KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-203-20318

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
 VERS.                  2.0:   CWLS log ASCII Standard -VERSION 2.0
 WRAP.                   NO:   One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 STRT.F               300.0000: START DEPTH
 STOP.F              5055.0000: STOP DEPTH
 STEP.F                 0.5000: STEP DEPTH
 NULL.               -999.2500: NULL VALUE
 FL3 .     1160' FSL  &  1050' FEL:  LOCATIONLINE3
 FLD .                 WILDCAT:  FIELD NAME
 WTH .               OIL / GAS:  WELLTYPEHEADER
 CNTY.                 WICHITA:  COUNTY NAME
 LUL .                 EL RENO:  LOGGINGUNITLOC
 WELL.            WILKEN #1-15:  WELL NAME
 DMF .                      KB:  DRILL MEAS FROM
 PDAT.                      GL:  PERMANENT DATUM
 DATE.             26-May-2017:  DATE
 SVCO.             Halliburton:  SERVICECONAME
.                  KANSAS:  PROVINCE
 STAT.                  KANSAS:  STATE NAME
 CTRY.                     USA:  COUNTRY NAME
 HIDE.                        :  WELLNAMEOPERAT
 BASI.                  KANSAS:  BASIN
 UWI .      15-203-20318-00-00:  UNIQUE WELL IDENTIFIER
 API .      15-203-20318-00-00:  API NUMBER
 RANG.                     35W:  RANGE
 TOWN.                     20S:  TOWNSHIP
 SECT.                      15:  SECTION
 SON .               904052901:  JOB NUMBER
 SRVC.             Halliburton:  SERVICE COMPANY
 LOC .                        :  LOCATION
 LMF .                      KB:  LOG MEASURED FROM
 TVDS.ft           3120.000000:  TVDSS CORRECTN
 EGL .ft           3109.000000:  GROUND ELEVATION
 APD .ft             11.000000:  DEPTH ABOVE PD
 EPD .ft           3109.000000:  ELEVATION
 BAP .ft              0.000000:  GL ELEV ONSHORE
 GVFD.g               1.000000:  GRAVITY FIELD
 EKB .ft           3120.000000:  KB ELEVATION
 EDF .ft           3119.000000:  DF ELEVATION
Parameter Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT       Value        Description
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 BARI.                     OFF:  BARITE CORR 
 BHT .degF          120.000000:  BottomHole Temp 
 BRMP.                      No:  BromidePresent 
 BS  .in              7.875000:  Bit Size 
 CBD .ft            372.000000:  Casing Depth 
 CBL .ft            373.000000:  Casing Logged 
 CDS .ft              0.000000:  CasingStartDep 
 CS  .in              8.625000:  Casing OD 
 DATE.               26-May-17:  Run Date 
 DCS .               26-May-17:  DateCircEndT 
 DFD .ppg             9.300000:  Mud Density 
 DFL .cptm            9.600000:  Fluid Loss 
 DFS .ppmCl-       3700.000000:  Water Salinity 
 DFV .cP             53.000000:  Mud Viscosity 
 DLAB.               26-May-17:  LogStartDateT 
 ENGI.                WHITLOCK:  Engineer Name 
 DFT .         Water Based Mud:  Mud Type 
 FTOR.                     WTR:  FluidTypeOrion 
 HSP .                      No
:  HighSalPresent 
 IQVR.     WL INSITE R5.0.5 (Build 8):  WLIQ Version 
 LSTM.ucts  06.13.35 26-May-17:  Log Start Time 
 LTYP.                     RAW:  LogDataType 
 LUL .                 EL RENO:  LoggingUnitLoc 
 LUN .                12156883:  LoggingUnitNum 
 PH  .pH              9.500000:  Mud pH 
 MFSS.                    MEAS:  Rmf Source 
 MSS .                FLOWLINE:  Mud Sample Source 
 MST .degF           82.000000:  Mud Sample Temperature 
 MTD .ft           5050.000000:  Max Temp Depth 
 DFV .s/qt           53.000000:  Mud Viscosity 
 R1  .     4 1/2'' CASING USED FOR ANNULAR HOLE VOLUME:  Remarks Line 1 
 RMS .ohmm            0.520000:  Mud Resistivity 
 RMBH.ohmm            0.360000:  Rm @ BHT 
 RMCS.ohmm            0.650000:  Mud Cake Resistivity 
 RMCS.                    MEAS:  Mud Cake Resistivity 
 MCST.degF           80.000000:  Mud Cake Sample Temperature 
 RMFS.ohmm            0.390000:  Mud Filtrate Resistivity 
 RMFT.degF           80.000000:  Mud Filtrate
 Sample Temperature 
 RUN .                       1:  Run Number 
 SCT1.               26-May-17:  StartDateRun1 
 SVCS.     CH_HOS, GTET, DSNT, SDLT, BSAT, ACRt Sonde:  Services 
 TCS .hr              3.500000:  Time Ciculation Ended 
 TCS .                   04 53:  Time Ciculation Ended 
 TDCE.ucts  04.53.07 26-May-17:  Time Circ End 
 TDD .ft           5050.000000:  Depth Driller 
 TDL .ft           5050.000000:  Depth Logger 
 TLAB.                   06 13:  LogStartTimeT 
 TMAX.degF          120.000000:  Max Rec Temp 
 TSC .                   03 30:  Time Sin Circ 
 WITN.               TIM LAUER:  Witness Name 
~Curve Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT                 API CODE     Curve Description
#---------               -----------    ---------------------------
 DEPT.F                 00 000 000 000:  Depth
 RXRT.NONE              00 000 000 000:  RXRT
 RXO .ohmm              00 000 000 000:  RXO
 RT90.ohmm              00 000 0
00 000:  90in Resistivity 2ft Res
 RT60.ohmm              00 000 000 000:  60in Resistivity 2ft Res
 RT30.ohmm              00 000 000 000:  30in Resistivity 2ft Res
 RT20.ohmm              00 000 000 000:  20in Resistivity 2ft Res
 RT10.ohmm              00 000 000 000:  10in Resistivity 2ft Res
 RT  .ohmm              00 000 000 000:  RT
 RMUD.ohmm              00 000 000 000:  RMUD
 CT90.mmo/m              00 000 000 000:  90in Conductivity 2ft Res                00 000 000 000:  ITTTotal
 SPHI.decp              00 000 000 000:  Acou Porosity
 DT  .uspf              00 000 000 000:  Delta-T
 NPHS.decp              00 000 000 000:  Neutron Porosity Sand
 NPHL.decp              00 000 000 000:  Neu Por Lime
 NPHI.decp              00 000 000 000:  Neutron Porosity
 NPHD.decp              00 000 000 000:  Neutron Porosity Dolo
 GR  .api               00 000 000 000:  Gamma API
 MINV.ohmm              00 000 000 000:  MicrologLateral
 MNOR.ohmm              00 000 000 000:  Mic
rologNormal                00 000 000 000:  Caliper
 RHOB.g/cc              00 000 000 000:  Density
 QN  .NONE              00 000 000 000:  NearQuality
 QF  .NONE              00 000 000 000:  FarQuality
 PE  .                  00 000 000 000:  Pe
 DRHO.g/cc              00 000 000 000:  DensityCorr
 DPHS.decp              00 000 000 000:  DenPhiSand
 DPHI.decp              00 000 000 000:  DensityPorosity
 DPHD.decp              00 000 000 000:  DenPhiDolo
 DLIM.decp              00 000 000 000:  DenPhiLime
 SP  .mV                00 000 000 000:  SP
 TENS.lbs               00 000 000 000:  Tension
#Other Information
#WARRANTY: Halliburton will use its best efforts to furnish customers with 
#accurate information and interpretations that are part of, and incident to, the services 
#provided.  However, Halliburton cannot and does not warrant the accuracy 
#or correctness of such information and interpretations.  Under no circumstances should any 
#such information or inter
pretation be relied upon as the sole basis for any drilling, 
#completion, production, or financial decision or any procedure involving any risk to the 
#safety of any drilling venture, drilling rig or its crew or any other third party.  The 
#Customer has full responsibility for all drilling, completion and production operation.  
#Halliburton makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or 
#implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness 
#for a particular purpose, with respect to the services rendered.  In no event will 
#Halliburton be liable for failure to obtain any particular results or for 
#any damages, including, but not limited to, indirect, special or consequential damages, 
#resulting from the use of any information or interpretation provided by Halliburton.
#LARIO_WILKEN\0001 GTET-DSN-SDL-FLX-BSAT-ACRT\003 26-May-17 06:43 Up @5055.5f
#                                            SERVICE
#Tool           Tool Name              Serial       Weight       Length       Length            
#Mnemonic                              Number       (lbs)        (ft)         Accumulation(ft)  
#CH_HOS         CH_HOS                 CH_HOS_I     37.50        2.25         74.40             
#XOHD           XOHD                   12345678     20.00        0.95         73.45             
#SP             SP Sub                 10904995     60.00        3.74         69.71             
#GTET           GTET                   11021139     165.00       8.52         61.19             
#DSNT           DSNT*                  11055304     180.60       9.69         51.50             
