KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-093-21979

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
 VERS.                  2.0:   CWLS log ASCII Standard -VERSION 2.0
 WRAP.                   NO:   One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 STRT.F                3494.50: START DEPTH
 STOP.F                6541.00: STOP DEPTH
 STEP.F                   0.50: STEP DEPTH
 NULL.                 -999.25: NULL VALUE
 MMDD.      31-Dec-19 03 42 36:  MAG DATA DATE
 MMDL.                  IGRF12:  MAGNETIC MODEL
 LOC .     100' FSL & 860' FEL:  LOCATION
 FL1 .     100' FSL & 860' FEL:  LOCATIONLINE1
 DMF .                      KB:  DRILL MEAS FROM
 PDAT.                      GL:  PERMANENT DATUM
 RIG .              BEREDCO #1:  RIG NAME
 CNTY.                  KEARNY:  COUNTY NAME
 FLD .               PATTERSON:  FIELD NAME
 DATE.             18-Apr-2020:  DATE
VCO.             Halliburton:  SERVICECONAME
 PROV.                  KANSAS:  PROVINCE
 STAT.                  KANSAS:  STATE NAME
 CTRY.                     USA:  COUNTRY NAME
 HIDE.                        :  WELLNAMEOPERAT
 BASI.                   BACIA:  BASIN
 UWI .            15-093-21979:  UNIQUE WELL IDENTIFIER
 API .            15-093-21979:  API NUMBER
 RANG.                     38W:  RANGE
 TOWN.                      22:  TOWNSHIP
 SECT.                      25:  SECTION
 SON .               906439543:  JOB NUMBER
 SRVC.             Halliburton:  SERVICE COMPANY
 LMF .                      KB:  LOG MEASURED FROM
 GRDC.deg                0.000:  GRID CORRECTION
 MDEC.deg               -1.816:  MAGNETIC DECL
 AZTC.deg               -1.816:  AZM TOTAL CORR
 MDIP.deg               58.354:  MAGNETIC DIP
 MFLD.nT             55018.000:  MAGNETIC FIELD
 TVDS.ft              3329.000:  TVDSS CORRECTN
 EGL .ft              3317.000:  GROUND ELEVATION
 APD .ft     
           12.000:  DEPTH ABOVE PD
 EPD .ft              3317.000:  ELEVATION
 BAP .ft                 0.000:  GL ELEV ONSHORE
 GVFD.g                  1.000:  GRAVITY FIELD
 EKB .ft              3329.000:  KB ELEVATION
 EDF .ft              3328.000:  DF ELEVATION
 MAGU.                 1929605:  MAGUTM CHECKSUM
 VSC .                       1:  VS TO CLOSURE
~Parameter Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT       Value        Description
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 BARI.                     OFF:  BARITE CORR 
 BRMP.                      No:  BromidePresent 
 DATE.               19-Apr-20:  Run Date 
 DCS .               18-Apr-20:  DateCircEndT 
 DLAB.               19-Apr-20:  LogStartDateT 
 ENGI.            JARRED HELMS:  Engineer Name 
 IQVR.     WL INSITE R6.2.13 (Build 2):  WLIQ Version 
 LSTM.ucts  01.33.36 19-Apr-20:  Log Start Time 
 LTYP.                     RAW:  LogDataType 
 LUL .                  ODESSA:  LoggingUnitLoc 
 LUN .  
              11027519:  LoggingUnitNum 
 RUN .                       1:  Run Number 
 SCT1.               19-Apr-20:  StartDateRun1 
 SVCS.     RWCH, GTET, DSNT, SDLT, XMR Sonde:  Services 
 TCS .                   22 17:  Time Ciculation Ended 
 TDCE.ucts  22.17.57 18-Apr-20:  Time Circ End 
 TLAB.                   01 33:  LogStartTimeT 
 WITN.              ED GRIEVES:  Witness Name 
~Curve Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT                 API CODE     Curve Description
#---------               -----------    ---------------------------
 DEPT.F                 00 000 000 000:  Depth
 GRTH.api               00 000 000 000:  GammaTh
 GRTO.api               00 000 000 000:  GammaTotal
 GRTC.api               00 000 000 000:  GammaKT
 POTA.%                 00 000 000 000:  Potassium
 URAN.ppm               00 000 000 000:  Uranium
 THOR.ppm               00 000 000 000:  Thorium
 GR  .api               00 000 000 00
0:  Gamma API
 GRC .api               00 000 000 000:  Gamma API Corrected
 DMG .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockMgWF
 DAL .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockAlWF
 DSI .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockSiWF
 DSUL.decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockSuWF
 DK  .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockKWF
 DCA .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockCaWF
 DTI .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockTiWF
 DMN .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockMnWF
 DFE .decp              00 000 000 000:  DryrockFeWF
 DGD .ppm               00 000 000 000:  DryrockGdWF
 WMG .decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockMgWF
 WAL .decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockAlWF
 WSI .decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockSiWF
 WSUL.decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockSuWF
 WK  .decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockKWF
 WCA .decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockCaWF
 WTI .decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockTiWF
 WMN .d
ecp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockMnWF
 WFE .decp              00 000 000 000:  WetrockFeWF
 WGD .ppm               00 000 000 000:  WetrockGdWF        00 000 000 000:  XMR T2 Log Mean
 XMRT2PorosityTotal.decp 00 000 000 000:  XMR T2 Porosity Total
 XMRT2PorosityIrrMax.decp 00 000 000 000:  XMR T2 Porosity Irr Max
 XMRT2PorosityMicro.decp 00 000 000 000:  XMR T2 Porosity Micro
 XMRT2CoatesPerm.mD     00 000 000 000:  XMR T2 Coates Perm
#Other Information
#WARRANTY: Halliburton will use its best efforts to furnish customers with 
#accurate information and interpretations that are part of, and incident to, the services 
#provided.  However, Halliburton cannot and does not warrant the accuracy 
#or correctness of such information and interpretations.  Under no circumstances should any 
#such information or interpretation be relied upon as the sole basis for any drilling, 
#completion, production, or financial decision or any procedure involving any
 risk to the 
#safety of any drilling venture, drilling rig or its crew or any other third party.  The 
#Customer has full responsibility for all drilling, completion and production operation.  
