~Version Information
VERS. 2.0: CWLS log ASCII Standard -VERSION 2.0
WRAP. NO: One line per depth step
~Well Information Block
#--------- ----------- ---------------------------
STOP.F 5080.0000: STOP DEPTH
LOC . 974' FNL & 1153' FEL: LOCATION
FL1 . 974' FNL & 1153' FEL: LOCATIONLINE1
DATE. 27-Mar-2024: DATE
API . 15055226080000: API NUMBER
SON . 909227444: JOB NUMBER
APD .ft 12.0000: DEPTH ABOVE PD
EPD .ft 2858.0000: ELEVATION
LATI.deg 0.0000: LATITUDE
LONG.deg 0.0000: LONGITUDE
~Curve Information Block
rve Description
#--------- ----------- ---------------------------
DEPT.F 00 000 000 000: Depth
BITSIZE.in 00 000 000 000: Bit Size
CALI.in 00 000 000 000: Caliper
DPHI.decp 00 000 000 000: DensityPorosity
DRHO.g/cc 00 000 000 000: DensityCorr
DT .uspf 00 000 000 000: Delta-T
GR .api 00 000 000 000: Gamma API
ITTT.us 00 000 000 000: ITTTotal
MINV.ohmm 00 000 000 000: MicrologLateral
MNOR.ohmm 00 000 000 000: MicrologNormal
NPHI.decp 00 000 000 000: Neutron Porosity
PE . 00 000 000 000: Pe
RT10.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 10in Resistivity 2ft Res
RT20.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 20in Resistivity 2ft Res
RT30.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 30in Resistivity 2ft Res
RT60.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 60in Resistivity 2ft Res
00 000 000 000: 90in Resistivity 2ft Res
SP .mV 00 000 000 000: SP
SPHI.decp 00 000 000 000: Acou Porosity
TENS.lbs 00 000 000 000: Tension
RO90.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 90in Resistivity 1ft Res
RO60.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 60in Resistivity 1ft Res
RO30.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 30in Resistivity 1ft Res
RO20.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 20in Resistivity 1ft Res
RO10.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 10in Resistivity 1ft Res
RF90.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 90in Resistivity 4ft Res
RF60.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 60in Resistivity 4ft Res
RF30.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 30in Resistivity 4ft Res
RF20.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 20in Resistivity 4ft Res
RF10.ohmm 00 000 000 000: 10in Resistivity 4ft Res
CO90.mmo/m 00 000 000 000: 90in Conductivity 1ft Res
CT90.mmo/m 00 000 000 000: 90in Conductiv
ity 2ft Res
CF90.mmo/m 00 000 000 000: 90in Conductivity 4ft Res
RT .ohmm 00 000 000 000: RT
RXO .ohmm 00 000 000 000: RXO
NPHL.decp 00 000 000 000: Neu Por Lime
NPHS.decp 00 000 000 000: Neutron Porosity Sand
DCAL.in 00 000 000 000: Diff Caliper
RHOB.g/cc 00 000 000 000: Density
DLIM.decp 00 000 000 000: DenPhiLime
DPHS.decp 00 000 000 000: DenPhiSand
#Other Information
#WARRANTY: Halliburton will use its best efforts to furnish customers with
#accurate information and interpretations that are part of, and incident to, the services
#provided. However, Halliburton cannot and does not warrant the accuracy
#or correctness of such information and interpretations. Under no circumstances should any
#such information or interpretation be relied upon as the sole basis for any drilling,
#completion, production, or financial decision
or any procedure involving any risk to the
#safety of any drilling venture, drilling rig or its crew or any other third party. The
#Customer has full responsibility for all drilling, completion and production operation.
#Halliburton makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or
#implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
#for a particular purpose, with respect to the services rendered. In no event will
#Halliburton be liable for failure to obtain any particular results or for
#any damages, including, but not limited to, indirect, special or consequential damages,
#resulting from the use of any information or interpretation provided by Halliburton.