#SDLT           SDLT***                11014296     434.00       10.81
#IQF            IQ Flex                11005584     140.00       5.67         35.02             
#BSAT           BSAT*                  10939049     308.00       15.77        19.25             
#ACRt           ACRt Instrument*       11055059     58.00        5.03         14.22             
#ACRt           ACRt Sonde             11038385     200.00       14.22        0.00              
#Total                                              1603.10      76.65                          
#" * " = Overbody Attached
#                                                        PARAMETERS
#Tool Name              Mnemonic       Description                                                  Value          Units   
#     TOP --------------------------------------------
#     Depth 4613.75 ft --------------------------------------------
#     Depth 4616.75 ft --------------------------------------------
#SHARED                 BS             Bit Size                                                     7.875          in      
#SHARED                 UBS            Use Bit Size instead of Caliper for all applications.        No                     
#SHARED                 MDBS           Mud Base                                                     Water                  
#SHARED                 MDWT           Borehole Fluid Weight                                        9.300          ppg     
#SHARED                 WAGT           Weighting Agent                                              Barite                 
#SHARED                 BSAL           Borehole salinity                                         
   0.00           ppm     
#SHARED                 FSAL           Formation Salinity  NaCl                                     0.00           ppm     
#SHARED                 WPHS           OBM Water Phase Salinity NaCl                                0.00           ppm     
#SHARED                 OFOW           Base Oil Fraction from Oil/Water Ratio                       1.00                   
#SHARED                 OBMT           Oil based Mud Type                                           Diesel                 
#SHARED                 KPCT           Percent K in Mud by Weight?                                  0.00           %       
#SHARED                 RMUD           Mud Resistivity                                              2.000          ohmm    
#SHARED                 TRM            Temperature of Mud                                           75.0           degF    
#SHARED                 CSD            Logging Interval is Cased?                                   No   
#SHARED                 ICOD           AHV Casing OD                                                4.500          in      
#SHARED                 CSOD           Inner Casing OD size                                         8.500          in      
#SHARED                 CSWT           Casing Weight                                                17.00          lbpf    
#SHARED                 ISOC           Is Outer Casing Present?                                     No                     
#SHARED                 COOD           Outer Casing OD size                                         0.000          in      
#SHARED                 CSWT           Outer Casing Weight                                          0.00           lbpf    
#SHARED                 CSCM           Casing Cemented                                              Yes                    
#SHARED                 CMTY           API Cement Class                                             H            
#SHARED                 CMWT           Cement Weight                                                16.500         ppg     
#SHARED                 CSTR           Compressive Strength                                         1000.00        psia    
#SHARED                 ST             Surface Temperature                                          75.0           degF    
#SHARED                 TD             Total Well Depth                                             5050.00        ft      
#SHARED                 BHT            Bottom Hole Temperature                                      125.0          degF    
#SHARED                 SVTM           Navigation and Survey Master Tool                            NONE                   
#SHARED                 AZTM           High Res Z Accelerometer Master Tool                         GTET                   
#SHARED                 TEMM           CBM Temperature Master Tool                                  GTET                 
#GTET                   GROK           Process Gamma Ray?                                           Yes                    
#GTET                   GRSO           Gamma Tool Standoff                                          0.000          in      
#GTET                   GEOK           Process Gamma Ray EVR?                                       No                     
#GTET                   TPOS           Tool Position for Gamma Ray Tools.                           Eccentered             
#GTET                   BHSM           Borehole Size Source Tool                                    SDLT                   
#DSNT                   DNOK           Process DSN?                                                 Yes                    
#DSNT                   DEOK           Process DSN EVR?                                             No                     
#DSNT                   NLIT           Neutron Lithology                                            Limestone              
                   DNSO           DSN Standoff - 0.25 in (6.35 mm) Recommended                 0.250          in      
#DSNT                   DNTT           Temperature Correction Type                                  None                   
#DSNT                   DNTT           DSN Tool Temperature                                         75.0           degF    
#DSNT                   DNFT           DSN Fixed Temperature Value                                  200.0          degF    
#DSNT                   DNTT           Top Zone Temperature Value                                   75.0           degF    
#DSNT                   DNBT           DSN Bottom  Zone Temperature Value                           200.0          degF    
#DSNT                   DTDT            Top Depth for Temperature Gradient Calculation (Measured De 0              ft      
#                                      pth)                                                                                
           DBDT           Bottom Zone Temperature Depth (Measured Depth)               10000          ft      
#DSNT                   DPRS           DSN Pressure Correction Type                                 None                   
#DSNT                   DNFP           DSN Fixed Pressure Value                                     14.70          psia    
#DSNT                   DNTP           DSN Top Zone Pressure Value                                  14.70          psia    
#DSNT                   DNBP           DSN Bottom  Zone Pressure Value                              14.70          psia    
#DSNT                   DTDP           Top Depth for  Pressure Gradient Calculation (Measured Depth 0              ft      
#                                      )                                                                                   
#DSNT                   DNDP           Bottom  Zone Pressure Depth (Measured Depth)                 0              ft      
   SHCO           View More Correction Options                                 No                     
#DSNT                   HSCO           Correct for Holesize?                                        Yes                    
#DSNT                   MCCO           Correct for Mud Cake?                                        No                     
#DSNT                   MWCO           Correct for Mud Weight?                                      No                     
#DSNT                   BSCO           Correct for Borehole Salinity?                               No                     
#DSNT                   FSCO           Correct for Formation Salinity?                              No                     
#DSNT                   SGCO           Correct for Formation Sigma?                                 No                     