#Halliburton makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or 
#implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness 
#for a particular purpose, with respect to the services rendered.  In no event will 
#Halliburton be liable for failure to obtain any particular results or for 
#any damages, including, but not limited to, indirect, special or consequential damages, 
#resulting from the use of any information or interpretation provided by Halliburton.
#4_18_BEREXCO\0003 RWCH-GTET-CSNG-GEM-XMR\003 19-Apr-20 13:34 Up @6559.3f
#                                            SERVICE
#                                    RWCH-GTET-CSNG-GEM-XMR
#Tool           Tool Name              Serial       Weight       Length       Length            
#Mnemonic                              Number       (lbs)        (ft)         Accumulation(ft)  
#RWCH           RWCH*                  12027540     135.01       6.25         75.68             
#LEST           LEST                   11578890     275.00       13.60        62.08             
#GTET           GTET                   11021169     165.00       8.52         53.56             
#CSNG           CSNG*                  11212563     119.00       8.17         45.39             
#GEMT           GEMT Instrument*       11519905     86.60        3.37         42.02             
#GEMT           GEMT Mandrel           11362710     270.00       6.27         35.75             
#XMRCCE         XMRCCE                 13233751     142.00       8.53         27.22         
#XMR            XMR Instrument*        13233752     320.00       9.35         17.87             
#XMR            XMR Sonde*             13233750     448.00       9.11         8.76              
#DCEN-I         Decentralizer Inline 1 11657792     100.00       6.68         2.08              
#               4.5                                                                             
#HFND           Hole Finder            12345678     50.00        2.08         0.00              
#Total                                              2110.61      81.93                          
#" * " = Overbody Attached
#                                                        PARAMETERS
#Tool Name              Mnemonic       Description                              
                    Value          Units   
#     TOP --------------------------------------------
#SHARED                 BS             Bit Size                                                     7.875          in      
#SHARED                 UBS            Use Bit Size instead of Caliper for all applications.        No                     
#SHARED                 MDBS           Mud Base                                                     Water                  
#SHARED                 MDWT           Borehole Fluid Weight                                        8.900          ppg     
#SHARED                 WAGT           Weighting Agent                                              Barite                 
#SHARED                 BSAL           Borehole salinity                                            0.00           ppm     
      FSAL           Formation Salinity  NaCl                                     0.00           ppm     
#SHARED                 WPHS           OBM Water Phase Salinity NaCl                                0.00           ppm     
#SHARED                 OFOW           Base Oil Fraction from Oil/Water Ratio                       1.00                   
#SHARED                 OBMT           Oil based Mud Type                                           Diesel                 
#SHARED                 KPCT           Percent K in Mud by Weight?                                  0.00           %       
#SHARED                 RMUD           Mud Resistivity                                              2.000          ohmm    
#SHARED                 TRM            Temperature of Mud                                           75.0           degF    
#SHARED                 CSD            Logging Interval is Cased?                                   No                     
      ICOD           AHV Casing OD                                                5.500          in      
#SHARED                 CS             Casing Outer Diameter                                        8.500          in      
#SHARED                 CSWT           Casing Weight                                                17.00          lbpf    
#SHARED                 ISOC           Is Outer Casing Present?                                     No                     
#SHARED                 COOD           Outer Casing OD size                                         0.000          in      
#SHARED                 CSWT           Outer Casing Weight                                          0.00           lbpf    
#SHARED                 CSCM           Casing Cemented                                              Yes                    
#SHARED                 CMTY           API Cement Class                                             H                      
      CMWT           Cement Weight                                                16.500         ppg     
#SHARED                 CSTR           Compressive Strength                                         1000.00        psia    
#SHARED                 ST             Surface Temperature                                          75.0           degF    
#SHARED                 TD             Total Well Depth                                             6550.00        ft      
#SHARED                 BHT            Bottom Hole Temperature                                      200.0          degF    
#SHARED                 SVTM           Navigation and Survey Master Tool                            NONE                   
#SHARED                 AZTM           High Res Z Accelerometer Master Tool                         GTET                   
#SHARED                 TEMM           CBM Temperature Master Tool                                  GTET                   
      CACL           Calcium-weighted OBM CaCl2 weight %                          30.00          %       
#SHARED                 OBMS           Calicum-weighted OBM solids volume in v/v                    0.18                   
#SHARED                 OBMW           Calcium-weighted OBM water volume in v/v                     0.16                   
#SHARED                 MSAL           Water-base mud filtrate salinity                             0.00           ppm     
#GTET                   GROK           Process Gamma Ray?                                           Yes                    
#GTET                   GRSO           Gamma Tool Standoff                                          0.000          in      
#GTET                   GEOK           Process Gamma Ray EVR?                                       No                     
#GTET                   TPOS           Tool Position for Gamma Ray Tools.                           Eccentered             
      BHSM           Borehole Size Source Tool                                    Bit Size               
#CSNG                   CGOK           Process CSNG Data?                                           Yes                    
#CSNG                   CENT           Is Tool Centralized?                                         No                     
#CSNG                   GBOK           Gamma Enviromental Corrections?                              Yes                    
#CSNG                   BARF           Barite Correction Factor                                     1.00                   
#CSNG                   ORDG           Use Fixed Gain                                               No                     
#CSNG                   GAIV           Value to use for gain                                        1.000                  
#CSNG                   ORDO           Use Fixed Offset                                             No                     
      OFFV           Value to use for offset                                      0.000                  
#CSNG                   ORDR           Use Fixed Resolution Degradation Factor                      No                     
#CSNG                   RDFV           Value to use for Resolution Degradation Factor               0.000                  
#CSNG                   BHSM           Borehole Size Source Tool                                    Bit Size               
#GEMT Mandrel           GMOK           Compute GEMT Results?                                        Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTAL           Fit Chemical Element Al                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTBA           Fit Chemical Element Ba                                      No                     