#03_27_MERIT\0001 QC\002 27-Mar-24 13:53 Up @5081.2f
# QC
#Tool Tool Name Serial Weight Length Length
#Mnemonic Number (lbs) (ft) Accumulation(ft)
#RWCH RWCH* 11123377 135.01 6.25 70.34
#GTET GTET 10971172 165.00 8.52 61.82
#DSNT DSNT* 11215099 180.60 9.69 52.13
#SDLT SDLT** 10733075 433.00 10.81 41.32
#FLEX Flex Joint - Pressure 10968478 140.00 5.97 35.35
# Comp
#BSAT BSAT* 10747685 308.00 15.77 19.58
#ACRt ACRt Instrument* 11003555 58.00 5.03 14.55
#ACRt ACRt Sonde* 11830720 200.00 14.22 0.33
#BLNS Bull Nose 10122415 5.00 0.33 0.00
#Total 1624.61 76.59
#" * " = Overbody Attached
#Tool Name Mnemonic Description Value Units
# TOP -------------
# Depth 4805.25 ft --------------------------------------------
#SHARED BS Bit Size 7.875 in
#SHARED UBS Use Bit Size instead of Caliper for all applications. No
#SHARED MDBS Mud Base Water
#SHARED MDWT Borehole Fluid Weight 9.200 ppg
#SHARED WAGT Weighting Agent Barite
#SHARED BSAL Borehole salinity 950.00 ppm
#SHARED FSAL Formation Salinity NaCl 0.00 ppm
WPHS OBM Water Phase Salinity NaCl 0.00 ppm
#SHARED OFOW Base Oil Fraction from Oil/Water Ratio 1.00
#SHARED OBMT Oil based Mud Type Diesel
#SHARED KPCT Percent K in Mud by Weight? 0.00 %
#SHARED RMUD Mud Resistivity 0.950 ohmm
#SHARED TRM Temperature of Mud 70.0 degF
#SHARED CSD Logging Interval is Cased? No
#SHARED ICOD AHV Casing OD 5.500 in
CSOD Casing Outer Diameter 8.500 in
#SHARED CSWT Casing Weight 17.00 lbpf
#SHARED ISOC Is Outer Casing Present? No
#SHARED COOD Outer Casing OD size 0.000 in
#SHARED CSWT Outer Casing Weight 0.00 lbpf
#SHARED CSCM Casing Cemented Yes
#SHARED CMWT Cement Weight 16.500 ppg
CSTR Compressive Strength 1000.00 psia
#SHARED ST Surface Temperature 75.0 degF
#SHARED TD Total Well Depth 5100.00 ft
#SHARED BHT Bottom Hole Temperature 133.0 degF
#SHARED SVTM Navigation and Survey Master Tool NONE
#SHARED AZTM High Res Z Accelerometer Master Tool GTET
#SHARED TEMM CBM Temperature Master Tool GTET
#SHARED CACL Calcium-weighted OBM CaCl2 weight % 30.00 %
OBMS Calicum-weighted OBM solids volume in v/v 0.18
#SHARED OBMW Calcium-weighted OBM water volume in v/v 0.16
#SHARED MSAL Water-base mud filtrate salinity 0.00 ppm
#GTET GROK Process Gamma Ray? Yes
#GTET GRSO Gamma Tool Standoff 0.000 in
#GTET GEOK Process Gamma Ray EVR? No
#GTET TPOS Tool Position for Gamma Ray Tools. Eccentered
#GTET BHSM Borehole Size Source Tool SDLT
DNOK Process DSN? Yes
#DSNT NLIT Neutron Lithology Limestone
#DSNT DNSO DSN Standoff - 0.25 in (6.35 mm) Recommended 0.250 in
#DSNT DNTT Temperature Correction Type None
#DSNT DNTT DSN Tool Temperature 75.0 degF
#DSNT DNFT DSN Fixed Temperature Value 200.0 degF
#DSNT DNTT Top Zone Temperature Value 75.0 degF
DNBT DSN Bottom Zone Temperature Value 200.0 degF
#DSNT DTDT Top Depth for Temperature Gradient Calculation (Measured De 0 ft
# pth)
#DSNT DBDT Bottom Zone Temperature Depth (Measured Depth) 10000 ft
#DSNT DPRS DSN Pressure Correction Type None
#DSNT DNFP DSN Fixed Pressure Value 14.70 psia
#DSNT DNTP DSN Top Zone Pressure Value 14.70 psia
#DSNT DNBP DSN Bottom Zone Pressure Value 14.70 psia
DTDP Top Depth for Pressure Gradient Calculation (Measured Depth 0 ft
