KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-007-23931-0100

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
 VERS.                 2.0:   CWLS LOG ASCII STANDARD - VERSION 2.0
 WRAP.                  NO:   SINGLE LINE PER DEPTH STEP
 CREA.                 10/3/2012 10:19:52 AM
#CREATED USING IP VERSION 4.1.2012.198 BY RREISCHMAN ON 10/3/2012 10:19:52 AM
#MNEM.UNIT       DATA                          DESCRIPTION MNEMONIC
#---------      ---------------------------   --------------------------
 STRT    .FT        5410.0000                 : START DEPTH
 STOP    .FT        9417.0000                 : STOP DEPTH
 STEP    .FT        0.5000                    : STEP VALUE
 NULL    .      -999.0000                     : NULL VALUE
 SRVC    .      SCH                           : Service Company/Logging company
 DATE    .      10/3/2012                     : LAS file Creation Date
 WELL    .      OSAGE HC1                     : Well Name
 COMP    .      OSAGE RESOURCES               : Company
 FLD     .      AETNA GAS AREA                : Field
 STATE   .      
KANSAS                        : State
 UWI     .      15-007-23931-01-00            : Unique Well Identifier (UWI)
 LOC     .      2203' FSL & 380' FEL          : Location
 SECT.                       25: SECTION
 TOWN.                     33 S: TOWNSHIP
 RANG.                     15 W: RANGE
 LATI    .      0                             : Latitude/Northing
 LONG    .      0                             : Longitude/Easting
 PDAT    .      Ground Level                  : Permanent Datum
 LGMEA   .      Kelly Bushing                 : Log Measured from
 DRMEA   .      Kelly Bushing                 : Drill Measured From
 KB      .      1849                          : KB Elevation
 DF      .      1848                          : DF Elevation
 GL      .      1832                          : GL Elevation
 RWS     .      0                             : Def_Rw
 WST     .      0                             : Def_Rwt
 CNTY    .      BARBER                        : County
 SRVC    .      SCH        
                   : Contractor
#MNEM                UNIT       API CODE   Curve Type        Comments
#----------    --------------- ----------  --------------- -----------
 DEPTH        .FT                        : Depth           
 60IN_2FT_R   .OHM-M                     :                 Array Induction 2 Foot Resistivity 60" DOI
 90IN_2FT_R   .OHM-M                     :                 Array Induction 2 Foot Resistivity 90" DOI
 BRITTLENESS1 .                          :                 Mult-Line Formulae Output Curve
 CNPOR        .PU                        : Neutron         CN Selected Porosity
 DCAL         .IN                        :                 Density Caliper
 DPHI         .PU                        : Phi             Density Porosity
 DRHO         .G/CC                      : Drho            Density Correction
 DTCO         .uSec/ft                   : Sonic           
 DTSM         .uSec/ft                   : ShearSonic      
 GR           .GAPI     
                 : GammaRay        Gamma Ray
 GRTEMP       .DEGF                      : GammaRay        Converts C to F reading
 MUDR         .OHM-M                     :                 Mud Resistivity
 PEF          .BARN                      : PEF             Photo-electric Factor
 PR           .                          :                 Mult-Line Formulae Output Curve
 RHOB         .G/CC                      : Density         Bulk Density
 SPHI         .dec                       : Phi             
 YMDY         .                          :                 Mult-Line Formulae Output Curve
 YMST1        .                          :                 Mult-Line Formulae Output Curve

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.