#GEMT Mandrel           FITC           Fit Chemical Element C                                       Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel     
      FTCA           Fit Chemical Element Ca                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTCL           Fit Chemical Element Cl                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTFE           Fit Chemical Element Fe                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTGD           Fit Chemical Element Gd                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FITH           Fit Chemical Element H                                       Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTK            Fit Chemical Element K                                       Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTMG           Fit Chemical Element Mg                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTMN           Fit Chemical Element Mn                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel     
      FTNA           Fit Chemical Element Na                                      No                     
#GEMT Mandrel           FITO           Fit Chemical Element O                                       Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTS            Fit Chemical Element S                                       Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTSI           Fit Chemical Element SI                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           FTTI           Fit Chemical Element Ti                                      Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           KFIT           Potassium constraint flag (No = don't fit,Yes = fit)         Yes                    
#GEMT Mandrel           UFDF           Use Fix Resolution Degradation Factor                        No                     
#GEMT Mandrel           FDFV           Fixed Resolution Degradation Factor (used if UseFixedRDF is  0.000                  
#GEMT Mandrel           CALO           Aluminum Yield Offset                                        0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           CSOF           Sulphur Yield Offset                                         0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           CKOF           Potassium Yield Offset                                       0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           CMNO           Manganese Yield Offset                                       0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           CFEO           Iron Yield Offset                                            0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           CCAO           Calcium Yield Offset                                         0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           CK2O           Potassium offset 2nd order coefficient                       0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel     
      CK1O           Potassium offset 1st order coefficient                       0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           CK0O           Potassium offset 0th order coefficient                       0.0000                 
#GEMT Mandrel           EBCA           Apply estimated Ca bias correction                           No                     
#GEMT Mandrel           EBSU           Apply estimated Su bias correction                           No                     
#GEMT Mandrel           BHSM           Borehole Size Source Tool                                    Bit Size               
#XMR Sonde              MRIE           Do MRIL Calculations?                                        Yes                    
#XMR Sonde              ISMA           MRIL Advanced features flag                                  No                     
#XMR Sonde              BVT2           BVI Cutoff T2                                                33.0           ms      
#XMR Sonde        
      MPT2           Mril MicroPorosityCutoff T2                                  3.0            ms      
#XMR Sonde              BVT2           SBVI Coeff T2                                                0.062                  
#XMR Sonde              FBT2           Mril FBT2 Coefficient T2                                     1.00                   
#XMR Sonde              BVT1           BVI Cutoff T1                                                60.0           ms      
#XMR Sonde              MPT1           Mril MicroPorosityCutoff T1                                  6.0            ms      
#XMR Sonde              BVT1           SBVI Coeff T1                                                0.031                  
#XMR Sonde              FBT1           Mril FBT2 Coefficient T1                                     1.00                   
#XMR Sonde              PCFC           Mril Permeability Coefficient C                              10.000                 
#XMR Sonde        
      PCFB           Mril Permeability Coefficient B                              2.000                  
#XMR Sonde              PCFA           Mril Permeability Coefficient A                              4.000                  
#XMR Sonde              TMPT           Mril Formation Temperature Correction Type                   DCB Temp               
#XMR Sonde              MRCT           Mril Fixed Temperature Value                                 79.99          degF    
#XMR Sonde              MRTT           MRIL Top Well Temperature for gradient calc                  75.0           degF    
#XMR Sonde              DTDT           MRIL Top Depth for Temp Gradient Calc. Measured Depth)       0.00           ft      
#XMR Sonde              MRBT           MRIL Bottom  Temperature for gradient calc                   199.99         degF    
#XMR Sonde              MBDT           MRIL Bottom  Depth for Temp Gradient Calc. (Measured Depth). 10000.00       ft      
#XMR Sonde        
      DPRS           Mril Formation Pressure Correction Type                      Mud Weight             
#XMR Sonde              MRCP           MRIL Fixed Pressure Value                                    14.7000        psia    
#XMR Sonde              MRTP           MRIL Top Pressure for gradient calc                          14.7000        psia    
#XMR Sonde              MTDP           MRIL Top Depth for  Pres Gradient Calc (Measured Depth).     0.00           ft      
#XMR Sonde              MRBP           MRIL bottom pressure for gradient cal.                       14.7000        psia    
#XMR Sonde              MNDP           MRIL bottom depth for Pres. Gradient calc (Measured Depth).  10000.00       ft      
#XMR Sonde              UTVD           Use TVD for Gradient Corrections?                            No                     
#XMR Sonde              SIGD           Mril Sigma Desired                                           1.4AUTO                
#XMR Sonde        
      O12R           Open T1T2 Feasible Region                                    No                     
#XMR Sonde              FMSB           Fit model perm SB option                                     Cubic Spline           
#XMR Sonde              EXRP           Exclude beginning repeats for partial recovery activations   1                      
#XMR Sonde              FLPH           Filter length for phase rotation                             20                     
#XMR Sonde              FLST           Filter length for stacking                                   2                      
#XMR Sonde              PBGR           Enable writing group results per band                        No                     
#XMR Sonde              ECN            Echo number for TypeLog                                      3                      
#XMR Sonde              OCW            Over-Current Window in 1.0 second                            600            sec     
#     BOTTOM --
#                                               INPUTS, DELAYS AND FILTERS
#Mnemonic             Input Description                                            Delay        Filter Length Filter Type
#                                                                                  (ft)         (ft)                     
#                                                          GTET
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 56.035                     NO         
#GR                   Natural Gamma Ray API                                        56.035       1.750         TRI        
#GRU                  Unfiltered Natural Gamma Ray API           
                  56.035                     NO         