# )
#DSNT DNDP Bottom Zone Pressure Depth (Measured Depth) 0 ft
#DSNT SHCO View More Correction Options No
#DSNT HSCO Correct for Holesize? Yes
#DSNT MCCO Correct for Mud Cake? No
#DSNT MWCO Correct for Mud Weight? No
#DSNT BSCO Correct for Borehole Salinity? No
FSCO Correct for Formation Salinity? No
#DSNT SGCO Correct for Formation Sigma? No
#DSNT SIGM Sigma Matrix 0.00
#DSNT SIGW Sigma Water 0.00
#DSNT CTCO Correct for Casing Thickness? Yes
#DSNT CMCO Correct for Cement Thickness? Yes
#DSNT UTVD Use TVD for Gradient Corrections? No
#DSNT LHWT Logging Horizontal Water Tank? No
UCLA Classic Neutron Parameter utilized? No
#DSNT USND Use Var StandOff? Yes
#DSNT BHSM Borehole Size Source Tool SDLT
#SDLT CLOK Process Caliper Outputs? Yes
#SDLT SAO SDL Backup Arm Offset 0.20 in
#SDLT PAO Pad Arm Offset 0.00 in
#Microlog Pad MLOK Process MicroLog Outputs? Yes
#Microlog Pad MINO Microlog Lateral Offset 0.00 ohmm
#Microlog Pad
MNOO Microlog Normal Offset 0.00 ohmm
#SDLT Pad DNOK Process Density? Yes
#SDLT Pad DNOK Process Density EVR? No
#SDLT Pad CB Logging Calibration Blocks? No
#SDLT Pad SPVT SDLT Pad Temperature Valid? Yes
#SDLT Pad DTWN Disable temperature warning No
#SDLT Pad MLPE Higher PE Accuracy? No
#SDLT Pad DMA Formation Density Matrix 2.710 g/cc
DFL Formation Density Fluid 1.000 g/cc
#SDLT Pad BHSM Borehole Size Source Tool SDLT
#BSAT MBOK Compute BCAS Results? Yes
#BSAT FLLO Frequency Filter Low Pass Value? 5000 Hz
#BSAT FLHI Frequency Filter High Pass Value? 27000 Hz
#BSAT DTFL Delta -T Pore Fluid 189.00 uspf
#BSAT DTMT Delta -T Matrix Type Limestone 47.6
#BSAT DTMA Delta -T Matrix 57.00 uspf
DTSH Delta -T Shale 100.00 uspf
#BSAT SMCT Semblance Threshold 0.25
#BSAT SPEQ Acoustic Porosity Equation Wylie
#BSAT DMA Formation Density Matrix 2.710 g/cc
#BSAT DFL Formation Density Fluid 1.000 g/cc
#ACRt Sonde RTOK Process ACRt? Yes
#ACRt Sonde MNSO Minimum Tool Standoff 1.50 in
#ACRt Sonde TCS1 Temperature Correction Source FP Lwr & FP Up
#ACRt Sonde TPOS Tool Position Free Hanging
#ACRt Sonde RMOP Rmud Source Mud Cell
#ACRt Sonde RMIN Minimum Resistivity for MAP 0.20 ohmm
#ACRt Sonde RMAX Maximum Resistivity for MAP 200.00 ohmm
#ACRt Sonde LSFU ACRT Long Space Array No of Frequency Used 3
#ACRt Sonde MSFU ACRT Middle 17 Space Array No of Frequency Used 3
#ACRt Sonde SSFU ACRT Short Space Array No of Frequency Used 2
#ACRt Sonde
THQY Threshold Quality 0.50
#ACRt Sonde MRFX Fixed mud resistivity 2000 ohmm
#ACRt Sonde BHSM Borehole Size Source Tool SDLT
#ACRt Sonde MBFL Apply Corkscrew Effect? No
#ACRt Sonde HRFL High-Resistivity Version (Tar Sand Only)? No
# BOTTOM --------------------------------------------
#Mnemonic Input Description Delay Filter Length Filter Type
# (ft) (ft)
# Depth Panel
#TENS Tension 0.000 NO
#TPUL Tension Pull 64.286 NO
#GR Natural Gamma Ray API 64.286 1.750 TRI
#GRU Unfiltered Natural Gamma Ray API 64.286 NO
#EGR Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution 64.286 1.416 , 0.750 W
#HDIA Nominal Hole Diameter 0.000 NO
#ACCZ Accelerometer Z 0.000 0.083 BLK
#DEVI Inclination 0.000 NO
#TPUL Tension Pull 54.041 NO