#DSNT                   SIGM           Sigma Matrix                                                 0.00                   
#DSNT                   SIGW 
          Sigma Water                                                  0.00                   
#DSNT                   CTCO           Correct for Casing Thickness?                                Yes                    
#DSNT                   CMCO           Correct for Cement Thickness?                                Yes                    
#DSNT                   UTVD           Use TVD for Gradient Corrections?                            No                     
#DSNT                   LHWT           Logging Horizontal Water Tank?                               No                     
#DSNT                   USND           Use Var StandOff?                                            Yes                    
#DSNT                   BHSM           Borehole Size Source Tool                                    SDLT                   
#SDLT                   CLOK           Process Caliper Outputs?                                     Yes                    
#SDLT                   SAO          
  SDL Backup  Arm Offset                                       0.12           in      
#SDLT                   PAO            Pad Arm Offset                                               0.00           in      
#Microlog Pad           MLOK           Process MicroLog Outputs?                                    Yes                    
#Microlog Pad           MINO           Microlog Lateral Offset                                      0.00           ohmm    
#Microlog Pad           MNOO           Microlog Normal Offset                                       0.00           ohmm    
#SDLT Pad               DNOK           Process Density?                                             Yes                    
#SDLT Pad               DNOK           Process Density EVR?                                         No                     
#SDLT Pad               CB             Logging Calibration Blocks?                                  No                     
#SDLT Pad               SPVT           SDLT P
ad Temperature Valid?                                  Yes                    
#SDLT Pad               DTWN           Disable temperature warning                                  No                     
#SDLT Pad               MLPE           Higher PE Accuracy?                                          No                     
#SDLT Pad               DMA            Formation Density Matrix                                     2.710          g/cc    
#SDLT Pad               DFL            Formation Density Fluid                                      1.000          g/cc    
#SDLT Pad               BHSM           Borehole Size Source Tool                                    SDLT                   
#BSAT                   MBOK           Compute BCAS Results?                                        Yes                    
#BSAT                   FLLO           Frequency Filter Low Pass Value?                             5000           Hz      
#BSAT                   FLHI           Frequency Filt
er High Pass Value?                            27000          Hz      
#BSAT                   DTFL           Delta -T Pore Fluid                                          189.00         uspf    
#BSAT                   DTMT           Delta -T Matrix Type                                         Limestone 47.6         
#BSAT                   DTMA           Delta -T Matrix                                              57.00          uspf    
#BSAT                   DTSH           Delta -T Shale                                               100.00         uspf    
#BSAT                   SMCT           Semblance Threshold                                          0.25                   
#BSAT                   SPEQ           Acoustic Porosity Equation                                   Wylie                  
#BSAT                   DMA            Formation Density Matrix                                     2.710          g/cc    
#BSAT                   DFL            Formation Density Flui
d                                      1.000          g/cc    
#ACRt Sonde             RTOK           Process ACRt?                                                Yes                    
#ACRt Sonde             MNSO           Minimum Tool Standoff                                        1.50           in      
#ACRt Sonde             TCS1           Temperature Correction Source                                FP Lwr & FP Up         
#                                                                                                   r                      
#ACRt Sonde             TPOS           Tool Position                                                Free Hanging           
#ACRt Sonde             RMOP           Rmud Source                                                  Mud Cell               
#ACRt Sonde             RMIN           Minimum Resistivity for MAP                                  0.20           ohmm    
#ACRt Sonde             RMAX           Maximum Resistivity for MAP   
                               200.00         ohmm    
#ACRt Sonde             LSFU           ACRT Long Space Array No of Frequency Used                   3                      
#ACRt Sonde             MSFU           ACRT Middle 17 Space Array No of Frequency Used              3                      
#ACRt Sonde             SSFU           ACRT Short Space Array No of Frequency Used                  2                      
#ACRt Sonde             THQY           Threshold Quality                                            0.50                   
#ACRt Sonde             MRFX           Fixed mud resistivity                                        2000           ohmm    
#ACRt Sonde             BHSM           Borehole Size Source Tool                                    SDLT                   
#ACRt Sonde             MBFL           Apply Corkscrew Effect?                                      No                     
#ACRt Sonde             HRFL           High-Resistivity Version (Tar Sand Onl
y)?                    No                     
#     BOTTOM --------------------------------------------
#                                               INPUTS, DELAYS AND FILTERS
#Mnemonic             Input Description                                            Delay        Filter Length Filter Type
#                                                                                  (ft)         (ft)                     
#                                                       Depth Panel
#TENS                 Tension                                                      0.000                      NO         
#                                                         SP Sub
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                        
                    71.675                     NO         
#SP                   Spontaneous Potential                                        71.675       1.250         BLK        
#SPR                  Raw Spontaneous Potential                                    71.675                     NO         
#SPO                  Spontaneous Potential Offset                                 71.675                     NO         
#                                                          GTET
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 63.653                     NO         
#GR                   Natural Gamma Ray API                                        63.653       1.750         TRI        
#GRU                  Unfiltered Natural Gamma Ray API                             63.653                     NO         
#EGR                  Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution      63.653       1.416 , 0.750 W          
   Measured Hole Diameter                                       0.000                      NO         
#ACCZ                 Accelerometer Z                                              0.000        0.083         BLK        
#DEVI                 Inclination                                                  0.000                      NO         
#                                                          DSNT
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 53.408                     NO         
#RNDS                 Near Detector Telemetry Counts                               53.507       1.417         BLK        
