KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-155-21640

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
VERS.           2.0   :CWLS Log ASCII Standard - VERSION 2.0
WRAP.           NO    :One Line per depth step
PROD.  Schlumberger   :LAS Producer
PROG.  DLIS to ASCII 14B0-200                          :LAS Program name and version
CREA.        2013/05/01 00:15                          :LAS Creation date {YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm}
DLIS_CREA.  2013-May-01	00:08			       :DLIS Creation date and time {YYYY-MMM-DD hh:mm}
FILE-ID.     MaxWell_4Dlis                             :File Identification Number
#---- ------ --------------   -----------------------------
STRT .F         4300.5       :START DEPTH     
STOP .F          370.5       :STOP DEPTH     
STEP .F           -0.5       :STEP     
NULL .          -999.25      :NULL VALUE
COMP .        SEPCO                      
WELL .        POTTER AND ISAACS 2509 26-1              :WELL
FLD  .        ARROWHEAD                                :FIELD
LOC  .        410' N & 1060' W                         :LOCATION
CNTY .        RENO                                     :COUNTY
STAT .        KANSAS                                   :STATE
CTRY .        USA                                      :COUNTRY
API  .        15-155-21640-00-00                       :API NUMBER
UWI  .        15155216400000                           :UNIQUE WELL ID
DATE .        30-Apr-2013                              :LOG DATE {DD-MMM-YYYY}
SRVC .        Schlumberger                             :SERVICE COMPANY
LATI .DEG     37.850000 degrees                        :LATITUDE
LONG .DEG     -98.280000 degrees                       :LONGITUDE
GDAT .                                                 :GeoDetic Datum
SECT .        26                                       :Section
RANG .        09W                            
TOWN .        25S                                      :Township
#MNEM.UNIT    VALUE                      DESCRIPTION
#---- -----   --------------------       ------------------------
CN   .        SEPCO                      :Company Name
WN   .        POTTER AND ISAACS 2509 26-1 :Well Name
FN   .        ARROWHEAD                  :Field Name
FL   .        410' N & 1060' W           :Field Location
FL1  .        SEC 26 TWN 25S RNG 09W     :Field Location, Line 1
COUN .        RENO                       :County or Parish
STAT .        KANSAS                     :State or Province
NATI .        USA                        :Nation
DATE .        30-Apr-2013                :Tools Above Rotary Table Date
APIN .        15-155-21640-00-00         :API Well Number
SECT .        26                         :Section
TOWN .        25S                        :Township
RANG .        0
9W                        :Range
DMF  .        DF                         :Drilling Measured From (Name of Drilling Elevation Reference)
LMF  .        DF                         :Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevation Reference)
PDAT .        GL                         :Permanent Datum
WITN .        MIKE BARRY/AHMAD LATIFZAI  :Witness s Name
LATI .        37.850000 degrees          :Latitude
LONG .        -98.280000 degrees         :Longitude
LUL  .        ELK CITY  OK               :Logging Unit Location
LUN  .        2367                       :Logging Unit Number
RUN  .        R1D1                       :Run Number
SON  .        C9OS-00045                 :Service Order Number
BHT  .DEGF     140.00000                 :Bottom Hole Temperature
BS   .IN         8.75000                 :Bit Size
MDEN .G/C3       2.71000                 :Matrix Density for Density Porosity
DFD  .LB/G       9.00000                 :Drilli
ng Fluid Density
DFV  .S         55.00000                 :Drilling Fluid Viscosity
DFL  .C3         3.90000                 :Drilling Fluid Loss
RMFS .OHMM       0.15000                 :Resistivity of Mud Filtrate Sample
EKB  .F       1627.90002                 :Elevation of Kelly Bushing
EGL  .F       1605.00000                 :Elevation of Ground Level
BLI  .F       4300.00000                 :Bottom Log Interval
BSAL .PPM     10987.00000                :Borehole Salinity
FLEV .F          8.00000                 :Depth of Drilling Fluid Level to LMF (Log Measured From)
MCST .DEGF      69.80000                 :Mudcake Sample Temperature
MFST .DEGF      69.80000                 :Mud Filtrate Sample Temperature
MRT  .DEGF     126.00000                 :Maximum Recorded Temperature
MST  .DEGF      69.80000                 :Mud Sample Temperature
RMCS .OHMM       0.19300                 :Resistivity of Mud Cake Sample
RMS  .OHMM       0.22000                 :Resistivity of Mud Sample

RW   .OHMM       1.00000                 :Connate Water Resistivity
TDD  .F       4343.00000                 :Driller Total Depth
TDL  .F       4300.00000                 :Logger Total Depth
TLI  .F        370.00000                 :Top Log Interval
HIDE .        ARROWHEAD                  :Header Identifier
MATR .        LIME                       :Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections
FNUM .           1.00000                 :F-Numerator for Formation Factor Formula
FEXP .           2.00000                 :Exponent "m" for Formation Factor Formula
DFT  .        Fresh Water                :Drilling Fluid Type
DFPH .          10.00000                 :Drilling Fluid pH
MCSS .        Pressed                    :Mudcake Sample Source
MFSS .        Pressed                    :Mud Filtrate Sample Source
FD   .G/C3       1.00000                 :Fluid Density
MSS  .        Active Tank                :Mud Sample Source
OS1  .                                   :Other Services Line 1

