KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-007-23881

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
VERS.              2.00                       : CWLS Log ASCII Standard - Version 2.00
WRAP.              NO                         : One line per depth step
~Well Information
#MNEM.UNIT         DATA                       : DESCRIPTION      
#----.----         ---------                  : -----------------
STRT .FT            264.000                   : Start
STOP .FT           5142.000                   : Stop
STEP .FT              0.500                   : Step increment
NULL .             -999.250                   : Null value
COMP .             REDLAND RESOURCES INC.     : Company
WELL .             AVERY #9-10                : Well
FLD  .             HARDTNER                   : Field
CTRY .             U.S.A. / KANSAS            : State / Country
LOC  .             1980' FSL & 1980' FEL SE/4 : Location
LOC2 .                                        : Location 2
SECT.                       09: SECTION
TOWN.                     35 S: TOWNSHIP
           12 W: RANGE
SRVC .             Weatherford                : Service company
STAT .                                        : State
CNTY .             BARBER                     : County
API  .             15-077-23881               : API Number
LIC  .                                        : Permit Number
DATE .             25-Jun-2012                : Logging date
~Curve Information
#MNEM.UNIT         API CODES                  : CURVE DESCRIPTION
#----.----         ---------                  : -----------------
DEPT .FT           00 001 00 00               : Logged depth
CGXT .DEGF         30 660  1 00               : MCG External Temperature
SMTU .LB           30 635  0 00               : DST Uphole Tension
GRGC .GAPI         30 310  1 00               : Gamma Ray
SPCG .MV           30  10  0 00               : Spontaneous Potential
FEFE .OHMM         10 220  6 00               : Shallow FE
NPRL .PERC         42 890  1 00               : Limestone Neutron Por.
         45 280  1 00               : Density Caliper
DCOR .G/C3         42 356  1 00               : Density Correction
DEN  .G/C3         42 350  1 00               : Compensated Density
PDPE .B/E          45 358  1 00               : PE
DPRL .PERC         45 890 10 00               : Limestone Density Por.
MLTC .IN           15 280  1 00               : MML Caliper
MNRL .OHMM         15 252  0 00               : Micro-normal
MINV .OHMM         15 250  0 00               : Micro-inverse
HVOL .F3           70   0  0 00               : Hole Volume
AVOL .F3           70   0  0 00               : Annular Volume
R40O .OHMM          7 120 44 00               : Array Ind. One Res 40   
R60O .OHMM          7 120 44 00               : Array Ind. One Res 60   
RTAO .OHMM          7 120 44 00               : Array Ind. One Res Rt   
BIT  .IN           70 282 00 00               : Bit size
~Parameter Information
#MNEM.UNIT         VALUE                      : DESCRIPTION      
   ---------                  : -----------------
RNID .             5 INCH MAIN                : Run ID
EREF .FEET         1439.000                   : Elevation of depth reference
DREF .             K.B.                       : Depth reference
GL   .FEET         1426.000                   : Ground elevation
RUN  .                                        : Run number
TDD  .FEET         5133.000                   : TD (driller)
TDL  .FEET         5132.000                   : TD (logger)
CSGD .FEET         263.000                    : Casing bottom (driller)
CSGL .FEET         264.000                    : Casing bottom (logger)
BS   .INCHES       7.88                       : Bit size
MUD  .             CHEMICAL                   : Mud type
MUDD .LB/USG       9.400000                   : Mud density
MUDV .CP           48.000000                  : Mud viscosity
PH   .             10.500000                  : Mud pH
FL   .ML/30MIN     10.000000                  : Mud fluid loss rate
            FLOWLINE                   : Mud sample source
RM   .OHM-M         1.07                      : Mud resistivity
RMT  .DEGF          90.0                      : Mud sample temperature
RMF  .OHM-M         0.86                      : Mud filtrate resistivity
RMFT .DEGF          90.0                      : Mud filtrate sample temperature
RMC  .OHM-M         1.28                      : Mud cake resistivity
RMCT .DEGF          90.0                      : Mud cake sample temperature
TMAX .DEGF         126.00                     : Max recorder temperature
TIMC .DAY/HR                                  : Time circulation ended
TIML .DAY/HR                                  : Time logger at bottom
UNIT .             13096                      : Equipment ID
BASE .             LIB                        : Equipment base location
ENG  .             R. HOFFMAN                 : Recording engineer
WIT  .             CHASE THOMAS               : Witnessed by
CSUP .FEET         -999999.000   
             : Casing Stick Up GL
CSGS .INCHES       13.375                     : Casing size
CSGW .LB/FT        48.00                      : Casing weight
CSGT .             SURFACE                    : Casing Type
~Other Information
Tools Used:   MPD, MCG, MDN, MFE, MAI, MML.
Hardware:  MPD:  8 inch profile plate used.  MAI, MSS and MFE:  0.5 Inch standoffs used.  MDN:  Dual Bowspring used.
2.71 G/CC Limestone density matrix used to calculate porosity.
Borehole rugosity, tight pulls, and washouts will affect data quality.
All intervals logged and scaled per customer's request.
Annular volume with 4.5 inch production casing = 289 cu. ft 
Service order #3534498
Rig:  Duke #7
Engineer:  R. Hoffman
Operator(s):  B. Johnson

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.