#RFDS                 Far Detector Telemetry Counts                                54.257       0.583         TRI        
#DNTT                 DSN Tool Temperature                                         53.507                     NO         
#DSNS                 DSN Tool Status                                              53.408        
#ERND                 Near Detector Telemetry Counts EVR                           53.507       0.000         BLK        
#ERFD                 Far  Detector Telemetry Counts EVR                           54.257       0.000         BLK        
#ENTM                 DSN Tool Temperature EVR                                     53.507                     NO         
#HDIA                 Measured Hole Diameter                                       0.000                      NO         
#                                                          SDLT
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 43.510                     NO         
#PCAL                 Pad Caliper                                                  43.510       0.250         TRI        
#ACAL                 Arm Caliper                                                  43.510       0.250         TRI        
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 26.507                     NO         
#STAT                 Status                                                       26.507                     NO         
#DLYT                 Delay Time                                                   26.507                     NO         
#SI                   Sample Interval                                              26.507                     NO         
#TXRX                 Raw Telemetry 10 Receivers                                   26.507                     NO         
#FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                             26.507                     NO         
#GMOD                 Gain processing mode                                         19.250                     NO         
#                                                       ACRt Sonde
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                          
                       2.394                      NO         
#F1R1                 ACRT 12KHz - 80in R value                                    8.644        0.000         BLK        
#F1X1                 ACRT 12KHz - 80in X value                                    8.644        0.000         BLK        
#F1R2                 ACRT 12KHz - 50in R value                                    6.144        0.000         BLK        
#F1X2                 ACRT 12KHz - 50in X value                                    6.144        0.000         BLK        
#F1R3                 ACRT 12KHz - 29in R value                                    4.644        0.000         BLK        
#F1X3                 ACRT 12KHz - 29in X value                                    4.644        0.000         BLK        
#F1R4                 ACRT 12KHz - 17in R value                                    3.644        0.000         BLK        
#F1X4                 ACRT 12KHz - 17in X value                                    3
.644        0.000         BLK        
#F1R5                 ACRT 12KHz - 10in R value                                    3.144        0.000         BLK        
#F1X5                 ACRT 12KHz - 10in X value                                    3.144        0.000         BLK        
#F1R6                 ACRT 12KHz - 6in R value                                     2.894        0.000         BLK        
#F1X6                 ACRT 12KHz - 6in X value                                     2.894        0.000         BLK        
#F2R1                 ACRT 36KHz - 80in R value                                    8.644        0.000         BLK        
#F2X1                 ACRT 36KHz - 80in X value                                    8.644        0.000         BLK        
#F2R2                 ACRT 36KHz - 50in R value                                    6.144        0.000         BLK        
#F2X2                 ACRT 36KHz - 50in X value                                    6.144        0.000       
#F2R3                 ACRT 36KHz - 29in R value                                    4.644        0.000         BLK        
#F2X3                 ACRT 36KHz - 29in X value                                    4.644        0.000         BLK        
#F2R4                 ACRT 36KHz - 17in R value                                    3.644        0.000         BLK        
#F2X4                 ACRT 36KHz - 17in X value                                    3.644        0.000         BLK        
#F2R5                 ACRT 36KHz - 10in R value                                    3.144        0.000         BLK        
#F2X5                 ACRT 36KHz - 10in X value                                    3.144        0.000         BLK        
#F2R6                 ACRT 36KHz - 6in R value                                     2.894        0.000         BLK        
#F2X6                 ACRT 36KHz - 6in X value                                     2.894        0.000         BLK        
            ACRT 72KHz - 80in R value                                    8.644        0.000         BLK        
#F3X1                 ACRT 72KHz - 80in X value                                    8.644        0.000         BLK        
#F3R2                 ACRT 72KHz - 50in R value                                    6.144        0.000         BLK        
#F3X2                 ACRT 72KHz - 50in X value                                    6.144        0.000         BLK        
#F3R3                 ACRT 72KHz - 29in R value                                    4.644        0.000         BLK        
#F3X3                 ACRT 72KHz - 29in X value                                    4.644        0.000         BLK        
#F3R4                 ACRT 72KHz - 17in R value                                    3.644        0.000         BLK        
#F3X4                 ACRT 72KHz - 17in X value                                    3.644        0.000         BLK        
#F3R5                 ACRT 72KHz -
 10in R value                                    3.144        0.000         BLK        
#F3X5                 ACRT 72KHz - 10in X value                                    3.144        0.000         BLK        
#F3R6                 ACRT 72KHz - 6in R value                                     2.894        0.000         BLK        
#F3X6                 ACRT 72KHz - 6in X value                                     2.894        0.000         BLK        
#RMUD                 Mud Resistivity                                              12.184       0.000         BLK        
#F1RT                 Transmitter Reference 12 KHz Real Signal                     2.394        0.000         BLK        
#F1XT                 Transmitter Reference 12 KHz Imaginary Signal                2.394        0.000         BLK        
#F2RT                 Transmitter Reference 36 KHz Real Signal                     2.394        0.000         BLK        
#F2XT                 Transmitter Reference 36 KHz Imagina
ry Signal                2.394        0.000         BLK        
#F3RT                 Transmitter Reference 72 KHz Real Signal                     2.394        0.000         BLK        
#F3XT                 Transmitter Reference 72 KHz Imaginary Signal                2.394        0.000         BLK        
#TFPU                 Upper Feedpipe Temperature Calculated                        2.394        0.000         BLK        
#TFPL                 Lower Feedpipe Temperature Calculated                        2.394        0.000         BLK        
#ITMP                 Instrument Temperature                                       2.394        0.000         BLK        
#TCVA                 Temperature Correction Values Loop Off                       2.394                      NO         
#TIDV                 Instrument Temperature Derivative                            2.394                      NO         
#TUDV                 Upper Temperature Derivative                                
 2.394                      NO         
#TLDV                 Lower Temperature Derivative                                 2.394                      NO         
#TRBD                 Receiver Board Temperature                                   2.394                      NO         