OS2  .                                   :Other Services Line 2
OS3  .                                   :Other Services Line 3
OS4  .                                   :Other Services Line 4
OS5  .                                   :Other Services Line 5
R1   .        Tools ran as per tool sketch with 1.5  Standoffs used on the AIT and MLT used for eccentralization :Remarks Line 1
R2   .        Location latitude  37.852669  -- longitude  -98.284417.  Sec 26  Twp 255  R 09W :Remarks Line 2
R3   .        AIT log uses the compute standoff model. Two foot resolution is presented :Remarks Line 3
R4   .        Caliper Check in Casing  Expected  8.92  HCAL  0.00 :Remarks Line 4
R5   .        Cl = 8000 mg/l   NaCl Eq = 10987 ppm (NaCl eq = Cl  * 1.6488 * 0.833)     Barite = 0 lb/bbl     No mineral oil present in mud :Remarks Line 5
R6   .        Logs are computed on a limestone matrix  MDEN = 2.71 g/cc  All HGNS corrections used (no CCCO in Open hole) :Remarks Line 6
R7   .        Mud sample 
taken from circulation tank  filtrate and mud cake measured using mud press :Remarks Line 7
R8   .        Cement and hole volume computed using TLD HCAL with a future casing of 7  :Remarks Line 8
TCS  .        16 00 00                   :Time Circulation Stopped
TLAB .        13 45 00                   :Time Logger At Bottom
EPD  .F         1605.000000              :Elevation of Permanent Datum above Mean Sea Level
APD  .F          22.900000               :Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent Datum
#MNEM.UNIT   API CODE                                  DESCRIPTION
#---- -----  --------                                  -----------------------
DEPT .F                                                :DEPTH (BOREHOLE) {F10.1}
AF10 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A10 {F11.4}
AF20 .OHMM                                         
    :Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A20 {F11.4}
AF30 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A30 {F11.4}
AF60 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A60 {F11.4}
AF90 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A90 {F11.4}
AO10 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A10 {F11.4}
AO20 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A20 {F11.4}
AO30 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A30 {F11.4}
AO60 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A60 {F11.4}
AO90 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A90 {F11.4}
AT10 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 {F11.
AT20 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 {F11.4}
AT30 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 {F11.4}
AT60 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 {F11.4}
AT90 .OHMM                                             :Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 {F11.4}
AORT .OHMM                                             :Array Induction One Foot Rt {F11.4}
AORX .OHMM                                             :Array Induction One Foot Rxo {F11.4}
BMIN .OHMM                                             :Micro Inverse {F11.4}
BMNO .OHMM                                             :Micro Normal {F11.4}
CFTC .HZ                                               :Corrected Far Thermal Count Rate {F11.4}
CNTC .HZ                                               :Corrected Near Thermal Count Rate {F11.4}
CTEM .DEGF                                
             :Cartridge Temperature {F11.4}
DCAL .IN                                               :Differential Caliper {F11.4}
DPHZ .CFCF                                             :Standard Resolution Density Porosity {F11.4}
GR   .GAPI                                             :Gamma Ray {F11.4}
GTEM .DEGF                                             :Generalized Borehole Temperature {F11.4}
HAZI .DEG                                              :Hole Azimuth Relative to True North {F11.4}
HCAL .IN                                               :HRCC Caliper Calibrated {F11.4}
HDRA .G/C3                                             :Density Standoff Correction {F11.4}
HMIN .OHMM                                             :HIP Micro Inverse Resistivity {F11.4}
HMNO .OHMM                                             :HIP Micro Normal Resistivity {F11.4}
HTNP .CFCF                                             :High Resolution Thermal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method) in Selected Litholog
y {F11.4}
NPHI .CFCF                                             :Thermal Neutron Porosity (original Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology {F11.4}
NPOR .CFCF                                             :Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology {F11.4}
P1AZ .DEG                                              :Pad 1 Azimuth in Horizontal Plane (0 = True North) {F11.4}
PEFZ .                                                 :Standard Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor {F11.4}
PXND_HILT.CFCF                                         :Crossplot Porosity from HILT Lithology Computation {F11.4}
RB   .DEG                                              :Relative Bearing {F11.4}
RHO8 .G/C3                                             :High Resolution Formation Density {F11.4}
RHOZ .G/C3                                             :Standard Resolution Formation Density {F11.4}
RXOZ .OHMM                                             :Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches {
SDEV .DEG                                              :Sonde Deviation {F11.4}
SP   .MV                                               :Spontaneous Potential {F11.4}
SPAR .MV                                               :SP, Armor Return Compensated {F11.4}
TENS .LBF                                              :Cable Tension {F11.4}
TNPH .CFCF                                             :Thermal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology {F11.4}
#     DEPT       AF10       AF20       AF30       AF60       AF90       AO10       AO20       AO30       AO60       AO90       AT10       AT20       AT30       AT60       AT90       AORT       AORX       BMIN       BMNO       CFTC       CNTC       CTEM       DCAL       DPHZ        GR        GTEM       HAZI       HCAL       HDRA       HMIN       HMNO       HTNP       NPHI       NPOR       P1AZ       PEFZ    PXND_HILT      RB        RHO8       RH
OZ       RXOZ       SDEV        SP        SPAR       TENS       TNPH

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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