KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-019-20529

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information Block
 VERS.                2.00:     CWLS LOG ASCII STANDARD - VERSION 2.000000
 WRAP.                  NO:     One Line Per Depth Step
~Well Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT                     Data                         Information
#----------   ------------------------------------------   ---------------- 
 STRT.FT                                      150.0000:     Start Depth
 STOP.FT                                        2101.0:     Stop Depth
 STEP.FT                                           0.5:     Step Length
 NULL.                                       -999.2500:     Null Value
 COMP.                                    ALADDIN PET.:     Operating Company
 LEAS.                                         STURGES:     Lease Name
 WELL.                                               1:     Well Number
 FLD .                                         WILDCAT:     Field
 LOC .                                      25-32S-11E:     Location
                     NE SW SW:     Quarters
 LOC2.                                990 FSL 4290 FEL:     Footages
 SEC .                                              25:     Section
 TWP .                                             32S:     Township
 RANG.                                             11E:     Range 
 CNTY.                                      CHAUTAUQUA:     County
 STAT.                                              KS:     State
 CTRY.                                             USA:     Country
 SRVC.                                           WELEX:     Service Company
 DATE.                                     17-AUG-1975:     Log Date
 API .                                    15-019-20529:     API Number
 UWI .                                    15-019-20529:     UWI Number
 TVD .                                              NO:     TVD flag
 WSTA.                                             LOC:     Well status
~Parameter Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT            V
alue               Description
#----------    --------------------    -------------------                    
 EGL   .FT                   956.0000  : Ground Level Elevation         
 EKB   .FT                  2870.0000  : Kelly Bushing Elevation        
 EDF   .FT                  2867.0000  : Derrick Floor Elevation        
 ERT   .F                              : Rotary Table Elevation         
 TDL   .F                              : Total Depth Logger             
 TDD   .FT                  2100.0000  : Total Depth Driller            
 CSGL  .FT                      191.0  : Casing Bottom Logger           
 CSGD  .FT                      191.0  : Casing Bottom Driller          
 CSGS  .IN                             : Casing Size                    
 CSGW  .LB                             : Casing Weight                  
 BS    .IN                             : Bit Size                       
 DFT   .          Salt Water Emulsion  : Mud type                       
 MSS   .      
                         : Mud Sample Source              
 DFD   .LB/USG                    9.7  : Mud Density                    
 DFV   .CP                       46.0  : Mud Viscosity (Funnel)         
 DFL   .ml/30min                 11.0  : Fluid Loss                     
 PH    .                          6.5  : PH                             
 RM    .OHMM                    0.141  : Resistivity of Mud             
 MST   .DEGF                     63.0  : Temperature of Mud             
 RMF   .OHM-M                          : Resistivity of Mud Filtrate    
 MFT   .DEG-F                          : Temperature of Mud Filtrate    
 RMC   .OHM-M                          : Resistivity of Mud Cake        
 MCST  .DEG-F                          : Temperature of Mud Cake        
 BHT   .DEGF                    105.0  : Maximum Recorded Temperature   
 RMB   .OHMM                     0.09  : Resitivity @ BHT               
~Curve Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT       API CODE      Curve D
#----------    -------------   -------------------                    
 DEPT  .FT                    : Depth in Feet                  
 SP    .MV                    : Spontaneous Potential          
 ILD   .OHMM                  : Deep Induction Standard Processed Resistivity 
 GR    .GAPI                  : Gamma Ray                      
 NEUT  .API                   : Neutrons                       

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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Data added continuously.