#HDIA                 Measured Hole Diameter                                       0.000                      NO         
#                                                      Microlog Pad
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 43.695                     NO         
#MINV                 Microlog Lateral                                             43.695       0.750         BLK        
#MNOR                 Microlog Normal                                              43.695       0.750         BLK        
#                                                        SDLT Pad
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 43.
500                     NO         
#NAB                  Near Above                                                   43.325       0.920         BLK        
#NHI                  Near Cesium High                                             43.325       0.920         BLK        
#NLO                  Near Cesium Low                                              43.325       0.920         BLK        
#NVA                  Near Valley                                                  43.325       0.920         BLK        
#NBA                  Near Barite                                                  43.325       0.920         BLK        
#NDE                  Near Density                                                 43.325       0.920         BLK        
#NPK                  Near Peak                                                    43.325       0.920         BLK        
#NLI                  Near Lithology                                               43.325       0.920         
#NBAU                 Near Barite Unfiltered                                       43.325       0.250         BLK        
#NLIU                 Near Lithology Unfiltered                                    43.325       0.250         BLK        
#FAB                  Far Above                                                    43.675       0.250         BLK        
#FHI                  Far Cesium High                                              43.675       0.250         BLK        
#FLO                  Far Cesium Low                                               43.675       0.250         BLK        
#FVA                  Far Valley                                                   43.675       0.250         BLK        
#FBA                  Far Barite                                                   43.675       0.250         BLK        
#FDE                  Far Density                                                  43.675       0.250         BLK        
          Far Peak                                                     43.675       0.250         BLK        
#FLI                  Far Lithology                                                43.675       0.250         BLK        
#PTMP                 Pad Temperature                                              43.510       0.920         BLK        
#NHV                  Near Detector High Voltage                                   42.905                     NO         
#FHV                  Far Detector High Voltage                                    42.905                     NO         
#ITMP                 Instrument Temperature                                       42.905                     NO         
#DDHV                 Detector High Voltage                                        42.905                     NO         
#HDIA                 Measured Hole Diameter                                       0.000                      NO         
#Mnemonic             Output Description                                           Filter Length Filter Type 
#                                                                                  (ft)                      
#                                                 Depth Panel
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                               NO          
#TENS                 Tension                                                                    NO          
#TSW                  Tool String Weight                                                         NO          
#LSPD                 Line Speed                                                                 NO          
#BITSIZE              Bit 
Size                                                                   NO          
#MINM                 Minute Mark Flag                                                           NO          
#MGMK                 Magnetic Mark Flag                                                         NO          
#CASEOD               Inner Casing OD size                                                       NO          
#ICV                  Instrument Cable Voltage                                                   NO          
#ICA                  Instrument Cable Current                                                   NO          
#ACV                  Auxiliary Set Voltage                                                      NO          
#TNSR                 Tension Cal Raw Value                                                      NO          
#WL1V                 Wire Line 1 Voltage                                                        NO          
#WL2V                 Wire Line 2 Vo
ltage                                                        NO          
#WL3V                 Wire Line 3 Voltage                                                        NO          
#WL4V                 Wire Line 4 Voltage                                                        NO          
#WL5V                 Wire Line 5 Voltage                                                        NO          
#WL6V                 Wire Line 6 Voltage                                                        NO          
#WL1C                 Wire Line 1 Current                                                        NO          
#WL2C                 Wire Line 2 Current                                                        NO          
#WL3C                 Wire Line 3 Current                                                        NO          
#WL4C                 Wire Line 4 Current                                                        NO          
#WL5C                 Wire Line 5 Current     
#WL6C                 Wire Line 6 Current                                                        NO          
#WLFC                 Wire Line Fault Current                                                    NO          
#                                                   SP Sub
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#SP                   Spontaneous Potential                                                      NO          
#SPR                  Raw Spontaneous Potential                                                  NO          
#SPO                  Spontaneous Potential Offset                                               NO          
#                                                    GTET
#ACCZ                 Accelerometer Z                                                            NO          
#DEVI                 Inclination        
#BTMP                 BoreHole Temperature                                                       NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#EGR                  Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution                    NO          
#EGRC                 Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution and                NO          
#                     BHC                                                                                    
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#BHAB                 Borehole Absorption                                                        NO          
#BHCN                 Borehole Correction                                                        NO          
#ICID                 Inner Casing ID              
#KCTN                 Pottasium Correction                                                       NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#GR                   Natural Gamma Ray API                                                      NO          
#GRCO                 Natural Gamma Ray API Borehole Corrected                                   NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#BHAB                 Borehole Absorption                                                        NO          
