB
3234 GL
4840   08-MAR-2019   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 21, NE SW NW NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
LEE 1-21 15-203-20350
3245 KB
3234 GL
4840 WILDCAT 21-NOV-2018   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 27, SW SW NE NE Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
(Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.)
R & B 1-27 15-203-20302
3269 KB
3258 GL
4940 WILDCAT 17-JAN-2015 28-JAN-2015 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 29, NE NE Arvell C. Smith and Toto Gas Co.
Gerstberger 1 15-203-00022
3295 KB
3286 GL
3293 DF
5593 WILDCAT 21-AUG-1962 19-SEP-1962 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T17S R36W, Sec. 29, S2 N2 SE NE Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.
(Murfin Drilling Co., Inc.)
Gerstberger 1-29 15-203-20233
3298 KB
3287 GL
4915 Gerstberger East 24-SEP-2013   OIL
T17S R36W, Sec. 30, SW SW NE NW Landmark Resources, Inc.
(Landmark Resources, Inc.)
Gerstberger 1-30 15-203-20231
3303 KB
3292 GL
5000 WILDCAT 30-AUG-2013 06-MAR-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
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