#RNDS Near Detector Telemetry Counts 54.140 1.417 BLK
#RFDS Far Detector Telemetry Counts 54.890 0.583 TRI
#DNTT DSN Tool Temperature 54.140 NO
#DSNS DSN Tool Status
54.041 NO
#ERND Near Detector Telemetry Counts EVR 54.140 0.000 BLK
#ERFD Far Detector Telemetry Counts EVR 54.890 0.000 BLK
#ENTM DSN Tool Temperature EVR 54.140 NO
#HDIA Nominal Hole Diameter 0.000 NO
#TPUL Tension Pull 44.143 NO
#PCAL Pad Caliper 44.143 0.250 TRI
#ACAL Arm Caliper 44.143 0.250 TRI
#TPUL Tension Pull 26.840 NO
#STAT Status 26.840 NO
#DLYT Delay Time 26.840 NO
#SI Sample Interval 26.840 NO
#TXRX Raw Telemetry 10 Receivers 26.840 NO
#FRMC Tool Frame Count 26.840 NO
#GMOD Gain processing mode 19.583 NO
# ACRt Sonde
#TPUL Tension Pull 2.727 NO
#F1R1 ACRT 12KHz - 80in R value 8.977 0.000 BLK
#F1X1 ACRT 12KHz - 80in X value 8.977 0.000 BLK
#F1R2 ACRT 12KHz - 50in R value 6.477 0.000 BLK
#F1X2 ACRT 12KHz - 50in X value 6.477 0.000 BLK
#F1R3 ACRT 12KHz - 29in R value 4.977 0.000 BLK
#F1X3 ACRT 12KHz - 29in X value 4.977 0.000 BLK
#F1R4 ACRT 12KHz - 17in R value 3.977 0.000 BLK
ACRT 12KHz - 17in X value 3.977 0.000 BLK
#F1R5 ACRT 12KHz - 10in R value 3.477 0.000 BLK
#F1X5 ACRT 12KHz - 10in X value 3.477 0.000 BLK
#F1R6 ACRT 12KHz - 6in R value 3.227 0.000 BLK
#F1X6 ACRT 12KHz - 6in X value 3.227 0.000 BLK
#F2R1 ACRT 36KHz - 80in R value 8.977 0.000 BLK
#F2X1 ACRT 36KHz - 80in X value 8.977 0.000 BLK
#F2R2 ACRT 36KHz - 50in R value 6.477 0.000 BLK
z - 50in X value 6.477 0.000 BLK
#F2R3 ACRT 36KHz - 29in R value 4.977 0.000 BLK
#F2X3 ACRT 36KHz - 29in X value 4.977 0.000 BLK
#F2R4 ACRT 36KHz - 17in R value 3.977 0.000 BLK
#F2X4 ACRT 36KHz - 17in X value 3.977 0.000 BLK
#F2R5 ACRT 36KHz - 10in R value 3.477 0.000 BLK
#F2X5 ACRT 36KHz - 10in X value 3.477 0.000 BLK
#F2R6 ACRT 36KHz - 6in R value 3.227 0.000 BLK
#F2X6 ACRT 36KHz - 6in X value
3.227 0.000 BLK
#F3R1 ACRT 72KHz - 80in R value 8.977 0.000 BLK
#F3X1 ACRT 72KHz - 80in X value 8.977 0.000 BLK
#F3R2 ACRT 72KHz - 50in R value 6.477 0.000 BLK
#F3X2 ACRT 72KHz - 50in X value 6.477 0.000 BLK
#F3R3 ACRT 72KHz - 29in R value 4.977 0.000 BLK
#F3X3 ACRT 72KHz - 29in X value 4.977 0.000 BLK
#F3R4 ACRT 72KHz - 17in R value 3.977 0.000 BLK
#F3X4 ACRT 72KHz - 17in X value
3.977 0.000 BLK
#F3R5 ACRT 72KHz - 10in R value 3.477 0.000 BLK
#F3X5 ACRT 72KHz - 10in X value 3.477 0.000 BLK
#F3R6 ACRT 72KHz - 6in R value 3.227 0.000 BLK
#F3X6 ACRT 72KHz - 6in X value 3.227 0.000 BLK
#RMUD Mud Resistivity 12.517 0.000 BLK
#F1RT Transmitter Reference 12 KHz Real Signal 2.727 0.000 BLK
#F1XT Transmitter Reference 12 KHz Imaginary Signal 2.727 0.000 BLK
#F2RT Transmitter Reference 36 KHz Real Signal
2.727 0.000 BLK
#F2XT Transmitter Reference 36 KHz Imaginary Signal 2.727 0.000 BLK
#F3RT Transmitter Reference 72 KHz Real Signal 2.727 0.000 BLK
#F3XT Transmitter Reference 72 KHz Imaginary Signal 2.727 0.000 BLK
#TFPU Upper Feedpipe Temperature Calculated 2.727 0.000 BLK
#TFPL Lower Feedpipe Temperature Calculated 2.727 0.000 BLK
#ITMP Instrument Temperature 2.727 0.000 BLK
#TCVA Temperature Correction Values Loop Off 2.727 NO
#TIDV Instrument Temperature Derivative 2.727
#TUDV Upper Temperature Derivative 2.727 NO