#EGR                  Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution      56.035       1.416 , 0.750 W          
#HDIA                 Measured Hole Diameter                                       0.000                      NO         
#ACCZ                 Accelerometer Z                                              0.000        0.083         BLK        
#DEVI                 Inclination                                                  0.000                      NO         
#                                                          CSNG
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 47.950                     NO         
#STAT                 Status                                                       47.950                     NO         
#FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                             47.950       0.250         BLK        
            Total Frames                                                 47.950                     NO         
#LSPD                 Line Speed                                                   47.950       0.250         BLK        
#CTIM                 Accumulation time for sample                                 47.950       0.250         BLK        
#NOIS                 Spectral Noise                                               47.950       0.250         BLK        
#STAB                 Stabilizer Voltage in mv                                     47.950       0.250         BLK        
#STBP                 Stabilizer 60 KEV Peak                                       47.950       0.250         BLK        
#AMER                 Americium                                                    47.950       0.250         BLK        
#FTMP                 Flask PCB Temperature                                        47.950       0.250         BLK        
#SPEL                 Low 
Energy Spectrum                                          47.950       0.250         BLK        
#SPEH                 High Energy Spectrum                                         47.950       0.250         BLK        
#SSP                  Stabilization Energy Spectrum                                47.950       0.250         BLK        
#HDIA                 Measured Hole Diameter                                       0.000                      NO         
#CSPC                 CSNG Lo Hi Spectrum Data                                     47.950                     NO         
#                                                      GEMT Mandrel
#TPUL                 Tension Pull                                                 37.926                     NO         
#FRMC                 Tool Frame Count                                             37.926                     NO         
#TFRM                 Total Frames                                                 37.926 
#LSPD                 Line Speed                                                   37.926                     NO         
#ATIM                 Accumulation time for sample                                 37.926                     NO         
#CTIM                 Accumulation time for single frame                           37.926                     NO         
#STAT                 Status                                                       37.926                     NO         
#PHMI                 Photomultiplier Current                                      37.926                     NO         
#PHVT                 Photomultiplier Voltage                                      37.926                     NO         
#FTMP                 Flask PCB Temperature                                        37.926                     NO         
#GSP                  GEMT Spectrum                                                37.926                 
#HDIA                 Measured Hole Diameter                                       0.000                      NO         
#                                                   OUTPUTS
#Mnemonic             Output Description                                           Filter Length Filter Type 
#                                                                                  (ft)                      
#                                                    GTET
#ACCZ2                Accelerometer Z                                                            NO          
#DEVI                 Inclination                                                                NO          
#BTMP2                BoreHole Temperature                    
#PLTC2                Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#EGR                  Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution                    NO          
#EGRC                 Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution and                NO          
#                     BHC                                                                                    
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#BHAB                 Borehole Absorption                                                        NO          
#BHCN                 Borehole Correction                                                        NO          
#ICID                 Inner Casing ID                                                            NO          
#KCTN                 Pottasium Correction                     
#PLTC3                Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#GR                   Natural Gamma Ray API                                                      NO          
#GRCO                 Natural Gamma Ray API Borehole Corrected                                   NO          
#PLTC                 Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#BHAB                 Borehole Absorption                                                        NO          
#BHCN                 Borehole Correction                                                        NO          
#ICID                 Inner Casing ID                                                            NO          
#KCTN                 Pottasium Correction                                                       NO          
#                                                    CSNG

#CSPC                 CSNG Lo Hi Spectrum Data                                                   NO          
#PLTC4                Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#ATIM                 Accumulation time for sample                                               NO          
#FERR                 Fitting Error                                                              NO          
#GRTO                 Gamma Ray API Total                                                        NO          
#GRKT                 Gamma Ray API Potassium and Thorium                                        NO          
#POTA                 Potassium                                                                  NO          
#URAN                 Uranium                                                                    NO          
#THOR                 Thorium                                                                    NO          

#TURT                 Ratio Thorium to Uranium                                                   NO          
#UKRT                 Ratio Uranium to Potassium                                                 NO          
#TKRT                 Ratio Thorium to Potassium                                                 NO          
#BHK                  Borehole Potassium Concentration                                           NO          
#ERPO                 Error Potassium                                                            NO          
#ERUR                 Error Uranium                                                              NO          
#ERTH                 Error Thorium                                                              NO          
#ERTO                 Error Gamma Ray Total                                                      NO          
#ERTC                 Error Gamma Ray KT                                                         NO          
EBHK                 Borehole K Concentration Error                                             NO          
#MINK                 Potassium Error Minimum                                                    NO          
#MAXK                 Potassium Error Maximum                                                    NO          
#MINU                 Minimum Uranium Error                                                      NO          
#MAXU                 Maximum Uranium Error                                                      NO          
