KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-093-21979

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
~Version Information
 VERS.                  2.0:   CWLS log ASCII Standard -VERSION 2.0
 WRAP.                   NO:   One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 STRT.F              3600.0000: START DEPTH
 STOP.F              6559.5000: STOP DEPTH
 STEP.F                 0.5000: STEP DEPTH
 NULL.                 -999.25: NULL VALUE
 MMDD.      31-Dec-19 03 42 36:  MAG DATA DATE
 MMDL.                  IGRF12:  MAGNETIC MODEL
 LOC .     100' FSL & 860' FEL:  LOCATION
 FL1 .     100' FSL & 860' FEL:  LOCATIONLINE1
 DMF .                      KB:  DRILL MEAS FROM
 PDAT.                      GL:  PERMANENT DATUM
 RIG .              BEREDCO #1:  RIG NAME
 CNTY.                  KEARNY:  COUNTY NAME
 FLD .               PATTERSON:  FIELD NAME
 DATE.             18-Apr-2020:  DATE
VCO.             Halliburton:  SERVICECONAME
 PROV.                  KANSAS:  PROVINCE
 STAT.                  KANSAS:  STATE NAME
 CTRY.                     USA:  COUNTRY NAME
 HIDE.                        :  WELLNAMEOPERAT
 BASI.                   BACIA:  BASIN
 UWI .            15-093-21979:  UNIQUE WELL IDENTIFIER
 API .            15-093-21979:  API NUMBER
 RANG.                     38W:  RANGE
 TOWN.                      22:  TOWNSHIP
 SECT.                      25:  SECTION
 SON .               906439543:  JOB NUMBER
 SRVC.             Halliburton:  SERVICE COMPANY
 LMF .                      KB:  LOG MEASURED FROM
 GRDC.deg               0.0000:  GRID CORRECTION
 MDEC.deg              -1.8160:  MAGNETIC DECL
 AZTC.deg              -1.8160:  AZM TOTAL CORR
 MDIP.deg              58.3540:  MAGNETIC DIP
 MFLD.nT            55018.0000:  MAGNETIC FIELD
 TVDS.ft             3329.0000:  TVDSS CORRECTN
 EGL .ft             3317.0000:  GROUND ELEVATION
 APD .ft     
          12.0000:  DEPTH ABOVE PD
 EPD .ft             3317.0000:  ELEVATION
 BAP .ft                0.0000:  GL ELEV ONSHORE
 GVFD.g                 1.0000:  GRAVITY FIELD
 EKB .ft             3329.0000:  KB ELEVATION
 EDF .ft             3328.0000:  DF ELEVATION
 TDL .ft             6554.0000:  TOTAL DEPTH (LOGGER)
 MAGU.                 1929605:  MAGUTM CHECKSUM
 VSC .                       1:  VS TO CLOSURE
~Parameter Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT       Value        Description
#---------     -----------    ---------------------------
 BARI.                     OFF:  BARITE CORR 
 BHT .degF            139.0000:  BottomHole Temp 
 BLI .ft             6554.0000:  BotLog Interval 
 BRMP.                      No:  BromidePresent 
 BS  .in                7.8750:  Bit Size 
 CBD .ft             1763.0000:  Casing Depth 
 CBL .ft             1750.0000:  Casing Logged 
 CDS .ft                0.0000:  CasingStartDep 
 CSF5.        Conductor Casing:  Casing Func5 
.          Surface Casing:  Casing Func6 
 CSWT.lbpf             40.0000:  Casing Weight 
 DATE.               20-Apr-20:  Run Date 
 DCS .               18-Apr-20:  DateCircEndT 
 DFL .cptm              6.8000:  Fluid Loss 
 DFS .ppmCl-         4400.0000:  Water Salinity 
 DLAB.               23-Apr-20:  LogStartDateT 
 ENGI.            JARRED HELMS:  Engineer Name 
 HSP .                      No:  HighSalPresent 
 IQVR.     WL INSITE R6.2.13 (Build 2):  WLIQ Version 
 LSTM.ucts  10.49.12 23-Apr-20:  Log Start Time 
 LTYP.                     RAW:  LogDataType 
 LUL .                  ODESSA:  LoggingUnitLoc 
 LUN .                11027519:  LoggingUnitNum 
 MCSR.                    CALC:  Rmc Source 
 PH  .pH               11.5000:  Mud pH 
 MFSS.                    CALC:  Rmf Source 
 MSS .                  MUDPIT:  Mud Sample Source 
