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Oil and Gas Index Page

3134 records returned--50 displayed at a time.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
Status Help
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, C NE SW Marmik Oil Co.
Weiland, Fern 1 15-063-20112
3024 KB
3019 GL
3021 DF
4691 CAMPUS 28-FEB-1972 27-JUL-1974 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, SE SW SE Eric Waddell Co.
(Herman L. Loeb, LLC)
Wieland 1 15-063-21198
3022 KB
3018 GL
4719 CAMPUS EAST 09-MAY-1988 15-OCT-2015 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, NW SW Rains and Williamson Oil Co., Inc.
Wieland 1 15-063-20715
3032 KB
3024 GL
4725 CAMPUS 15-DEC-1983 31-DEC-1983 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, SW SW SE Eric F. Waddell
WIELAND 6 15-063-21245
3020 KB
3014 GL
4674 CAMPUS EAST 09-JAN-1989 21-DEC-2016 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, SE SE SE Rains and Williamson Oil Co., Inc.
Wieland 'A' 1 15-063-21017
3016 KB
3008 GL
4710 CAMPUS EAST 24-FEB-1986 31-MAR-1986 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, NW SW SE Eric F. Waddell
(Herman L. Loeb, LLC)
Wieland 'A' 2 15-063-21230
3037 KB
3022 GL
4750 CAMPUS EAST 24-SEP-1988 29-SEP-2016 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, SW SE SE Eric F. Waddell
(Herman L. Loeb, LLC)
Wieland 'A' 3 15-063-21233
3022 KB
3018 GL
4720 CAMPUS EAST 08-OCT-1988 03-OCT-2016 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, NW SE SE Eric F. Waddell
Wieland 'A' 4 15-063-21241
3023 KB
3017 GL
4667 CAMPUS EAST 26-DEC-1988 05-JAN-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, NE SW SE Benchmark Oil & Gas Corp.
(Herman L. Loeb, LLC)
Wieland 'A' 5 15-063-21268-0001
3021 KB
3018 GL
4750 CAMPUS EAST 01-JUN-2000 22-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, NE SW SE Eric F. Waddell
(Benchmark Oil & Gas Corporation)
Wieland 'A' 5 15-063-21268
3024 KB
3018 GL
4750 CAMPUS EAST 12-JUN-1989   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, SW NW SE Eric F. Waddell
(Herman L. Loeb, LLC)
Wieland 'B' 1 15-063-21205
3023 KB
3018 GL
4692 CAMPUS EAST 17-JUN-1988 22-OCT-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, SE NE SW Eric F. Waddell
Wieland 'C' 1 15-063-21252
3024 KB
3018 GL
4720 CAMPUS 25-FEB-1989 07-MAR-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, SW SW Pickrell Drilling Co., Inc.
(Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc.)
Wieland 'H' 1 15-063-20102
3013 KB
3008 GL
3010 DF
4670 CAMPUS 22-NOV-1971   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, C SE SW Pickrell Drilling Co., Inc.
(Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc.)
Wieland 'H' 2 15-063-20131
3018 est.
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T11S R31W, Sec. 8, S2 NE SE SW Pickrell Drilling Co., Inc.
(Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc.)
Wieland 'H' 2 15-063-21213
3017 KB
3012 GL
4720 CAMPUS 02-AUG-1988 21-NOV-2024 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 10, NE NE SW Thunderbird Drilling Co.
(Thunderbird Drilling, Inc.)
Geneva Brothers 1 15-063-20615
2983 KB
2978 GL
4705 WILDCAT 28-OCT-1982 07-NOV-1982 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 10, NE NW NW Abercrombie Drilling, Inc.
(Abercrombie Drilling, Inc.)
Johnson Trust 1 15-063-21451
3000 KB
2995 GL
4737 WILDCAT 15-MAY-1993 21-MAY-1993 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 10, SE SE SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Walz 1 15-063-21470
3003 KB
2998 GL
4685 KEARNS 04-DEC-1993 13-DEC-1993 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 10, SE SE SE Davis Petroleum, Inc.
(Davis Petroleum, Inc.)
Walz 1 15-063-21306
2992 KB
2987 GL
4630 KEARNS 27-DEC-1989 20-NOV-2008 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 11, S2 SW SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Werth Exploration Trust)
J. M. Bloom 1 15-063-21313-0001
2988 KB
2983 GL
4650 KEARNS 08-JAN-1998 23-JUL-2002 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 11, S2 SW SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
J. M. Bloom 1 15-063-21313
2988 KB
2983 GL
4650 KEARNS 20-FEB-1990 23-JUL-2002 OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 11, NE NE SE Petex, Inc.
(Castle Resources, Inc.)
Lockwood 1 15-063-21146
2957 KB
2950 GL
T11S R31W, Sec. 11, NE NE SE Castle Resources, Inc.
(Castle Resources, Inc.)
Lockwood 1 15-063-21146-0001
2957 KB
2950 GL
4498 CAMPUS SIDING SOUTH 31-MAR-1987 26-MAY-1993 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 11, N2 SE SE NE Pickrell Drilling Co., Inc.
(Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc.)
