KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-081-21938

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
 VERS.                  2.0:   CWLS log ASCII Standard -VERSION 2.0
 WRAP.                   NO:   One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 STRT.F              1756.5000: START DEPTH
 STOP.F              5660.5000: STOP DEPTH
 STEP.F                 0.5000: STEP DEPTH
 NULL.               -999.2500: NULL VALUE
 FLD .                 VICTORY:  FIELD NAME
 FL1 .     1858 FSL & 1394 FEL:  LOCATIONLINE1
 DMF .                      KB:  DRILL MEAS FROM
 PDAT.                      GL:  PERMANENT DATUM
 RIG .          BEREDCO RIG #2:  RIG NAME
 CNTY.                 HASKELL:  COUNTY NAME
 WELL.               EJH #1-22:  WELL NAME
 UWI .            15-081-21938:  UNIQUE WELL IDENTIFIER
 API .            15-081-21938:  API NUMBER
 RANG.                     33W:  RANGE
 TOWN.                     30S:  TOWNSH
 SECT.                      22:  SECTION
 SON .                 8187480:  JOB NUMBER
 CTRY.                     USA:  COUNTRY NAME
 PROV.                  KANSAS:  PROVINCE
 STAT.                  KANSAS:  STATE NAME
 IQVR.                  R3.2.0:  WLIQ VERSION
 SVCO.             Halliburton:  SERVICECONAME
 DATE.                        :  DATE
 SRVC.             Halliburton:  SERVICE COMPANY
 LOC .                        :  LOCATION
 LMF .                      KB:  LOG MEASURED FROM
 TVDS.ft           2942.000000:  TVDSS CORRECTN
 APD .ft             12.000000:  DEPTH ABOVE PD
 GVFD.g               1.000000:  GRAVITY FIELD
 EGL .ft           2930.000000:  GROUND ELEVATION
 EPD .ft           2930.000000:  ELEVATION
 EKB .ft           2942.000000:  KB ELEVATION
 EDF .ft           2940.000000:  DF ELEVATION
~Curve Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT                 API CODE     Curve Description
#---------               -----------    ---------------------------
F                 00 000 000 000:  Depth
 TENS.lbs               00 000 000 000:  Tension
 GR  .api               00 000 000 000:  Gamma API
 DELTAT.uspf            00 000 000 000:  Delta-T                00 000 000 000:  ITTTotal
 SPHI.decp              00 000 000 000:  Acou Porosity
EJH_1_22\0002 SP-GTET-BSAT-CH\003 26-May-11 20:52 Up @5660.8f

Tool           Tool Name              Serial       Weight       Length       Length            
Mnemonic                              Number       (lbs)        (ft)         Accumulation(ft)  
CH_HOS         CH_HOS                 CH_696       37.50        3.03         28.61             
      XOHD                   TRK696       20.00        0.95         24.87             
SP             SP Sub                 PROT01       60.00        3.74         16.35             
GTET           GTET                   11050378     165.00       8.52         0.58              
BSAT           BSAT*                  10747684     308.00       15.77        0.00              
CBHD           Cabbage Head           TRK696       5.00         0.58                           
Total                                              595.50       32.59                          
" * " = Overbody Attached

Tool Name              Mnemonic       Description                                                  Value   

     TOP --------------------------------------------

SHARED                 BS             Bit Size                                                     7.875          in      
SHARED                 UBS            Use Bit Size instead of Caliper for all applications.        Yes                    
SHARED                 MDBS           Mud Base                                                     Water                  
SHARED                 MDWT           Borehole Fluid Weight                                        9.050          ppg     
SHARED                 WAGT           Weighting Agent                                              Natural                
SHARED                 BSAL           Borehole salinity                                            0.00           ppm     
SHARED                 FSAL           Formation Salinity
  NaCl                                     0.00           ppm     
SHARED                 KPCT           Percent K in Mud by Weight?                                  0.00           %       
SHARED                 RMUD           Mud Resistivity                                              0.646          ohmm    
SHARED                 TRM            Temperature of Mud                                           75.0           degF    
SHARED                 CSD            Logging Interval is Cased?                                   No                     
SHARED                 ICOD           AHV Casing OD                                                5.500          in      
SHARED                 ST             Surface Temperature                                          75.0           degF    
SHARED                 TD             Total Well Depth                                             5649.00        ft      
SHARED                 BHT            Bottom Hole Temperature   
                                   130.0          degF    
SHARED                 SVTM           Navigation and Survey Master Tool                            NONE                   
SHARED                 AZTM           High Res Z Accelerometer Master Tool                         GTET                   
SHARED                 TEMM           Temperature Master Tool                                      NONE                   
SHARED                 BHSM           Borehole Size Master Tool                                    NONE                   
GTET                   GROK           Process Gamma Ray?                                           Yes                    
GTET                   GRSO           Gamma Tool Standoff                                          0.000          in      
GTET                   GEOK           Process Gamma Ray EVR?                                       No                     
GTET                   TPOS           Tool Position                     
BSAT                   MBOK           Compute BCAS Results?                                        Yes                    
BSAT                   FLLO           Frequency Filter Low Pass Value?                             7000           Hz      
BSAT                   FLHI           Frequency Filter High Pass Value?                            27000          Hz      
BSAT                   DTFL           Delta -T Fluid                                               189.00         uspf    
BSAT                   DTMT           Delta -T Matrix Type                                         User define            
BSAT                   DTMA           Delta -T Matrix                                              47.60          uspf    
BSAT                   DTSH           Delta -T Shale                                               100.00         uspf    
BSAT                   SPEQ           Acoustic Porosity Equation                