 MST .degF             71.0000:  Mud Sample Temperature 
 MTD .ft             6428.2002:  Max Temp Depth 
 DFV .s/qt             6
1.0000:  Mud Viscosity 
 RMS .ohmm              0.5900:  Mud Resistivity 
 RMBH.ohmm              0.3100:  Rm @ BHT 
 RMCS.ohmm              0.7100:  Mud Cake Resistivity 
 MCST.degF             71.0000:  Mud Cake Sample Temperature 
 RMFS.ohmm              0.4700:  Mud Filtrate Resistivity 
 RMFT.degF             71.0000:  Rmf Temperature 
 RUN .                       5:  Run Number 
 SCT1.               23-Apr-20:  StartDateRun1 
 STEM.degF             50.0000:  Surface Temp 
 SVCN.      RWCH-GTET-XRMI-AST:  Service Name 
 SVCS.     RWCH, GTET, ASRA, XRMI-I Instrument, XRMI-I Mandrel:  Services 
 TCS .                   19 00:  Time Ciculation Ended 
 TDCE.ucts  19.00.57 18-Apr-20:  Time Circ End 
 TDD .ft             6550.0000:  Depth Driller 
 TDL .ft             6554.0000:  Depth Logger 
 TLAB.                   10 49:  LogStartTimeT 
 TLI .ft             1750.0000:  TopLog Interval 
 TMAX.degF            139.9200:  Max Rec Temp 
 WITN.              ED GRIEVES: 
 Witness Name 
~Curve Information Block
#MNEM.UNIT                 API CODE     Curve Description
#---------               -----------    ---------------------------
 DEPT.F                 00 000 000 000:  Depth
 GR  .api               00 000 000 000:  Gamma API
 AZI1.deg               00 000 000 000:  PAD1 Azimuth                00 000 000 000:  CAL1                00 000 000 000:  CAL2                00 000 000 000:  CAL3                00 000 000 000:  CAL4                00 000 000 000:  CAL5                00 000 000 000:  CAL6
 AniAzi+.deg            00 000 000 000:  WAVE AniAzi+ Uncert
 AniAzi-.deg            00 000 000 000:  WAVE AniAzi- Uncert
 AniAzi.deg             00 000 000 000:  WAVE Aniso Azimuth
 AZI2.deg               00 000 000 000:  Azimuth of Pad 1
 FastShear.uspf         00 000 000 000:  WAVE Fast Shear
 SlowShear.uspf         00 000 000 000:  WAVE Slow Shear
 YXRYY.                 00 000 00
0 000:  YXRYY
 XYRXX.                 00 000 000 000:  XYRXX
 YXENG.                 00 000 000 000:  YXENG
 XYENG.                 00 000 000 000:  XYENG                00 000 000 000:  Caliper
 AROSE.deg              00 000 000 000:  AROSE
 AROSE180.deg           00 000 000 000:  AROSE180
 %Anisotropy.%          00 000 000 000:  WAVE %Anisotropy
#Other Information
#WARRANTY: Halliburton will use its best efforts to furnish customers with 
#accurate information and interpretations that are part of, and incident to, the services 
#provided.  However, Halliburton cannot and does not warrant the accuracy 
#or correctness of such information and interpretations.  Under no circumstances should any 
#such information or interpretation be relied upon as the sole basis for any drilling, 
#completion, production, or financial decision or any procedure involving any risk to the 
#safety of any drilling venture, drilling rig or its crew or any other third party.  The 

#Customer has full responsibility for all drilling, completion and production operation.  
#Halliburton makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or 
#implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness 
#for a particular purpose, with respect to the services rendered.  In no event will 
#Halliburton be liable for failure to obtain any particular results or for 
#any damages, including, but not limited to, indirect, special or consequential damages, 
#resulting from the use of any information or interpretation provided by Halliburton.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
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Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.