KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-057-20820-0100

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API: 15-057-20820-0100
KID: 1044132094
Lease: Marks
Well: 1-24H
Original operator: SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
Current operator: ELK Energy Holdings LLC
Field: Minneola
Location: T29S R25W, Sec. 24
250 South, 520 West, from NE corner
NAD27 Longitude: -99.9987954
NAD27 Latitude: 37.5161969
NAD83 Longitude: -99.99921
NAD83 Latitude: 37.51622
Lat-long from GPS
County: Ford
Permit Date: Jun-29-2012
Spud Date: Jul-07-2012
Completion Date: Sep-08-2012
Plugging Date: May-31-2019
Well Type: OIL-P&A
Status: Plugged and Abandoned
Total Depth: 5327
Elevation: 2638 KB
Producing Formation: Mississippian
IP Oil (bbl):
IP Water (bbl):
KDOR code for Oil: 143047
KDOR code for Gas: 233282
KCC Permit No.:
Extension discovery well for Minneola field.
Digital Wellbore information for this horizontal well is available.
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Drill Stem Tests Taken: No
Samples Set to Survey: Yes
Cores Taken: No
Electric Logs Run: Yes
CML Messenger Shuttle Compact Photo Density Compensated Neutron Log CML Messenger Shuttle Array Induction
Method of Completion:
Date of First or Resumed
Production/Injection: Sep. 08, 2012
Producing Method: Pumping
Estimated production per 24 hours
Disposition of Gas:
Tubing record
    Set at:
    Packer at:
Production intervals:

Casing record

new or used? New
Purpose of String Size Hole
Size Casing
Set (in O.D.)
Type of
# Sacks
Type and Percent
Conductor 30 20 75 120 4500 PSI Concrete 12 none
Surface 12.25 9.63 36 1135 Extendacem and Swiftcem Systems 430 3% Calcium Chloride, .25 lbm Poly-E-Flake
Intermediate 8.75 7 26 5680 Econocem and Halcem Systems 300 .4% Halad(R)-9, 2lbm Kol-Seal, 2% Bentonite
Liner 6.12 4.5 11.6 9803 Econocem System 450 .4% Halad(R)-9, 2lbm Kol-Seal, 2% Bentonite

Additional Cementing/Squeeze Record

Top Bottom
Type of Cement # Sacks Used Type and Percent Additives

Perforation Record

Shots Per Foot Perforation record Material Record Depth
6 9354-9633 5267 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 5267 TLTR
6 9015-9271 5440 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 10837 TLTR
6 8635-8891 5448 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 16385 TLTR
6 8223-8460 5286 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 101M lbs sd, 21784 TLTR
6 7876-8132 5295 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 27163 TLTR
6 7530-7773 5375 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 32651 TLTR
6 7156-7427 5305 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 38049 TLTR
6 6738-6994 5237 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 43324 TLTR
6 6394-6623 5276 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 100M lbs sd, 48634 TLTR
6 6047-6292 5303 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 102M lbs sd, 53970 TLTR
6 5656-5931 6011 bbls water, 36 bbls acid, 103M lbs sd, 60009 TLTR

Information from Outside Sources

Please note: The link below takes you away from the web site of the Kansas Geological Survey to the website of the Kansas Geological Society, a library in Wichita. The Survey can not help with information presented by the Walters Digital Library.

From Kansas Geological Society's Walters Digital Library

Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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Data added continuously.