KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-077-21884

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
 VERS.                  2.0:   CWLS log ASCII Standard -VERSION 2.0
 WRAP.                   NO:   One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 STRT.F               173.0000: START DEPTH
 STOP.F               487.0000: STOP DEPTH
 STEP.F                 0.0000: STEP DEPTH
 NULL.               -999.2500: NULL VALUE
 RANG.                      7W:  RANGE
 SECT.                      16:  SECTION
 TOWN.                     34S:  TOWNSHIP
 UNIT.                    PP46:  LOGGING EQUIPMENT ID
 MWDS.           Oklahoma City:  MWD SHOP
 FTOP.          Formation Tops:  FORM TOPS DESC
 ILTD.               Lithology:  INTERP LTH DESC
 SVYD.                  Survey:  SURVEY DESC
 DMOD.             Drill Model:  DRILL MOD DESC
 DATE.      16.30.00 14-Jan-13:  END TIME
 STIM.      12.30.00 03-Jan-13:  START TIME
 DMF .             Drill Floor:  DRILL MEAS FROM
  Ground Level:  PERMANENT DATUM
 DFST.                        :  DIST FSL TEXT
 DFWT.                        :  DIST FWL TEXT
 SPUD.               03-Jan-13:  SPUD DATE
 WELL.       Kaup 3407 16-1SWD:  WELL NAME
 COMP.     Shell Exploration & Production C:  COMPANY
 SON .        OK-XX-0900033626:  JOB NUMBER
 GCDE.     Generic Lat/Long's, Degrees, -180 ==> +180:  GEO COORD DESC
 CCDE.     NAD27 Kansas State Planes, Southern Zone, US Foot:  CART COORD DESC
 GGSY.                      LL:  GEO GRID SYS
 CGSY.                    KS-S:  CART GRID SYS
 GREF.     Ellipsoid World Geodetic System :  GEO REFERENCE
 CREF.     Datum North American Datum of 19:  CART REFERENCE
 MMDL.            bggm2012.dat:  MAGNETIC MODEL
 MMDD.        03 January, 2013:  MAG DATA DATE
 MDS .              Win MagUTM:  MAG DATA SOURCE
 LLGR.      Latitude/Longitude:  LLGROUP
 XYGR.     State Planes, NAD27 Based, US Foot:  XYGROUP
 UWI .          15077218840000:  UNIQUE WELL IDENTIFIER
 API .          150772188400
 REGN.             US Northern:  REGION
 PROV.                  Kansas:  PROVINCE
 STAT.                  Kansas:  STATE NAME
 CTRY.                     USA:  COUNTRY NAME
 FLD .                 Wildcat:  FIELD NAME
 JOBN.               900033626:  JOB TICKET NUMB
 RIG .              Nabors 102:  RIG NAME
 LEAS.       Kaup 3407 16-1SWD:  LEASE NAME
 CNTY.                  Harper:  COUNTY NAME
 SRVC.                  Nabors:  CONTRACTOR
 DCON.         Sperry Drilling:  DIRECTNL CONTR
 LOC .                        :  LOCATION
 LMF .             Drill Floor:  LOG MEASURED FROM
 AZTC.deg             4.371706:  AZM TOTAL CORR
 GRDC.deg             0.252179:  GRID CORRECTION
 MDEC.deg             4.623886:  MAGNETIC DECL
 GVFD.g               1.000000:  GRAVITY FIELD
 MDIP.deg            65.219505:  MAGNETIC DIP
 MFLD.nT          51769.261719:  MAGNETIC FIELD
 VSDR.deg             0.000000:  VERT SEC DIRECT
 .ft           5480.000000:  TOTAL DEPTH (DRILLER)
 SDEP.ft             98.000000:  START DEPTH
 APD .ft             31.700001:  DEPTH ABOVE PD
 EPD .ft           1360.000000:  ELEVATION
 DFSL.ft              0.000000:  DISTANCE FSL
 DFWL.ft              0.000000:  DISTANCE FWL
 UTMY.ft         150979.310000:  UTM Y
 UTMX.ft        2119720.020000:  UTM X
 WHEW.ft              0.000000:  WELL HEAD E/W
 WHNS.ft              0.000000:  WELL HEAD N/S
 WDMS.ft              0.000000:  WD ELEV
 EGL .ft           1360.000000:  GROUND ELEVATION
 TVDS.ft           1391.699951:  TVDSS CORRECTN
 LONG.deg           -98.089638:  LONGITUDE
 LATI.deg            37.080585:  LATITUDE
 MMDE.ft              0.000000:  MAGUTM CALC DEP
 CMER.deg           -98.500000:  CENTRL MERIDIAN
 EKB .ft              0.000000:  KB ELEVATION
 EDF .ft           1391.699951:  DF ELEVATION
 HPTY.                       0:  HOLE POS TYPE
 NREF.                       2:  NORTH REFERENCE
 VSC .                       0:  VS TO 
 MAGU.                 1909774:  MAGUTM CHECKSUM
 WTYP.                       0:  WELL TYPE
~Curve Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT                 API CODE     Curve Description
#---------               -----------    ---------------------------
 DEPT.F                 00 000 000 000:  Survey Depth
 TVD .ft                00 000 000 000:  Survey TVD
 TIM .NONE              00 000 000 000:  Survey Time & Date
 Inclination.deg        00 000 000 000:  Survey Inclination
 Azimuth.deg            00 000 000 000:  Survey Azimuth
 Gx  .g                 00 000 000 000:  Survey Gx
 Gy  .g                 00 000 000 000:  Survey Gy
 Gz  .g                 00 000 000 000:  Survey Gz
 Gtotal.g               00 000 000 000:  Survey Gtotal
 Goxy.g                 00 000 000 000:  Survey Goxy
 Bx  .nT                00 000 000 000:  Survey Bx
 By  .nT                00 000 000 000:  Survey By
 Bz  .nT                00 000 000 000:  Survey Bz
 Btotal.nT              00 000 000 000:  Survey Btota
 BzCalculated.nT        00 000 000 000:  Survey Bz Calculated
 BtotalCalc.nT          00 000 000 000:  Survey Btotal Calc
 Boxy.nT                00 000 000 000:  Survey Boxy
 Dip,measured.deg       00 000 000 000:  Survey Dip, measured
 Dip,calculated.deg     00 000 000 000:  Survey Dip, calculated

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.