     BOTTOM --------------------------------------------

                                               INPUTS, DELAYS AND FILTERS
Mnemonic             Input Description                                            Delay        Filter Length Filter Type
                                                                                  (ft)         (ft)                     

                                                       Depth Panel

TENS                 Tension                                                      0.000                      NO         


TPUL                 Tension Pull                                  
               18.813                     NO         
GR                   Natural Gamma Ray API                                        18.813       1.750         TRI        
GRU                  Unfiltered Natural Gamma Ray API                             18.813                     NO         
EGR                  Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution      18.813       1.416 , 0.750 W          
ACCZ                 Accelerometer Z                                              0.000        0.083         BLK        
DEVI                 Inclination                                                  0.000                      NO         


TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 7.837                      NO         
STAT                 Status                                                       7.837                      NO         
DLYT                 De
lay Time                                                   7.837                      NO         
SI                   Sample Interval                                              7.837                      NO         
TXRX                 Raw Telemetry 10 Receivers                                   7.837                      NO         
FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                             7.837                      NO         

Mnemonic             Output Description                                           Filter Length Filter Type 

                    Depth Panel

TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                               NO          
TENS                 Tension                                                                    NO          
TSW                  Tool String Weight                                                         NO          
LSPD                 Line Speed                                                                 NO          
BS                   Bit Size                                                                   NO          
MINM                 Minute Mark Flag                                                           NO          
MGMK                 Magnetic Mark Flag                                                         NO          
CSOD                 Inner Casing OD size                                                       NO          
ICV                  Instrument Cable Voltage                                        
ICA                  Instrument Cable Current                                                   NO          
ACV                  Auxiliary Set Voltage                                                      NO          
TNSR                 Tension Cal Raw Value                                                      NO          
WL1V                 Wire Line 1 Voltage                                                        NO          
WL2V                 Wire Line 2 Voltage                                                        NO          
WL3V                 Wire Line 3 Voltage                                                        NO          
WL4V                 Wire Line 4 Voltage                                                        NO          
WL5V                 Wire Line 5 Voltage                                                        NO          
WL6V                 Wire Line 6 Voltage                                                       
WL1C                 Wire Line 1 Current                                                        NO          
WL2C                 Wire Line 2 Current                                                        NO          
WL3C                 Wire Line 3 Current                                                        NO          
WL4C                 Wire Line 4 Current                                                        NO          
WL5C                 Wire Line 5 Current                                                        NO          
WL6C                 Wire Line 6 Current                                                        NO          
WLFC                 Wire Line Fault Current                                                    NO          


ACCZ                 Accelerometer Z                                                            NO          
DEVI                 Inclination           
BTMP                 BoreHole Temperature                                                       NO          
PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
EGR                  Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution                    NO          
EGRC                 Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution and                NO          
PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
BHAB                 Borehole Absorption                                                        NO          
BHCN                 Borehole Correction                                                        NO          
ICID                 Inner Casing ID                 
KCTN                 Pottasium Correction                                                       NO          
PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
GR                   Natural Gamma Ray API                                                      NO          
GRCO                 Natural Gamma Ray API Borehole Corrected                                   NO          
PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
BHAB                 Borehole Absorption                                                        NO          
BHCN                 Borehole Correction                                                        NO          
ICID                 Inner Casing ID                                                            NO          
KCTN                 Pottasium Correction                      


PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                                           NO          
ACTC                 Active Channels                                                            NO          
DT                   Sonic Delta-T                                                              NO          
QT1                  Semblance Quality                                                          NO          
ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                                               NO          
ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                                                          NO          
          Acoustic Porosity Sandstone                                                NO          
SPHL                 Acoustic Porosity Limestone                                                NO          
SPHD                 Acoustic Porosity Dolomite                                                 NO          
SPHW                 Acoustic Porosity Wylie                                                    NO          
SPHA                 Acoustic Porosity - Argentime                                              NO          
SPHR                 Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner                                            NO          
SPHH                 Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS                                          NO          
SEMB                 Sembalance scaled 0 - 100                                                  NO          
PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
Tool Frame Count                                                           NO          
ACT1                 Active Channels TX1                                                        NO          
DT1                  Delta-T Transmitter 1                                                      NO          
QT1                  Quality Transmitter 1                                                      NO          
ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                                               NO          
ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                                                          NO          
SPHS                 Acoustic Porosity Sandstone                                                NO          
SPHL                 Acoustic Porosity Limestone                                                NO          
SPHD                 Acoustic P
orosity Dolomite                                                 NO          
SPHW                 Acoustic Porosity Wylie                                                    NO          
SPHA                 Acoustic Porosity - Argentime                                              NO          
SPHR                 Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner                                            NO          
SPHH                 Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS                                          NO          
SBT1                 Sembalance Transmitter 1scaled 0 - 100                                     NO          
PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                                           NO          
ACT2                 Active Channels TX2                                                        NO          
DT2                  Delta-T Transmitter 
2                                                      NO          
QT2                  Quality Transmitter 2                                                      NO          
ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                                               NO          
ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                                                          NO          
SPHS                 Acoustic Porosity Sandstone                                                NO          
SPHL                 Acoustic Porosity Limestone                                                NO          
SPHD                 Acoustic Porosity Dolomite                                                 NO          
SPHW                 Acoustic Porosity Wylie                                                    NO          
SPHA                 Acoustic Porosity - Argentime 
SPHR                 Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner                                            NO          
SPHH                 Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS                                          NO          
SBT2                 Sembalance Transmitter 2 scaled 0 - 100                                    NO          
PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
DT                   Sonic Delta-T                                                              NO          
QT1                  Semblance Quality                                                          NO          
ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                                               NO          
ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                       

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.