KGS Home Page Well Data base Specific Well--15-007-24222

LAS Header
Oil and Gas Index Page

This page shows the header section of the LAS file you have selected. The display ends just after the area where the curve data begins.
VERS      .           2.0                            : CWLS Log ASCII Standard Version
WRAP      .           NO                             : One Line per Depth Step
DLM       .           SPACE                          : Delimiter between data columns - one or more spaces
STRT      .ft         500                            : First Depth
STOP      .ft         4720                           : Last Depth
STEP      .ft         1                              : Depth Increment
NULL      .           -999.25                        : NULL Value
COMP      .           LARIO OIL & GAS Company        : Well Operator
WELL      .           LARIO- HOULTON #7              : Well Name
FLD       .                                          : Field
LOC       .           Sec 4   32s 12w, Barber County, Kansas : Location
SRVC      .                                          : Service Company
DATE      .           09/23/2014                     : LAS Export 
CTRY      .                                          : Country
PROV      .                                          : Province       (required if CTRY = CA)
UWI       .                                          : Unique Well ID (required if CTRY = CA)
LIC       .                                          : License        (required if CTRY = CA)
STAT      .                                          : State          (required if CTRY = US)
CNTY      .                                          : County         (required if CTRY = US)
API       .           15-007-24222-00-00             : API Number     (required if CTRY = US)
# Surface Coords: 990' FSL & 330' FEL
LATI      .DEG                                       : Latitude  - see Surface Coords comment above
LONG      .DEG                                       : Longitude - see Surface Coords comment above
GDAT      .                                          : Geodetic Datum
# There are no parameters
epth     .ft                                        : Depth channel
ROP       .min/ft                                    : 
Gamma     .API                                       : 
TG        .units                                     : 
C1        .units                                     : 
C2        .units                                     : 
C3        .units                                     : 
C4        .units                                     : 
C5        .units                                     : 
#Depth               ROP           Gamma              TG              C1              C2              C3              C4              C5

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Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Well Display Program Updated Jan. 2008. Data added continuously.