#BHCN                 Borehole Correction                                                        NO          
#ICID                 Inner Casing ID                                                            NO          
#KCTN                 Pottasium Correction                   
#                                                    DSNT
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#EDLI                 Neutron Lithology EVR                                                      NO          
#ENPH                 Neutron Porosity EVR                                                       NO          
#ENPS                 Neutron Porosity Sandstone Matrix EVR                                      NO          
#ENLI                 Neutron Porosity Limestone Matrix EVR                                      NO          
#ENPD                 Neutron Porosity Dolomite Matrix EVR                                       NO          
#ENRA                 DSN Near to Far Ratio EVR                                                  NO          
#ENDS                 Near Detector Telemetry Counts EVR                                         NO          
             Far  Detector Telemetry Counts EVR                                         NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#NPHI                 Neutron Porosity                                                           NO          
#NDSN                 Near Detector Telemetry Counts                                             NO          
#FDSN                 Far Detector Telemetry Counts                                              NO          
#NRAT                 DSN Near to Far Ratio                                                      NO          
#NLIT                 Neutron Lithology                                                          NO          
#NLIM                 Neutron Porosity Limestone Matrix                                          NO          
#NPHS                 Neutron Porosity Sandstone Matrix                                          NO          
   Neutron Porosity Dolomite Matrix                                           NO          
#NPHU                 Neutron Limestone Porosity No Salinity                                     NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#UNPL                 Uncorrected Neutron Porosity Lime                                          NO          
#UNPS                 Uncorrected Neutron Porosity Sand                                          NO          
#UNPD                 Uncorrected Neutron Porosity Dolo                                          NO          
#BSC                  Borehole Size Correction                                                   NO          
#MCTC                 Mud Cake Thickness Correction                                              NO          
#BHSC                 Bore Hole Salinity Correction                                              NO          
#MWC                  Mud Wei
ght Correction                                                      NO          
#FTC                  Formation Temperature Correction                                           NO          
#FPC                  Formation Pressure Correction                                              NO          
#TSOC                 Tool Standoff Correction                                                   NO          
#FSCL                 Formation Salinity Correction LS                                           NO          
#FSCS                 Formation Salinity Correction SS                                           NO          
#FSDO                 Formation Salinity Correction DO                                           NO          
#FSIL                 Formation Sigma & HI Correction LS                                         NO          
#FSIS                 Formation Sigma & HI Correction SS                                         NO          
#FSID                 Formation Sigma &
 HI Correction DO                                         NO          
#MUDW                 Computed Mud Weight                                                        NO          
#CSGT                 Casing Thickness Correction                                                NO          
#CMTC                 Cement Thickness Correction                                                NO          
#BSCN                 Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected                                NO          
#BSCL                 Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected Lime                           NO          
#BSCS                 Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected Sand                           NO          
#BSCD                 Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected Dolomite                       NO          
#TEMP                 Temperature                                                                NO          
#PRES                 Presssure                  
#CALU                 Caliper Used                                                               NO          
#SDOU                 StandOff Used                                                              NO          
#                                                    SDLT
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#CALI                 Caliper Measurement                                                        NO          
#DCAL                 Differential Caliper Measurement                                           NO          
#BHV                  Borehole Volume Increment                                                  NO          
#AHV                  Annular Hole Volume Increment                                              NO          
#BHVT                 Bore Hole Volume                                                           NO        
#AHVT                 Annular Hole Volume                                                        NO          
#HDIA                 Measured Hole Diameter                                                     NO          
#ACAL                 Arm Caliper                                                                NO          
#PCAL                 Pad Caliper                                                                NO          
#                                                    BSAT
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                                           NO          
#ACTC                 Active Channels                                                            NO          
#DT                   Sonic Delta-T                                                              NO          
#QT1                  Semblance Quality                
#ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                                               NO          
#ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
#SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                                                          NO          
#SPHS                 Acoustic Porosity Sandstone                                                NO          
#SPHL                 Acoustic Porosity Limestone                                                NO          
#SPHD                 Acoustic Porosity Dolomite                                                 NO          
#SPHW                 Acoustic Porosity Wylie                                                    NO          
#SPHA                 Acoustic Porosity - Argentime                                              NO          
#SPHR                 Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner            
#SPHH                 Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS                                          NO          
#SEMB                 Sembalance scaled 0 - 100                                                  NO          
#GMOD                 Gain processing mode                                                       NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                                           NO          
#ACT1                 Active Channels TX1                                                        NO          
#DT1                  Delta-T Transmitter 1                                                      NO          
