KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-135-25442

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
VERS.   2.0   :LAS Version 2.0        
WRAP.    NO   :One line per depth step

#MNEM   .UNIT                                                  DATA   INFORMATION       
~Well Information
 STRT   .FT                                                 1587.54   :Start Depth      
 STOP   .FT                                                 4406.00   :Stop Depth       
 STEP   .FT                                                    1.00   :Step Value       
 NULL   .                                                  -9999.00   :NULL Value       
 DATE   .                                                 8/26/2012   :Date             
 SRVC   .                                DrillRight Technology Inc.   :Service Company  
 COMP   .                                Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc   :Operating Company
 WELL   .                                               Kerr 1V SWD   :Well      
  FLD   .                                            Guzzlers Gulch   :Field            
  LOC   .       Sec. 01, T20S R25W  249' FSL, 2019' FEL, Section 01   :Location         
 CNTY   .                                                  Ness Co.   :County           
 STAT   .                                                    Kansas   :State            
 CTRY   .                                                       USA   :Country          
  UWI   .                                            15135254420000   :UWI Number       
  API   .                                            15135254420000   :API Number       

#SVY     DEPTH   INCL      AZM       TVD      VS    N/-S    E/-W
~Other Information
   0      0.00   0.00     0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
   1    727.00   0.70   146.20    726.98   -3.69   -3.69    2.47
   2   2591.00   0.70    39.60   2590.90   -4.38   -4.38   16.06
   3   3992.00
   0.70   100.80   3991.82    0.61    0.61   29.92
   4   4037.00   0.70    91.00   4036.81    0.56    0.56   30.47
   5   4082.00   0.70    86.90   4081.81    0.57    0.57   31.02
   6   4128.00   0.80    95.60   4127.81    0.55    0.55   31.62
   7   4173.00   0.80    70.30   4172.80    0.62    0.62   32.23
   8   4218.00   0.90    59.50   4217.80    0.91    0.91   32.83
   9   4263.00   0.90    51.00   4262.79    1.31    1.31   33.41
  10   4308.00   0.90    33.40   4307.79    1.83    1.83   33.88
  11   4353.00   1.00     5.30   4352.78    2.52    2.52   34.11
  12   4397.00   0.80   328.50   4396.77    3.16    3.16   33.98

#       MNEM   .UNIT    DATA   INFORMATION                                                               
~Curve Information
       DEPTH   .FT             :Measured Depth                                                           
          GR   .API       
     :API corrected gamma counts from all gamma configurations at sensor depth.
          MD   .FT             :Measured depth.                                                          
         ROP   .FT/HR          :Rate of penetration at bit depth.                                        
 Inclination   .deg            :Inclination                                                              
     Azimuth   .deg            :Azimuth                                                                  

#  DEPTH        GR         MD        ROP   Inclination   Azimuth

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Data added continuously.