#MINT                 Minimum Thorium Error                                                      NO          
#MAXT                 Maximum Thorium Error                                                      NO          
#MNGR                 Min Gamma Ray Total Error                                                  NO          
#MXGR                 Max Gamma Ray Total Error                                                  NO          
NKT                 MinGamma Ray KT Error                                                      NO          
#MXKT                 Max Gamma Ray KT Error                                                     NO          
#MNBK                 Min Borehole K  Concentration Error                                        NO          
#MXBK                 Max Borehole K  Concentration Error                                        NO          
#MNHB                 Min Borehole Potassium Running Average Error                               NO          
#MXHB                 Max Borehole Potassium Running Average Error                               NO          
#CVBF                 ComputedBarite Factor                                                      NO          
#HBAR                 Barite Correction Factor Running Average                                   NO          
#HBHK                 Borehole Potassium Running Average                                         NO          
BK                 Borehole Potassium Running Average Error                                   NO          
#AMCR                 Americium                                                                  NO          
#STBP                 Stabilizer 60 KEV Peak                                                     NO          
#NOIS                 Spectral Noise                                                             NO          
#CGCF                 Spectral Gain Correction Factor                                            NO          
#COCF                 Spectral Offset Correction Factor                                          NO          
#CRDF                 Resolution Degradation Factor                                              NO          
#FTMP                 Flask PCB Temperature                                                      NO          
#LSPC                 Low Energy Spectrum                                                        NO          
C                 High Energy Spectrum                                                       NO          
#SSPC                 Stabilization Energy Spectrum                                              NO          
#                                                GEMT Mandrel
#PLTC5                Plot Control Mask                                                          NO          
#LSPD3                Line Speed                                                                 NO          
#ATIM3                Accumulation time for sample                                               NO          
#CH                   GEM Hydrogen                                                               NO          
#GHC                  GEM Hybrid Carbon                                                          NO          
#GHO                  GEM Hybrid Oxygen                                                          NO          
#CNA                  GEM Sodium               
#CMG                  GEM Magnesium                                                              NO          
#CAL                  GEM Aluminum                                                               NO          
#CSI                  GEM Silicon                                                                NO          
#ISI                  GEM Inelastic Silicon                                                      NO          
#CSUL                 GEM Sulphur                                                                NO          
#CCHL                 GEM Chlorine                                                               NO          
#CK                   GEM Potassium                                                              NO          
#CCA                  GEM Calcium                                                                NO          
#ICA2                 GEM Inelastic Calcium     
#CTI                  GEM Iitanium                                                               NO          
#CMN                  GEM Manganese                                                              NO          
#CFE                  GEM Iron                                                                   NO          
#IFE                  GEM Inelastic Iron                                                         NO          
#CBA                  GEM Barium                                                                 NO          
#CGD                  GEM Gadolinium                                                             NO          
#TB                   GEM Tool Background                                                        NO          
#MH                   GEM Hydrogen - Unc                                                         NO          
#PH                   GEM Hydrogen + Unc         
#MHC                  GEM Hybrid Carbon - Unc                                                    NO          
#PHC                  GEM Hybrid Carbon  + Unc                                                   NO          
#MHO                  GEM Hybrid Oxygen  - Unc                                                   NO          
#PHO                  GEM Hybrid Oxygen  + Unc                                                   NO          
#MNA                  GEMSodium -  Unc                                                           NO          
#PNA                  GEMSodium + Unc                                                            NO          
#MMG                  GEM Magnesium  - Unc                                                       NO          
#PMG                  GEM Magnesium  + Unc                                                       NO          
#MAL                  GEM aluminum  -  Unc        
#PAL                  GEM aluminum  + Unc                                                        NO          
#MSI                  GEM Silicon  - Unc                                                         NO          
#PSI                  GEM Silicon  + Unc                                                         NO          
#MISI                 GEM Inelastic Silicon - Unc                                                NO          
#PISI                 GEM Inelastic Silicon + Unc                                                NO          
#MSUL                 GEM Sulfur - Unc                                                           NO          
#PSUL                 GEM Sulfur + Unc                                                           NO          
#MCHL                 GEM Chlorine - Unc                                                         NO          
#PCHL                 GEM Chlorine + Unc           
#MK                   GEM Potassium - Unc                                                        NO          
#PK                   GEM Potassium + Unc                                                        NO          
#MCA                  GEM Calcium-Unc                                                            NO          
#PCA                  GEM Calcium + Unc                                                          NO          
#MICA                 GEM Inelastic Calcium  - Unc                                               NO          
#PICA                 GEM Inelastic Calcium  + Unc                                               NO          
#MTI                  GEM Titanium  - Unc                                                        NO          
#PTI                  GEM Titanium  + Unc                                                        NO          
#MMN                  GEM Manganese  - Unc          
#PMN                  GEM Manganese  + Unc                                                       NO          
#MFE                  GEM Iron  - Unc                                                            NO          
#PFE                  GEM Iron  + Unc                                                            NO          
#MIFE                 GEM Inelastic Iron  - Unc                                                  NO          
#PIFE                 GEM Inelastic Iron  + Unc                                                  NO          
#MBA                  GEM Barium  - Unc                                                          NO          
#PBA                  GEM Barium  + Unc                                                          NO          
