KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-055-22123

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
 VERS.                 2.0: 
 WRAP.                 YES: 
 END.                PETRA:GeoPLUS Corporation
~Well Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT       Data Type    Information
#---------    -------------   ---------------------------------
 STRT.F           1767.0000:
 STOP.F           4904.0000:
 STEP.F              0.5000:
 NULL.              -999.25:
 COMP.                           : COMPANY
 FLD.       DAMME                : FIELD
 LOC.                            : LOCATION
 SECT.                       21: SECTION
 TOWN.                     22 S: TOWNSHIP
 RANG.                     33 W: RANGE
 DATE.      09-MAY-2012          : DATE
 WELL.      DAMME                : Well Name
 LABL.      DAMME                            : Well Label
 APIN.      15055221230000       : API Number
 UWI.       15055221230000       : Unique Well Number
 NUMB.      7-21                 : Well Number
 OPER.      BEREXCO LLC          : Operator Name
 LEAS.      DAMME                : Leas
e Name
~Parameter Block
#MNEM.UNIT           VALUE            Description
#---------    --------------------   ---------------------------------
 EKB.F                  2910.0 : KB Elevation
~Curve Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT      API CODE      Curve Description
#---------    -------------   ---------------------------------
 DEPT.F                   00 000 00 00: Depth (MD)
 AVOL.F3                  00 001 00 00: Annular Volume
 BIT.IN                   00 002 00 00: Bit size
 CGXT.DEGF                00 003 00 00: MCG External Temperature
 CLDC.IN                  00 004 00 00: Density Caliper
 DCOR.G/C3                00 005 00 00: Density Correction
 DEN.G/C3                 00 006 00 00: Compensated Density
 DPRL.PERC                00 007 00 00: Limestone Density Por.
 DT35.US/F                00 008 00 00: 3-5' Compensated Sonic
 FEFE.OHMM                00 009 00 00: Shallow FE
 GRGC.GAPI                00 010 00 00: Gamma Ray
 HVOL.F3                  00 011 00 00: Hole Volum
 MINV.OHMM                00 012 00 00: Micro-inverse
 MLTC.IN                  00 013 00 00: MML Caliper
 MNRL.OHMM                00 014 00 00: Micro-normal
 NPRL.PERC                00 015 00 00: Limestone Neutron Por.
 PDPE.B/E                 00 016 00 00: PE
 R40O.OHMM                00 017 00 00: Array Ind One Res 40
 R60O.OHMM                00 018 00 00: Array Ind One Res 60
 RTAO.OHMM                00 019 00 00: Array Ind. One Res Rt
 SMTU.LB                  00 020 00 00: DST Uphole Tension
 SPCG.MV                  00 021 00 00: Spontaneous Potential
 SPRL.PERC                00 022 00 00: Limestone Sonic Porosity

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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Data added continuously.