#QT1                  Quality Transmitter 1                                                      NO          
#ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                         
#ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
#SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                                                          NO          
#SPHS                 Acoustic Porosity Sandstone                                                NO          
#SPHL                 Acoustic Porosity Limestone                                                NO          
#SPHD                 Acoustic Porosity Dolomite                                                 NO          
#SPHW                 Acoustic Porosity Wylie                                                    NO          
#SPHA                 Acoustic Porosity - Argentime                                              NO          
#SPHR                 Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner                                            NO          
#SPHH                 Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS                              
#SBT1                 Sembalance Transmitter 1scaled 0 - 100                                     NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                                           NO          
#ACT2                 Active Channels TX2                                                        NO          
#DT2                  Delta-T Transmitter 2                                                      NO          
#QT2                  Quality Transmitter 2                                                      NO          
#ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                                               NO          
#ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
#SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                                                        
#SPHS                 Acoustic Porosity Sandstone                                                NO          
#SPHL                 Acoustic Porosity Limestone                                                NO          
#SPHD                 Acoustic Porosity Dolomite                                                 NO          
#SPHW                 Acoustic Porosity Wylie                                                    NO          
#SPHA                 Acoustic Porosity - Argentime                                              NO          
#SPHR                 Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner                                            NO          
#SPHH                 Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS                                          NO          
#SBT2                 Sembalance Transmitter 2 scaled 0 - 100                                    NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO      
#DT                   Sonic Delta-T                                                              NO          
#QT1                  Semblance Quality                                                          NO          
#ITTT                 Integrated Travel Time Total                                               NO          
#ITTI                 Travel Time Per Depth Sample                                               NO          
#SPHI                 Acoustic Porosity                                                          NO          
#                                                 ACRt Sonde
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#RO90                 90in Resistivity 1ft Res                                                   NO          
#RO60                 60 in Radial Resistivity 1ft                                               NO          
#RO30                 30 in Radial Resistivity 1ft
#RO20                 20 in Radial Resistivity 1ft                                               NO          
#RO10                 10 in Radial Resistivity 1ft                                               NO          
#RO06                 6 in Radial Resistivity 1ft                                                NO          
#RT90                 90 in Radial Resistivity 2ft                                               NO          
#RT60                 60 in Radial Resistivity 2ft                                               NO          
#RT30                 30 in Radial Resistivity 2ft                                               NO          
#RT20                 20 in Radial Resistivity 2ft                                               NO          
#RT10                 10 in Radial Resistivity 2ft                                               NO          
#RT06                 6 in Radial Resistivity 2ft           
#RF90                 90 in Radial Resistivity 4ft                                               NO          
#RF60                 60 in Radial Resistivity 4ft                                               NO          
#RF30                 30 in Radial Resistivity 4ft                                               NO          
#RF20                 20 in Radial Resistivity 4ft                                               NO          
#RF10                 10 in Radial Resistivity 4ft                                               NO          
#RF06                 6 in Radial Resistivity 4ft                                                NO          
#CO90                 90 in Radial Conductivity 1ft                                              NO          
#CO60                 60 in Radial Conductivity 1ft                                              NO          
#CO30                 30 in Radial Conductivity 1ft                   
#CO20                 20 in Radial Conductivity 1ft                                              NO          
#CO10                 10 in Radial Conductivity 1ft                                              NO          
#CO6                  6 in Radial Conductivity 1ft                                               NO          
#CT90                 90 in Radial Conductivity 2ft                                              NO          
#CT60                 60 in Radial Conductivity 2ft                                              NO          
#CT30                 30 in Radial Conductivity 2ft                                              NO          
#CT20                 20 in Radial Conductivity 2ft                                              NO          
#CT10                 10 in Radial Conductivity 2ft                                              NO          
#CT6                  6 in Radial Conductivity 2ft                              
#CF90                 90 in Radial Conductivity 4ft                                              NO          
#CF60                 60 in Radial Conductivity 4ft                                              NO          
#CF30                 30 in Radial Conductivity 4ft                                              NO          
#CF20                 20 in Radial Conductivity 4ft                                              NO          
#CF10                 10 in Radial Conductivity 4ft                                              NO          
#CF6                  6 in Radial Conductivity 4ft                                               NO          
#LMAN                 Left Mandrel                                                               NO          
#RMAN                 Right Mandrel                                                              NO          
#RSO                  Right Standoff                                                      
#LSO                  Left Standoff                                                              NO          
#TMPF                 Upper Feedpipe Temperature Calculated                                      NO          
#ECC                  Eccentricity - Distance from tool center to hole center                    NO          
#CDIA                 Calculated Diameter                                                        NO          
#RT                   Uninvaded Zone Resistivity                                                 NO          
#RXO                  Invaded Zone Resistivity                                                   NO          
#RXRT                 RXO/RT                                                                     NO          