#TLDV Lower Temperature Derivative 2.727 NO
#TRBD Receiver Board Temperature 2.727 NO
#HDIA Nominal Hole Diameter 0.000 NO
# Microlog Pad
#TPUL Tension Pull 44.328 NO
#MINV Microlog Lateral 44.328 0.750 BLK
#MNOR Microlog Normal 44.328 0.750 BLK
#TPUL Tension Pull 44.133 NO
#NAB Near Above 43.958 0.920 BLK
#NHI Near Cesium High 43.958 0.920 BLK
#NLO Near Cesium Low 43.958 0.920 BLK
#NVA Near Valley 43.958 0.920 BLK
#NBA Near Barite 43.958 0.920 BLK
#NDE Near Density 43.958 0.920 BLK
#NPK Near Peak 43.958 0.920
#NLI Near Lithology 43.958 0.920 BLK
#NBAU Near Barite Unfiltered 43.958 0.250 BLK
#NLIU Near Lithology Unfiltered 43.958 0.250 BLK
#FAB Far Above 44.308 0.250 BLK
#FHI Far Cesium High 44.308 0.250 BLK
#FLO Far Cesium Low 44.308 0.250 BLK
#FVA Far Valley 44.308 0.250 BLK
#FBA Far Barite 44.308 0.250 BLK
#FDE Far Density 44.308 0.250 BLK
#FPK Far Peak 44.308 0.250 BLK
#FLI Far Lithology 44.308 0.250 BLK
#PTMP Pad Temperature 44.143 0.920 BLK
#NHV Near Detector High Voltage 43.538 NO
#FHV Far Detector High Voltage 43.538 NO
#ITMP Instrument Temperature 43.538 NO
#DDHV Detector High Voltage 43.538 NO
Nominal Hole Diameter 0.000 NO
# SP Ring
#PLTC Plot Control Mask 1.613 NO
#SP Spontaneous Potential 1.613 3.000 BLK
#SPR Raw Spontaneous Potential 1.613 NO
#SPO Spontaneous Potential Offset 1.613 NO
#Mnemonic Output Description Filter Length Filter Type
# Depth Panel
#TPUL Tension Pull NO
#TENS Tension NO
#TSW Tool String Weight NO
#LSPD Line Speed NO
#MINM Minute Mark Flag NO
#MGMK Magnetic Mark Flag
#CASEOD Casing Outer Diameter NO
#ICV Instrument Cable Voltage NO
#ICA Instrument Cable Current NO
#ACV Auxiliary Set Voltage NO
#TNSR Tension Cal Raw Value NO
#WL1V Wire Line 1 Voltage NO
#WL2V Wire Line 2 Voltage NO
#WL3V Wire Line 3 Voltage NO
#WL4V Wire Line 4 Voltage
#WL5V Wire Line 5 Voltage NO
#WL6V Wire Line 6 Voltage NO
#WL1C Wire Line 1 Current NO
#WL2C Wire Line 2 Current NO
#WL3C Wire Line 3 Current NO
#WL4C Wire Line 4 Current NO
#WL5C Wire Line 5 Current NO
#WL6C Wire Line 6 Current NO
#WLFC Wire Line Fault Current
#PLTC Plot Control Mask NO
#CSID Casing Inner Diameter NO
#CASEOD2 Casing Outer Diameter NO
#CASETHINK Casing Thickness NO
#CID1 Casing Inner Diameter 1 NO
#CS1 Casing Outer Diameter 1 NO
#CASETHINK1 Casing Thickness 1 NO
#CID2 Casing Inner Diameter 2 NO
#CS2 Casing Outer Diameter 2
#CASETHINK2 Casing Thickness 2 NO
#CID3 Casing Inner Diameter 3 NO
#CS3 Casing Outer Diameter 3 NO
#CASETHINK3 Casing Thickness 3 NO
#CID4 Casing Inner Diameter 4 NO
#CS4 Casing Outer Diameter 4 NO
#CASETHINK4 Casing Thickness 4 NO
#CID5 Casing Inner Diameter 5 NO
#CS5 Casing Outer Diameter 5
#CASETHINK5 Casing Thickness 5 NO
#CID6 Casing Inner Diameter 6 NO
#CS6 Casing Outer Diameter 6 NO
#CASETHINK6 Casing Thickness 6 NO
#TCASETHINK Total Casing Thickness NO
#ACCZ2 Accelerometer Z NO
#DEVI Inclination NO
#BTMP2 BoreHole Temperature NO
Plot Control Mask NO
#EGR Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution NO
#EGRC Natural Gamma Ray API with Enhanced Vertical Resolution and NO
#PLTC Plot Control Mask NO
#BHAB Borehole Absorption NO
#BHCN Borehole Correction NO
