KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-191-22590

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
#MNEM .UNIT                VALUE  : DESCRIPTION                    
 VERS .                      2.0  : CWLS LOG ASCII STANDARD - VERSION 2.0 
 WRAP .                       NO  : ONE LINE PER DEPTH STEP        
#MNEM .UNIT                     VALUE  : DESCRIPTION                    
 STRT  .F                       0.0000  : Start Depth                    
 STOP  .F                       5255.0  : Stop Depth                     
 STEP  .F                          0.5  : Step                           
 NULL  .                     -999.2500  : Null Value                     
 COMP  .                   BEREXCO INC  : Company                        
 WELL  .          WELLINGTON KGS #1-28  : Well                           
 FLD   .                    WELLINGTON  : Field                          
 SEC   .                                : Section                        
 TOWN  .                           31S  : Township (e.g. 42S)            
 RANG  .                           
 1W  : Range  (e.g. 25E)              
 LOC   .                                : Location (Sec Town Range)      
 LOC1  .                                : Location 1 (quarter calls)     
 LOC2  .                                : Location 2 (footages)          
 PROV  .                        KANSAS  : Province                       
 CTRY  .                           USA  : Country                        
 STAT  .                        KANSAS  : State                          
 CNTY  .                        SUMNER  : County                         
 API   .                  15-191-22590  : API-Number                     
 UWI   .                  15-191-22590  : Unique Well ID                 
 SRVC  .                   Halliburton  : Service Company                
 LIC   .                                : Licence Number                 
 DATE  .                                : Date preferred format is MM/DD/YYYY 
 LATI  .DEG                             : Latitude                  
 LONG  .DEG                             : Longitude                      
 GDAT  .                         NAD27  : Geodetic Datum                 
 X     .                                : X or East-West coordinate      
 Y     .                                : Y or North South coordinate    
 HZCS  .                           UTM  : Horizontal Co-ordinate System  
 UTM   .                                : UTM Location                   
 STUS  .                                : Well Status                    
#MNEM .UNIT           VALUE  : DESCRIPTION                    
 EGL   .F                     : Ground Level Elevation         
 EKB   .F                     : Kelly Bushing Elevation        
 EDF   .F                     : Derrick Floor Elevation        
 ERT   .F                     : Rotary Table Elevation         
 TDL   .F                     : Total Depth Logger             
 TDD   .F                     : Total Depth Driller            
 CSGL  .F         
            : Casing Bottom Logger           
 CSGD  .F                     : Casing Bottom Driller          
 CSGS  .IN                    : Casing Size                    
 CSGW  .LB                    : Casing Weight                  
 BS    .IN                    : Bit Size                       
 DFT   .                      : Mud type                       
 MSS   .                      : Mud Sample Source              
 DFD   .gm/cc                 : Mud Density                    
 DFV   .s/qt                  : Mud Viscosity (Funnel)         
 DFL   .cc                    : Fluid Loss                     
 PH    .                      : PH                             
 RM    .OHM-M                 : Resistivity of Mud             
 MST   .DEG-F                 : Temperature of Mud             
 RMF   .OHM-M                 : Resistivity of Mud Filtrate    
 MFT   .DEG-F                 : Temperature of Mud Filtrate    
 RMC   .OHM-M                 : Resistivity of Mud Cake   
 MCST  .DEG-F                 : Temperature of Mud Cake        
 BHT   .DEG-F                 : Maximum Recorded Temperature   
 RMB   .OHM-M                 : Resitivity @ BHT               
 TIMC  .DATE                  : Date/Time Circulation Stopped  
 TIML  .DATE                  : Date/Time Logger Tagged Bottom 
 UNIT  .                      : Logging Unit Number            
 BASE  .                      : Home Base of Logging Unit      
 ENG   .                      : Recording Engineer             
 WIT   .                      : Witnessed By                   
#MNEM       .UNIT           VALUE  : DESCRIPTION                    
 DEPT        .F                     : Depth                          
 GR          .api                   : Gamma API                      
 CALA        .in                    : Caliper                        
 VPVSXX      .                      : WAVE VP/VXX                    
 VPVSYY      .                      : WAVE VP/VYY             
 VPVS        .                      : WAVE VP/VS                     
 AZI1C       .deg                   : Azimuth of Pad 1               
 RAD1        .in                    : Radius1                        
 RAD2        .in                    : Radius2                        
 RAD3        .in                    : Radius3                        
 RAD4        .in                    : Radius4                        
 RAD5        .in                    : Radius5                        
 RAD6        .in                    : Radius6                        
 BSZ         .in                    : Bit Size                       
 TENS        .lbs                   : Tension                        
 TPUL        .                      : Tension Pull                   
 DTXX        .uspf                  : WAVE XX Flexural               
 DTC         .uspf                  : DTC                            
 DTYY        .uspf                  : WAVE YYFlexural                
 .pu                    : AcouPorWylie                   
 DTRS        .uspf                  : WAVE Refracted Shear           
 YXRYY       .                      : YXRYY                          
 XYRXX       .                      : XYRXX                          
 XYENG       .                      : XYENG                          
 YXENG       .                      : YXENG                          
 AniAzi+     .deg                   : WAVE AniAzi+ Uncert            
 AniAzi-     .deg                   : WAVE AniAzi- Uncert            
 AniAzi      .deg                   : WAVE Aniso Azimuth             
 FastShear   .uspf                  : WAVE Fast Shear                
 SlowShear   .uspf                  : WAVE Slow Shear                
 AROSE       .                      : AROSE                          
 AROSE180    .                      : AROSE180                       
 %Anisotropy .%                     : WAVE %Anisotropy               
 TENS        .lbs               
    : Tension                        
 SP          .mV                    : SP                             
 RXRT        .NONE                  : RXRT                           
 RXO         .ohmm                  : RXO                            
 RT90        .ohmm                  : 90in Resistivity 2ft Res       
 RT60        .ohmm                  : 60in Resistivity 2ft Res       
 RT30        .ohmm                  : 30in Resistivity 2ft Res       
 RT20        .ohmm                  : 20in Resistivity 2ft Res       
 RT10        .ohmm                  : 10in Resistivity 2ft Res       
 RT          .ohmm                  : RT                             
 RMUD        .ohmm                  : RMUD                           
 RHOB        .g/cc                  : Density                        
 QN          .NONE                  : NearQuality                    
 QF          .NONE                  : FarQuality                     
 PE          .                      : Pe            
 NPHS        .%                     : Neutron Porosity Sand          
 NPHL        .%                     : Neu Por Lime                   
 NPHI        .%                     : Neutron Porosity               
 NPHD        .%                     : Neutron Porosity Dolo          
 DRHO        .g/cc                  : DensityCorr                    
 DPHS        .%                     : DenPhiSand                     
 DPHI        .%                     : DensityPorosity                
 DPHD        .%                     : DenPhiDolo                     
 DLIM        .%                     : DenPhiLime                     
 CT90        .mmo/m                 : 90in Conductivity 2ft Res      
 CALI        .in                    : Caliper                        
 MINV        .ohmm                  : MicrologLateral                
 MNOR        .ohmm                  : MicrologNormal                 
 GR          .api                   : Gamma API                      
RTO        .api                   : GammaTotal                     
 GRTC        .api                   : GammaKT                        
 POTA        .%                     : Potassium                      
 URAN        .ppm                   : Uranium                        
 THOR        .ppm                   : Thorium                        
 TURT        .NONE                  : RatioThorUran                  
 UKRT        .NONE                  : RatioUranPota                  
 TKRT        .NONE                  : RatioThorPota                  
 NOIS        .cps                   : SpectralNoise                  

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.