KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-173-21010

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
VERS.                      2.0: CWLS Log ASCII Standard - VERSION 2.0
WRAP.                       NO: One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
STRT.FT               195.0000: START DEPTH
STOP.FT              3425.5000: STOP DEPTH
STEP.FT                 0.5000: STEP
NULL.                -999.2500: NULL VALUE
COMP.          Urban Oil and Gas Group, LLC: COMPANY
WELL.               Hamant #8X: WELL
FLD.                 Greenwich: FIELD
LOC.           900' FNL & 430' FWL: LOCATION
CNTY.                 Sedgwick: COUNTY
SRVC.                         : SERVICE COMPANY
DATE.          Mon Aug 13 08-34-05 2012: LOG DATE
UWI.                          : UNIQUE WELL ID
STAT.                   Kansas: STATE
SECT.                       14: SECTION
TOWN.                      26S: TOWNSHIP
RANG.                       2E: RANGE
API.           15-173-21010-00-00: API#
PDAT.FT           Ground Level: PERMANENT DATUM
LMF.FT           Kelly Bushing: LOG MEASURED FROM
       Kelly Bushing: DRILLING MEASURED FROM
EKB.FT                    1378: KB
EDF.FT                        : DF
EGL.FT                    1371: GL
DATE1.               8/13/2012: DATE1
ENGI1.              D. Schmidt: RECORDED BY
WITN1.         Scott Ellingson: WITNESSED BY
~Curve Information Block
DEPT.FT            0 000 00 00: Depth
BVTX.                         : 
AVTX.                         : 
RxoRt.                Rxo / Rt: 
CILD.          DIL Deep Conductivity: 
RLL3.          DIL Shallow Resistivity: 
SP.MV          DIL Spontaneous Potential: 
RILD.          DIL Deep Resistivity: 
RILM.          DIL Medium Resistivity: 
DCAL.GAPI          CDL Caliper: 
RHOB.          CDL Bulk Density: 
RHOC.          CDL Density Correction: 
DPOR.          CDL Density Porosity: 
MN.               Micro Normal: 
MI.              Micro Inverse: 
MCAL.GAPI        Micro Caliper: 
CNLS.          CN Limestone Porosity: 
GR.                  Gamma Ray: 
DGA.           Apparent Grain Density: 
ameter Information Block

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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Data added continuously.