#ICID Inner Casing ID NO
#KCTN Pottasium Correction NO
Plot Control Mask NO
#GR Natural Gamma Ray API NO
#GRCO Natural Gamma Ray API Borehole Corrected NO
#PLTC Plot Control Mask NO
#BHAB Borehole Absorption NO
#BHCN Borehole Correction NO
#ICID Inner Casing ID NO
#KCTN Pottasium Correction NO
#PLTC4 Plot Control Mask
#EDLI Neutron Lithology EVR NO
#ENPH Neutron Porosity EVR NO
#ENPS Neutron Porosity Sandstone Matrix EVR NO
#ENLI Neutron Porosity Limestone Matrix EVR NO
#ENPD Neutron Porosity Dolomite Matrix EVR NO
#ENRA DSN Near to Far Ratio EVR NO
#ENDS Near Detector Telemetry Counts EVR NO
#EFDS Far Detector Telemetry Counts EVR NO
#PLTC5 Plot Control Mask
#NPHI Neutron Porosity NO
#NDSN Near Detector Telemetry Counts NO
#FDSN Far Detector Telemetry Counts NO
#NRAT DSN Near to Far Ratio NO
#NLIT Neutron Lithology NO
#NLIM Neutron Porosity Limestone Matrix NO
#NPHS Neutron Porosity Sandstone Matrix NO
#NPHD Neutron Porosity Dolomite Matrix NO
#NPHU Neutron Limestone Porosity No Salinity
#PLTC6 Plot Control Mask NO
#UNPL Uncorrected Neutron Porosity Lime NO
#UNPS Uncorrected Neutron Porosity Sand NO
#UNPD Uncorrected Neutron Porosity Dolo NO
#BSC Borehole Size Correction NO
#MCTC Mud Cake Thickness Correction NO
#BHSC Bore Hole Salinity Correction NO
#MWC Mud Weight Correction NO
#FTC Formation Temperature Correction
#FPC Formation Pressure Correction NO
#TSOC Tool Standoff Correction NO
#FSCL Formation Salinity Correction LS NO
#FSCS Formation Salinity Correction SS NO
#FSDO Formation Salinity Correction DO NO
#FSIL Formation Sigma & HI Correction LS NO
#FSIS Formation Sigma & HI Correction SS NO
#FSID Formation Sigma & HI Correction DO NO
#MUDW Computed Mud Weight
#CSGT Casing Thickness Correction NO
#CMTC Cement Thickness Correction NO
#BSCN Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected NO
#BSCL Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected Lime NO
#BSCS Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected Sand NO
#BSCD Neutron Porosity - Bore Hole Size Corrected Dolomite NO
#TEMP Temperature NO
#PRES Presssure NO
#CALU Caliper Used
#SDOU StandOff Used NO
#PLTC7 Plot Control Mask NO
#CALI Caliper Measurement NO
#DCAL Differential Caliper Measurement NO
#BHV Borehole Volume Increment NO
#AHV Annular Hole Volume Increment NO
#BHVT Bore Hole Volume NO
#AHVT Annular Hole Volume NO
Nominal Hole Diameter NO
#ACAL Arm Caliper NO
#PCAL Pad Caliper NO
#PLTC8 Plot Control Mask NO
#FRMC Tool Frame Count NO
#ACTC Active Channels NO
#DT Sonic Delta-T NO
#QT1 Semblance Quality NO
#ITTT Integrated Travel Time Total
#ITTI Travel Time Per Depth Sample NO
#SPHI Acoustic Porosity NO
#SPHS Acoustic Porosity Sandstone NO
#SPHL Acoustic Porosity Limestone NO
#SPHD Acoustic Porosity Dolomite NO
#SPHW Acoustic Porosity Wylie NO
#SPHA Acoustic Porosity - Argentime NO
#SPHR Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner NO
#SPHH Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HL
#SEMB Sembalance scaled 0 - 100 NO
#GMOD Gain processing mode NO
#PLTC Plot Control Mask NO
#FRMC Tool Frame Count NO
#ACT1 Active Channels TX1 NO
#DT1 Delta-T Transmitter 1 NO
#QT1 Quality Transmitter 1 NO