#DI                   Radial Depth of Invasion                                                   NO          
#DIIN                 Radial Depth of Inner Invasion                                             NO 
#DIOU                 Radial Depth of Outer Invasion                                             NO          
#SMUD                 Mud Restivity - Calculated                                                 NO          
#RMUD                 Mud Restivity                                                              NO          
#X4PL                 X4Planner=RT90/RMUD*square(0.125-caliper)                                  NO          
#BCD1                 Borehole Corrections D1                                                    NO          
#BCD2                 Borehole Corrections D2                                                    NO          
#BCD3                 Borehole Corrections D3                                                    NO          
#BCD4                 Borehole Corrections D4                                                    NO          
#BCU5                 Borehole Corrections U5                                                    NO          

#BCD6                 Borehole Corrections D6                                                    NO          
#SED1                 Skin Effect Corrections D1                                                 NO          
#SED2                 Skin Effect Corrections D2                                                 NO          
#SED3                 Skin Effect Corrections D3                                                 NO          
#SED4                 Skin Effect Corrections D4                                                 NO          
#SEU5                 Skin Effect Corrections U5                                                 NO          
#SED6                 Skin Effect Corrections D6                                                 NO          
#QBC1                 BHC Quality 1                                                              NO          
#QBC2                 BHC Quality 2                                                              NO          
            BHC Quality 3                                                              NO          
#QBC4                 BHC Quality 4                                                              NO          
#QBC5                 BHC Quality 5                                                              NO          
#QBC6                 BHC Quality 6                                                              NO          
#QFBHC0               BHC Quality Status 1                                                       NO          
#QFBHC1               BHC Quality Status 2                                                       NO          
#QFBHC2               BHC Quality Status 3                                                       NO          
#QFBHC3               BHC Quality Status 4                                                       NO          
#QFBHC4               BHC Quality Status 5                                                       NO          
  BHC Quality Status 6                                                       NO          
#CALU                 Caliper Used                                                               NO          
#CALM                 caliper measurement indicator                                              NO          
#RMGD                 Rmud Gradient Calculation                                                  NO          
#HRM1                 Rt Resistivity MAP - One Foot                                              NO          
#HRM2                 Rt Resistivity Map - Two Ft                                                NO          
#HRM4                 Rt Resistivity Map - Four Ft                                               NO          
#                                                Microlog Pad
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#MINV                 Microlog Lateral                                    
#MNOR                 Microlog Normal                                                            NO          
#                                                  SDLT Pad
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#ERHO                 Formation Density Enhanced Vertical Resolution               1.080 , 0.750 W           
#EDCP                 Density Correction EVR Positive                              1.080 , 0.750 W           
#EDCN                 Density Correction EVR Negative                              1.080 , 0.750 W           
#EDCT                 Density Correction EVR                                       1.080 , 0.750 W           
#EDPH                 Formation Density Porosity - Enhanced Vertical Resolution    1.080 , 0.750 W           
#EDLI                 Formation Density Porosity - Limestone EVR                   1.080 , 0.750 W           
  Formation Density Porosity - Dolomite - EVR                  1.080 , 0.750 W           
#EDPS                 Formation Density Porosity - Sandstone - EVR                 1.080 , 0.750 W           
#EPE                  Photoelectric Factor Enhanced Vertical Resolution            1.080 , 0.580 W           
#EPMF                 Photoelectric Factor EVR - Minimum Filtering                 0.420 , 0.250 W           
#EDMF                 Formation Density EVR - Minimum Filtering                    0.420 , 0.250 W           
#NDEE                 Near Density EVR                                             1.080 , 0.750 W           
#FDEE                 Far Density EVR                                              1.080 , 0.750 W           
#DATAOK               Density Data OK                                                            NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#RHOB                 Formatio
n Density                                            1.750         TRI         
#CORP                 Positive Density Correction                                  1.750         TRI         
#CORM                 Negative Density Correction                                  1.750         TRI         
#DRHO                 Density Correction                                           1.750         TRI         
#PE                   Photoelectric Factor                                         1.750         TRI         
#DPE                  Photoelectric Factor Correction                              1.750         TRI         
#SDSO                 Tool Standoff                                                1.750         TRI         
#QN                   Near Quality                                                 1.750         TRI         
#QF                   Far Quality                                                  1.750         TRI         
#DPHI                 Formation Density 
Porosity                                   1.750         TRI         
#DLIM                 Formation Density Porosity - Limestone                       1.750         TRI         
#DPHD                 Formation Density Porosity - Dolomite                        1.750         TRI         
#DPHS                 Formation Density Porosity - Sandstone                       1.750         TRI         
#RHON                 Formation Density computed from near detector                1.750         TRI         
#RHOF                 Formation Density computed from far detector                 1.750         TRI         
#NBAC                 Near Barite Calibrated                                                     NO          
#NDEC                 Near Density Calibrated                                                    NO          
#NPKC                 Near Peak Calibrated                                                       NO          
#NLIC                 Near Lithology Calibrated   
#FBAC                 Far Barite Calibrated                                                      NO          
#FDEC                 Far Density Calibrated                                                     NO          
#FPKC                 Far Peak Calibrated                                                        NO          
#FLIC                 Far Lithology Calibrated                                                   NO          
#DATAOK               Density Data OK                                                            NO          

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.