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County: Lane Data saved to a file. |
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Please note: Log data for counties moved to a separate link as the process of saving wells and log data can take too long for entire counties.
Most wells have longitude and latitude calculated by the KGS from the legal descriptions.
The datum for the longitude and latitude is NAD 27.
Log data entered by the KGS represents closely what is typed onto the form except for correcting obvious typos and expanding some abbreviations.
Log data entered by the KDHE used a limited number of categories for the descriptions, and is only available for older wells.
Below is a description of the columns saved.
WELL_ID | Unique ID assigned by the Survey for each record |
COUNTY | Name of the county where well is located |
TOWNSHIP | Public Land Survey System township number, 1-35 in Kansas |
TWN_DIR | Township direction. S (south) or N (north), Always south in Kansas |
RANGE | Public Land Survey System range number, 1-43 in west and 1-25 in east |
RANGE_DIR | Range direction. E (east) or W (west) |
SECTION | The PLSS section the site is located in: 1-36 |
SPOT | The legal quarter description qualifiers list as NE, NW, SE, and SW, etc. Ordered from smallest to largest. |
LONGITUDE | NAD 1927, generated from the legal location or entered by GPS |
LATITUDE | NAD 1927, generated from the legal location or entered by GPS |
LONG_LAT_TYPE | Either "GPS" or "From PLSS." If calculated from PLSS, then good to the maximum quarter calls supplied. |
OWNER | Name of owner on WWC5 form |
WELL_USE | Description of how the well is being used |
COMPLE_DATE | Date the well was completed |
STATUS | As of the completion date, Constructed, Reconstructed, or plugged |
OTHER_ID | Useful ID from WWC5 such as monitoring well number or oil well name |
DWR_NUMBER | Water right number if known |
DIRECTIONS | Written instructions on how to find the well |
WELL_DEPTH | Depth the well is completed, feet |
ELEV | Land surface elevation, feet |
STATIC_DEPTH | Depth to water at time of completion, feet |
EST_YIELD | Yield of well at time of completion, gallons per minute |
DRILLER | Name of driller |
WELL_KID | Well ID from Master List of Water Wells |
SCANNED | Y if the form has been scanned; N if it is not scanned yet |
URL | Link to web page for this record |
NAD83_LONGITUDE | NAD 1983, generated from the legal location or entered by GPS |
NAD83_LATITUDE | NAD 1983, generated from the legal location or entered by GPS |
CONTRACTORS_LICENSE_NUMBER | KDHE Licence Number of the well driller |