#MGD                  GEM Gadolinium  - Unc                                                      NO          
#PGD                  GEM Gadolinium  + Unc          
#MTB                  GEM Tool Background - Unc                                                  NO          
#PTB                  GEM Tool Background + Unc                                                  NO          
#KMG                  GEM K - Mg interference                                                    NO          
#KAL                  GEM K - Al interference                                                    NO          
#KSI                  GEM K - Si  interference                                                   NO          
#KS                   GEM K - Si interference                                                    NO          
#KCA                  GEM K - Ca interference                                                    NO          
#KTI                  GEM K - Ti interference                                                    NO          
#KMN                  GEM K - Mn interference         
#KFE                  GEM K - Fe interference                                                    NO          
#KGD                  GEM K - Gd interference                                                    NO          
#CHIS                 Chi-Square Elemental Fit                                                   NO          
#GGCF                 GEM Gain Correction Factor                                                 NO          
#GOCF                 GEM Offset Correction Factor                                               NO          
#GRDF                 GEM Resolution Degradation Factor                                          NO          
#FY                   Oxides normalization factor                                                NO          
#CMGC                 GEM Magnesium corrected                                                    NO          
#CALC                 GEM Aluminum corrected           
#CSIC                 GEM Silicon corrected                                                      NO          
#CSUC                 GEM Sulphur corrected                                                      NO          
#CKC                  GEM Potassium corrected                                                    NO          
#CCAC                 GEM Calcium corrected                                                      NO          
#CTIC                 GEM Titanium corrected                                                     NO          
#CMNC                 GEM Manganese corrected                                                    NO          
#CFEC                 GEM Iron corrected                                                         NO          
#CGDC                 GEM Gadolinium corrected                                                   NO          
#DMG                  Dry rock magnesium weight fraction
#DAL                  Dry rock aluminum weight fraction                                          NO          
#DSI                  Dry rock silicon weight fraction                                           NO          
#DSUL                 Dry rock sulfur weight fraction                                            NO          
#DK                   Dry rock potassium weight fraction                                         NO          
#DCA                  Dry rock calcium weight fraction                                           NO          
#DTI                  Dry rock titanium weight fraction                                          NO          
#DMN                  Dry rock manganese weight fraction                                         NO          
#DFE                  Dry rock iron weight fraction                                              NO          
#DGD                  Dry rock gadolinium weight fraction
#WMG                  Wet rock magnesium weight fraction                                         NO          
#WAL                  Wet rock aluminum weight fraction                                          NO          
#WSI                  Wet rock silicon weight fraction                                           NO          
#WSUL                 Wet rock sulfur weight fraction                                            NO          
#WK                   Wet rock potassium weight fraction                                         NO          
#WCA                  Wet rock calcium weight fraction                                           NO          
#WTI                  Wet rock titanium weight fraction                                          NO          
#WMN                  Wet rock manganese weight fraction                                         NO          
#WFE                  Wet rock iron weight fraction       
#WGD                  Wet rock gadolinium weight fraction                                        NO          
#GCFF                 GEM variable spectral gain correction factor                               NO          
#OCFF                 GEM variable spectral offset correction factor                             NO          
#GPE                  Geochemical PE                                                             NO          
#ECAB                 GEM Estimated Ca Bias                                                      NO          
#ESUB                 GEM Estimated Su Bias                                                      NO          
#CKB                  GEM K Bias                                                                 NO          
#                                                  XMR Sonde
#PLTC6                Plot Control Mask                                                          NO   
#ActivationIndex2     Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex           processed event index                                                      NO          
#NoMatchEventCount    mis match event index count                                                NO          
#XMRStatus03          Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRT2Distribution    T2 Distrubution, numBins, .5 to 500 ms                                     NO          
#XMRT2LogMean         Mril Log Mean of T2Dist                                                    NO          
#XMRT2PorosityTotal   MrilTotol Porosity from T2Dist                                             NO          
#XMRT2PorosityIrrMax  Mril maximum of CBVI and SBVI from T2Dist                                  NO          
#XMRT2PorosityMicro   Mril Micro Pososity from T2 Dist                                           NO    
#XMRT2PorosityEffecti Mril Effective Porosity from T2Dist                                        NO          
#XMRT2FreeFluidIndex  Mril Free Fluid Index from T2Dist                                          NO          
#XMRT2CoatesPerm      Mril T2 Coates Permability from T2Dist                                     NO          
#XMRT2BenSwansonPerm  Mril Ben Swanson Method Permability from T2Dist                            NO          
#XMRT2LogMeanPerm     Mril Log Mean Permeability from T2Dist                                     NO          
#XMRT2PorosityIrrCuto Cutoff BVI ( old CBVI) from T2Dist                                         NO          
#XMRT2PorosityIrrSpec Mril Spectral BVI (old SBVI) from T2 dist                                  NO     
#XMRRmsFitErrorT2     Mril quality of fit ErrT2 ( less than 2)                                   NO          
#XMRT1Distribution    T1 Distrubution, numBins, .5 to 500 ms                                     NO          
#XMRT1LogMean         Mril Log Mean of T1Dist                                                    NO          
#XMRT1PorosityTotal   MrilTotol Porosity from T1Dist                                             NO          
#XMRT1PorosityIrrMax  Mril maximum of CBVI and SBVI from T1Dist                                  NO          
#XMRT1PorosityMicro   Mril Micro Pososity from T1 Dist                                           NO          
#XMRT1PorosityEffecti Mril Effective Porosity from T1Dist                                        NO          
#XMRT1FreeFluidIndex  Mril Free Fluid Index from T1Dist                                          NO          
#XMRT1CoatesPerm      Mril T1 Coates Permability from T1Dist                                     NO          
#XMRT1BenSwansonPerm  Mril Ben Swanson Method Permability from T1Dist                            NO          
#XMRT1LogMeanPerm     Mril Log Mean Permeability from T1Dist                                     NO          
#XMRT1PorositIrrCutof Cutoff BVI ( old CBVI) from T1Dist                                         NO          