#ITTT Integrated Travel Time Total NO
#ITTI Travel Time Per Depth Sample
#SPHI Acoustic Porosity NO
#SPHS Acoustic Porosity Sandstone NO
#SPHL Acoustic Porosity Limestone NO
#SPHD Acoustic Porosity Dolomite NO
#SPHW Acoustic Porosity Wylie NO
#SPHA Acoustic Porosity - Argentime NO
#SPHR Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner NO
#SPHH Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS NO
#SBT1 Sembalance Transmitter 1scaled 0 -
100 NO
#PLTC Plot Control Mask NO
#FRMC Tool Frame Count NO
#ACT2 Active Channels TX2 NO
#DT2 Delta-T Transmitter 2 NO
#QT2 Quality Transmitter 2 NO
#ITTT Integrated Travel Time Total NO
#ITTI Travel Time Per Depth Sample NO
#SPHI Acoustic Porosity NO
#SPHS Acoustic Porosity Sandstone
#SPHL Acoustic Porosity Limestone NO
#SPHD Acoustic Porosity Dolomite NO
#SPHW Acoustic Porosity Wylie NO
#SPHA Acoustic Porosity - Argentime NO
#SPHR Aco Por - Raymer, Hunt, Gardner NO
#SPHH Acoustic Porosity - Empirical HLS NO
#SBT2 Sembalance Transmitter 2 scaled 0 - 100 NO
#PLTC10 Plot Control Mask NO
#DT2 Sonic Delta-T
#QT12 Semblance Quality NO
#ITTT2 Integrated Travel Time Total NO
#ITTI2 Travel Time Per Depth Sample NO
#SPHI2 Acoustic Porosity NO
#Shear_Source Shear Source NO
#DTS Shear Delta-T NO
#Coh_SHEAR Semblance Quality Shear NO
#VPVS_Ratio VPVS Ratio for Porosity NO
#Poisson_Ration Poisson's Ratio
# ACRt Sonde
#PLTC11 Plot Control Mask NO
#RO90 90in Resistivity 1ft Res NO
#RO60 60 in Radial Resistivity 1ft NO
#RO30 30 in Radial Resistivity 1ft NO
#RO20 20 in Radial Resistivity 1ft NO
#RO10 10 in Radial Resistivity 1ft NO
#RO06 6 in Radial Resistivity 1ft NO
#RT90 90 in Radial Resistivity 2ft NO
#RT60 60 in Radial Resistivity 2ft NO
#RT30 30 in Radial Resistivity 2ft NO
#RT20 20 in Radial Resistivity 2ft NO
#RT10 10 in Radial Resistivity 2ft NO
#RT06 6 in Radial Resistivity 2ft NO
#RF90 90 in Radial Resistivity 4ft NO
#RF60 60 in Radial Resistivity 4ft NO
#RF30 30 in Radial Resistivity 4ft NO
#RF20 20 in Radial Resistivity 4ft NO
#RF10 10 in Radial Resistivity 4ft NO
#RF06 6 in Radial Resistivity 4ft NO
#CO90 90 in Radial Conductivity 1ft NO
#CO60 60 in Radial Conductivity 1ft NO
#CO30 30 in Radial Conductivity 1ft NO
#CO20 20 in Radial Conductivity 1ft NO
#CO10 10 in Radial Conductivity 1ft NO
#CO6 6 in Radial Conductivity 1ft NO
#CT90 90 in Radial Conductivity 2ft NO
#CT60 60 in Radial Conductivity 2ft NO
#CT30 30 in Radial Conductivity 2ft NO
#CT20 20 in Radial Conductivity 2ft NO
#CT10 10 in Radial Conductivity 2ft NO
#CT6 6 in Radial Conductivity 2ft NO
#CF90 90 in Radial Conductivity 4ft NO
#CF60 60 in Radial Conductivity 4ft NO
#CF30 30 in Radial Conductivity 4ft NO
#CF20 20 in Radial Conductivity 4ft NO
#CF10 10 in Radial Conductivity 4ft NO
#CF6 6 in Radial Conductivity 4ft NO
#LMAN Left Mandrel NO
#RMAN Right Mandrel NO
#RSO Right Standoff NO
#LSO Left Standoff NO
#TMPF Upper Feedpipe Temperature Calculated NO
#ECC Eccentricity - Distance from tool center to hole center NO
#CDIA Calculated Diameter NO
#RT Uninvaded Zone Resistivity NO
#RXO Invaded Zone Resistivity NO
#DI Radial Depth of Invasion NO
#DIIN Radial Depth of Inner Invasion NO