Lockwood Trust 2-1 15-063-21184
2947 KB
2942 GL
4600 CAMPUS SIDING SOUTH 23-FEB-1988 28-JAN-1992 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 11, NW SE NE Pickrell Drilling Co., Inc.
(Pickrell Drilling Company, Inc.)
Lockwood Trust 'A' 1 15-063-21065
2960 KB
2955 GL
4630 CAMPUS SIDING SOUTH 08-OCT-1986 17-OCT-1986 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 12, NW NW SW PETEX INC
(Petex, Inc.)
HAZELTON 1 15-063-21192
2956 KB
2949 GL
4605 CAMPUS SIDING SOUTH 31-MAY-1988 07-FEB-1995 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 12, NE NW SW PETEX INC
(Petex, Inc.)
HAZELTON 2 15-063-21312
2954 KB
2947 GL
2950 DF
4645 CAMPUS SIDING SOUTH 09-APR-1990 17-NOV-1990 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 12, NE NW NW PETEX INC
(Petex, Inc.)
HAZELTON 3 15-063-21435
2964 KB
2956 GL
4630 CAMPUS SIDING SOUTH 27-MAY-1992 04-JUN-1992 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 12, SW SW NW Musgrove Petroleum Corp., et al.
Swart 1 15-063-00047
2941 KB
2936 GL
2938 DF
4706 WILDCAT 03-NOV-1951 25-NOV-1951 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 14, E2 NW NW NW DAVIS PET
(Davis Petroleum, Inc.)
KEARNS 1 15-063-21297
2986 KB
2983 GL
4622 KEARNS 02-DEC-1989 10-JUN-2013 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 14, SE NW SE NW K3 Oil & Gas Operating Company
(HG Oil Holdings, LLC)
Kearns 6-14 15-063-22262
2977 KB
2968 GL
4735 KEARNS 26-AUG-2015   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 14, NW NW SW Dane G. Hansen Trust
(Hansen, Dane G. - Trust)
MOORE 1 15-063-20904
2986 KB
2981 GL
4670 CAMPUS SOUTH 12-APR-1985 23-APR-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
RODIE 1 15-063-20802-0002
2992 KB
2995 GL
4663 CAMPUS SOUTH 03-NOV-2011   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, NW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
RODIE 1 15-063-20802-0001
2995 KB
2990 GL
4663 CAMPUS SOUTH 11-OCT-1990   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, NW SE A. Scott Ritchie
(Ritchie, A. Scott)
RODIE 1 15-063-20802
2995 KB
2990 GL
4690 CAMPUS SOUTH 06-SEP-1984   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, SE SW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Rodie 2 15-063-21144-0001
2975 GL
Authorized Injection Well
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, SE SW SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
Rodie 2 15-063-21144
2978 KB
2973 GL
4670 CAMPUS SOUTH 28-SEP-1987   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, NW NE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Rodie 3 15-063-21341
2988 KB
2983 GL
4670 CAMPUS SOUTH 24-SEP-1990 03-OCT-1990 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
RODIE 4 15-063-22429
2974 est.
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, SW NE SW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
RODIE 4 15-063-22429
2982 KB
2973 GL
4660 CAMPUS SOUTH 27-APR-2023   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, S2 SW NE A. Scott Ritchie
(Ritchie, A. Scott)
Tatum 1 15-063-20897
2994 KB
2989 GL
4648 KEARNS 12-APR-1985 21-APR-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, NE NE NE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Apollo Energies, Inc.)
Tatum 2 15-063-21314
2986 KB
2983 GL
4650 KEARNS 08-FEB-1990 01-APR-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, S2 S2 NW A. Scott Ritchie
(Ritchie, A. Scott)
Ward 1 15-063-20898
2986 KB
2981 GL
4655 KEARNS 22-APR-1985 30-APR-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, NE NE NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Ward, B. 1 15-063-21453
3004 KB
2999 GL
4660 KEARNS 09-OCT-1993   OIL
T11S R31W, Sec. 15, NE NE NW Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
Ward, B. 1 15-063-21453-0001
3004 KB
2999 GL
4690 KEARNS 10-JAN-2000 02-NOV-2006 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 16, SE SE SE Lario Oil and Gas Co.
(Lario Oil & Gas Company)
Garrett 1-16 RE 15-063-21440-0001
2940 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T11S R31W, Sec. 16, NW NW NW Petex, Inc.
(Petex, Inc.)
Hockersmith 1 15-063-20987
3013 KB
3006 GL
3010 DF
4677 CAMPUS EAST 14-DEC-1985 22-DEC-1985 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 16, SE NW Petex, Inc.
(Petex, Inc.)
Hockersmith 2 15-063-21097
2985 KB
2980 GL
4700 CAMPUS EAST 05-MAR-1987 13-MAR-1987 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 16, SE SE SE Ritchie Exploration, Inc.
(Ritchie Exploration, Inc.)
R. Garrett 1 15-063-21440
2974 KB
2969 GL
4675 CAMPUS SOUTH 29-JUL-1992 07-AUG-1992 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T11S R31W, Sec. 16, SW SW SW A. Scott Ritchie
(Ritchie, A. Scott)
Wieland 1 15-063-20828
2992 KB
2987 GL
4650 PENNY 30-OCT-1984 07-NOV-1984 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
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