#XMRT1PorosityIrrSpec Mril Spectral BVI (old SBVI) from T1 dist                                  NO          
#XMRRmsFitErrorT1     Mril quality of fit ErrT1 ( less than 2)                                   NO       
#MinVs-OptimizedVsRat Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#MaxVs-OptimizedVsRat Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#MinGain-OptimizedGai Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#MaxGain-OptimizedGai Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#ActivationIndex3     Activation index                                                           NO        
#EventIndex2          processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber2      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName2        Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus04          Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime2         Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing2      Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO         
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise  Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise    Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging  Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle        Phase Angle                                                                NO          

#XMRRotationAngle     Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo1     Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum           sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain              Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
#B1                   B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          

#DepthOfInvestSodium  Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth       Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired         Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          

#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal2      Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag2      Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal2   Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag2   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#ActivationIndex5     Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex3          processed event index                                                      NO          
SequenceNumber3      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName4        Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus05          Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime3         Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing3      Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
MRNoisePulsesNoise2 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise2   Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging2 Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
RPhaseAngle2       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle2    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo12    Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum2          sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain2             Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
#B12                  B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
thOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium2 Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth2      Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired2        Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal3      Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag3      Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal3   Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag3   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#ActivationIndex6     Activation index                                                           NO          
Index4          processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber4      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName5        Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus06          Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime4         Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing4      Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise3 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise3   Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging3 Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle3       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle3    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo13    Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum3          sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain3             Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
#B13                  B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium3 Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth3      Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired3        Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal4      Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag4      Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal4   Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag4   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
Index7     Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex5          processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber5      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName6        Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus07          Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime5         Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing5      Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
rectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise4 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise4   Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging4 Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
elOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle4       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle4    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo14    Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum4          sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain4             Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
#B14                  B1                                                                         NO          
emperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium4 Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth4      Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired4        Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-Optimiz
edVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal5      Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag5      Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal5   Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
ag5   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#ActivationIndex8     Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex6          processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber6      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName7        Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus08          Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime6         Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing6      Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise5 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise5   Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging5 Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle5       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle5    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo15    Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum5          sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain5             Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
   B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium5 Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth5      Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired5        Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal6      Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag6      Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
 Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag6   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#ActivationIndex9     Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex7          processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber7      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName8        Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus09          Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime7         Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing7      Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise6 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise6   Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging6 Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi P