#DIOU Radial Depth of Outer Invasion NO
#SMUD Mud Restivity - Calculated NO
#RMUD3 Mud Restivity NO
#X4PL X4Planner=RT90/RMUD*square(0.125-caliper) NO
#BCD1 Borehole Corrections D1 NO
#BCD2 Borehole Corrections D2 NO
#BCD3 Borehole Corrections D3 NO
#BCD4 Borehole Corrections D4 NO
#BCU5 Borehole Corrections U5 NO
#BCD6 Borehole Corrections D6 NO
#SED1 Skin Effect Corrections D1 NO
#SED2 Skin Effect Corrections D2 NO
#SED3 Skin Effect Corrections D3 NO
#SED4 Skin Effect Corrections D4 NO
#SEU5 Skin Effect Corrections U5 NO
#SED6 Skin Effect Corrections D6 NO
#QBC1 BHC Quality 1 NO
#QBC2 BHC Quality 2 NO
#QBC3 BHC Quality 3 NO
#QBC4 BHC Quality 4 NO
#QBC5 BHC Quality 5 NO
#QBC6 BHC Quality 6 NO
#QFBHC0 BHC Quality Status 1 NO
#QFBHC1 BHC Quality Status 2 NO
#QFBHC2 BHC Quality Status 3 NO
#QFBHC3 BHC Quality Status 4 NO
#QFBHC4 BHC Quality Status 5 NO
#QFBHC5 BHC Quality Status 6 NO
#CALU2 Caliper Used NO
#CALM caliper measurement indicator NO
#RMGD Rmud Gradient Calculation NO
#HRM1 Rt Resistivity MAP - One Foot NO
#HRM2 Rt Resistivity Map - Two Ft NO
#HRM4 Rt Resistivity Map - Four Ft NO
# Microlog Pad
#PLTC12 Plot Control Mask NO
#MINV Microlog Lateral NO
#MNOR Microlog Normal NO
# SDLT Pad
#PLTC13 Plot Control Mask NO
#ERHO Formation Density Enhanced Vertical Resolution 1.08
0 , 0.750 W
#EDCP Density Correction EVR Positive 1.080 , 0.750 W
#EDCN Density Correction EVR Negative 1.080 , 0.750 W
#EDCT Density Correction EVR 1.080 , 0.750 W
#EDPH Formation Density Porosity - Enhanced Vertical Resolution 1.080 , 0.750 W
#EDLI2 Formation Density Porosity - Limestone EVR 1.080 , 0.750 W
#EDPD Formation Density Porosity - Dolomite - EVR 1.080 , 0.750 W
#EDPS Formation Density Porosity - Sandstone - EVR 1.080 , 0.750 W
#EPE Photoelectric Factor Enhanced Vertical Resolution 1.080 , 0.580 W
#EPMF Photoelectric Factor EVR - Minimum Filtering 0.420
, 0.250 W
#EDMF Formation Density EVR - Minimum Filtering 0.420 , 0.250 W
#NDEE Near Density EVR 1.080 , 0.750 W
#FDEE Far Density EVR 1.080 , 0.750 W
#DATAOK Density Data OK NO
#PLTC14 Plot Control Mask NO
#RHOB Formation Density 1.750 TRI
#CORP Positive Density Correction 1.750 TRI
#CORM Negative Density Correction 1.750 TRI
#DRHO Density Correction 1.750
#PE Photoelectric Factor 1.750 TRI
#DPE Photoelectric Factor Correction 1.750 TRI
#SDSO Tool Standoff 1.750 TRI
#QN Near Quality 1.750 TRI
#QF Far Quality 1.750 TRI
#DPHI Formation Density Porosity 1.750 TRI
#DLIM Formation Density Porosity - Limestone 1.750 TRI
#DPHD Formation Density Porosity - Dolomite 1.750 TRI
#DPHS Formation Density Porosity - Sandstone 1.750
#RHON Formation Density computed from near detector 1.750 TRI
#RHOF Formation Density computed from far detector 1.750 TRI
#NBAC Near Barite Calibrated NO
#NDEC Near Density Calibrated NO
#NPKC Near Peak Calibrated NO
#NLIC Near Lithology Calibrated NO
#FBAC Far Barite Calibrated NO
#FDEC Far Density Calibrated NO
#FPKC Far Peak Calibrated
#FLIC Far Lithology Calibrated NO
#DATAOK2 Density Data OK NO
# SP Ring
#PLTC15 Plot Control Mask NO
#SP Spontaneous Potential NO
#SPR Raw Spontaneous Potential NO
#SPO Spontaneous Potential Offset NO