KGS Home Page Water Well Data base Specific Water Well Detail
Water Resources

Well T10S, R8E, Sec. 18, SW NW SE SW, Action: Constructed

Location Info
Owner: One Gas, Inc. Status: Constructed
Location: T10S, R8E, Sec. 18, SW NW SE SW County: Riley
Directions: 515 S. 11th St, Manhattan
Latitude: 39.1762357 Longitude: -96.5703976 Datum NAD 27
Latitude: 39.176235 Longitude: -96.570679 Datum NAD 83
Longitude and latitude from GPS measurements.
GPS Latitude: 39.176235 GPS Longitude: -96.570679 Datum WGS84
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General Info
Well Depth: 50 ft. Elevation: 1011 ft.
Static Water Level: 25.75 ft. Est. Yield: gpm.
Comp. Date: 12-Apr-2018 Well Use: Monitoring well/observation/piezometer
DWR Applic. #: Other ID: MMW 17I
Driller Info
Driller: Dakota Technologies Company, L.L.C. License #: 606
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Chemical Sample Submitted?: No
Water Well disinfected?: No
Ground water encountered: 25 ft.
Bore hole diameter: 9 inches to 50 ft
Casing Info
Casing Type: PVC
Casing Joints: Threaded
Diam: 2 in. to 40 ft
Casing height above land surface: 0 in
Casing Weight: lbs/ft
Wall thickness or gauge no.:
Screen and Perforation Info
Screen Type: PVC Screen Openings: Mill slot
Screen-perforated intervals From: 40 ft to 50 ft
Gravel pack intervals From: 35 ft to 50 ft
Grout Info
Grout used: From: 0 to 1 ft
From: 1 to 30 ft
From: 30 to 35 ft
Source of Possible Contamination
Direction from well: Distance: ft
Lithologic Log
(Log data entered from KOLAR.)
From: 0 ft. to 22.8 ft. silt, trace sand, grayish brown, damp
From: 22.8 ft. to 24.3 ft. sand, trace silt, dark grayish brown, 10yr, 4/2, moist, fine, poorly graded, dense
From: 24.3 ft. to 24.8 ft. sand, trace silt, light yellowish brown, 10yr, 6/4, moist to wet, poorly graded, dense
From: 24.8 ft. to 27.5 ft. sand, trace silt and clay, dark grayish brown, 10yr, 4/2, wet, fine, poorly graded, dense
From: 27.5 ft. to 28 ft. silt, trace fine sand, trace clay, dark gray, 10yr, 4/1, wet, medium plasticity, medium consistency
From: 28 ft. to 28.8 ft. sand, trace silt, yellowish brown, 10yr, 5/4, wet, fine, some medium, poorly graded, dense
From: 28.8 ft. to 40 ft. sand, trace gravel, yellowish brown, 10yr, 5/4, wet, loose, well graded, medium, some coarse
From: 40 ft. to 41.5 ft. sand, trace gravel, gray, 10yr, 5/1, wet, medium to coarse, loose, well graded, sub rounded
From: 41.5 ft. to 45 ft. sand, trace silt, trace gravel, gray, 10yr, 5/1, wet, dense, fine, trace medium, poorly graded, some coarse
From: 45 ft. to 47 ft. sand, gray, 10yr, 5/1, wet, medium, trace coarse, poorly graded, medium density
From: 47 ft. to 50 ft. sand, gray, 10yr, 5/1, wet, medium, trace coarse, poorly graded, medium density

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Display Programs Updated January 2, 2025
Data added continuously.