hase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle6       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle6    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo16    Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum6          sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain6             Mr
il Gain                                                                  NO          
#B16                  B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium6 Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth6      Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired6        Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Min
imum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal7      Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag7      Mean
 Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal7   Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag7   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#ActivationIndex10    Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex8          processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber8      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName9        Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus010         Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime8         Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing8      Mril 
Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise7 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise7   Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging7 Mril r
inging  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle7       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle7    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo17    Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum7          sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .      
#XMRGain7             Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
#B17                  B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium7 Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth7      Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired7        Mril Sig
ma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal8      Mean Papp
ed Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag8      Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal8   Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag8   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#ActivationIndex11    Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex9          processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber9      Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName10       Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus011         Mril Status0                                                               NO          
#XMRWaitTime9         Mril Wait 
time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing9      Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise8 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise8   Mril noise 
 in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging8 Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle8       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle8    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo18    Mril Echo 1 (typelog), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum8          sum of Xecho
 after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain8             Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
#B18                  B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium8 Diam of Investigation Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth8      Mril filter l
ength used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired8        Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain optimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal9      Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag9      Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal9   Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag9   Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#ActivationIndex12    Activation index                                                           NO          
#EventIndex10         processed event index                                                      NO          
#SequenceNumber10     Sequence Number                                                            NO          
#XMRGroupName11       Mril Group Name                                                            NO          
#XMRStatus012         Mril Status0   
#XMRWaitTime10        Mril Wait time                                                             NO          
#XMREchoSpacing10     Mril Echo Spacing                                                          NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedXEc Mril after phase correction real part                                      NO          
#XMRPhaseCorrectedYEc Mril after phase correction imaginary part                                 NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesNoise9 Mril noise in the noise echo                                               NO          
#XMRNoisePulsesOffset Mril offset  in the noise echo                                             NO          
#XMRInterEchoNoise9   Mril noise  in the inter echo                                              NO          
#XMRInterEchoRinging9 Mril ringing  in the inter echo                                            NO          
#XMRSigma-YChannelNoi Phase Noiser (std)                                                         NO          
#XMRMu-YChannelOffset Phase Error (mean)                                                         NO          
#XMRPhaseAngle9       Phase Angle                                                                NO          
#XMRRotationAngle9    Mril Rotation  Angle                                                       NO          
#XMRTypeLog-Echo19    Mril Echo 1 (type
log), used to be echo 3                                   NO          
#XMREchoSum9          sum of Xecho after rotation used for phaseAng or rotAng calc               NO          
#                     .                                                                                      
#XMRGain9             Mril Gain                                                                  NO          
#B19                  B1                                                                         NO          
#B1ModifiedByTemperat B1 adjusted for Temperature                                                NO          
#DepthOfInvestHydroge Diam of Investigation Hydrogen                                             NO          
#DepthOfInvestSodium9 Diam of Investigat
ion Sodium                                               NO          
#XMRFilterLenth9      Mril filter length used                                                    NO          
#SigmaDesired9        Mril Sigma Desired                                                         NO          
#Min Vs-OptimizedVsRa Minimum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Max Vs-OptimizedVsRa Maximum Vs Vs optimized ratio                                              NO          
#Min Gain-OptimizedGa Minimum gain and gain optimized ratio                                      NO          
#Max Gain-OptimizedGa Maximum gain gain o
ptimized ratio                                          NO          
#MeanPappedReal10     Mean Papped Gain Real                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedImag10     Mean Papped Gain Imag                                                      NO          
#MeanPappedRefReal10  Mean Papped Ref Gain Real                                                  NO          
#MeanPappedRefImag10  Mean Papped Ref Gain Imag                                                  NO          
#UsedBand             Band is used for frequency sweep or not                                    NO          
#FrequencyBasedData   Frequency based data for the XMR flash table                               NO          
#FixedData            Fixed data for the XMR flash table                                         NO          

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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Data added continuously.