KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-167-23954

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
VERS.                      2.0: CWLS Log ASCII Standard - VERSION 2.0
WRAP.                       NO: One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
STRT.FT              3266.5000: START DEPTH
STOP.FT              1842.2500: STOP DEPTH
STEP.FT                -0.2500: STEP
NULL.                -999.2500: NULL VALUE
COMP.          Morris, Terry E. dba GLM COMPANY: COMPANY
WELL.               Eichman #1: WELL
FLD.                    Gorham: FIELD
LOC.           330' FNL & 2200' FEL----: LOCATION
SECT.                       24: SECTION
TOWN.                     14 S: TOWNSHIP
RANG.                     15 W: RANGE
CNTY.                  Russell: COUNTY
SRVC.          Gemini Wireline LLC: SERVICE COMPANY
DATE.          Tue Mar 18 13-43-13 2014: LOG DATE
UWI.              15 167 23954: UNIQUE WELL ID
STAT.                       KS: STATE
~Curve Information Block
DEPT.FT            0 000 00 00: Depth
LSPD.FT/MIN                  0: Line Speed
0: Surface Line Tension
TCURR.MA                     0: Tool Current
TVOLT.V                      0: Tool Voltage
ELTIM.SEC                    0: Elapsed Time
ADPTH.FT                     0: Actual Depth
HVOLTA.V                     0: Head Voltage Apparent
CCL.                         0: Casing Collar Locator
GR.GAPI                      0: Gamma Ray
ACCX.                        0: X Axis Accelerometer
ACCY.                        0: Y Axis Accelerometer
ACCZ.                        0: Z Axis Accelerometer
RB.DEG                       0: Relative Bearing
DEVI.DEG                     0: Deviation
TOTG.GEE                     0: Total G
AMP3FT.MV                    0: AMP3FT Amplitude
TT3FT.USEC                   0: 3FT Travel Time
AMPCAL.MV                    0: AMPCAL Amplitude
TTCAL.USEC                   0: CAL Travel Time
AMP5FT.MV                    0: AMP5FT Amplitude
TT5FT.USEC                   0: 5FT Travel Time
AMPS1.                       0: AMPS1 Amplitude
            0: S1 Travel Time
AMPS2.                       0: AMPS2 Amplitude
TTS2.USEC                    0: S2 Travel Time
AMPS3.                       0: AMPS3 Amplitude
TTS3.USEC                    0: S3 Travel Time
AMPS4.                       0: AMPS4 Amplitude
TTS4.USEC                    0: S4 Travel Time
AMPS5.                       0: AMPS5 Amplitude
TTS5.USEC                    0: S5 Travel Time
AMPS6.                       0: AMPS6 Amplitude
TTS6.USEC                    0: S6 Travel Time
AMPS7.                       0: AMPS7 Amplitude
TTS7.USEC                    0: S7 Travel Time
AMPS8.                       0: AMPS8 Amplitude
TTS8.USEC                    0: S8 Travel Time
AMPMIN.                      0: Minimum Sector Amplitude
AMPMAX.                      0: Maximum Sector Amplitude
AMPAVG.                      0: Average Sector Amplitude
ATT3.DB/FT                   0: Attenuation from 3'Amplitude
BONDIX.                      0: Bond Index
~Parameter Information Block
PT.USEC                0.0000: Predicted Pipe Time
CASEWGHT.LB/FT         11.5000: Casing Weight
MAXAMPL.MV              0.0000: Maximum Amplitude
MINAMPL.MV              1.0000: Minimum Amplitude
MINATTN.DB/FT           0.8000: Minimum Attenuation
CASEOD.IN               4.5000: Casing O.D.
PERFS.                  0.0000: Perforation Flag
TDEPTH.FT               0.0000: Total Depth
BOTTEMP.DEGF          100.0000: Bottom Hole Temperature
BOREID.IN               6.2500: Borehole I.D.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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Data added continuously.