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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T8S R21E, Sec. 23 NW NW SW NW | Thomas Well Service, Inc. | Taylor-Bird WSW-1 | 15-103-21399 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1302 | 10-OCT-13 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1302 | 10-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 1302 | 10-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1299 | 23-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 1302 | 10-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 1302 | 10-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 0; 1302 | 10-OCT-13 | |||||
T12S R20E, Sec. 13 SW NW SE | Heavy Oil Treatment Solutions, LLC | Cox 1 | 15-103-21413 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 94; 800 | 08-JUL-14 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 94; 800 | 08-JUL-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 91; 796 | 08-JUL-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 94; 800 | 08-JUL-14 | |||||
T14S R22E, Sec. 9 SW NW NW SW | Butler Petroleum LLC | Rankin 5 | 15-091-24219 |
16-JAN-2023 |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 891 | 06-SEP-13 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 3; 969 | 26-AUG-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 3; 969 | 26-AUG-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 4; 973 | 26-AUG-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 3; 969 | 26-AUG-13 | |||||
T14S R22E, Sec. 10 NW SW NW NE | KanTex Oil & Gas LLC | Russell D I-27 | 15-091-23884 |
26-APR-2023 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 940 | 16-NOV-12 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | -22; 927 | 05-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 930 | 05-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 930 | 05-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 930 | 05-NOV-12 | |||||
T14S R22E, Sec. 10 NW SE NE NW | KanTex Oil & Gas LLC | Jim Russell I-10 | 15-091-23994 |
26-APR-2023 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 875 | 16-NOV-12 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 898 | 12-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 898 | 12-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 898 | 12-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 898 | 12-NOV-12 | |||||
T14S R22E, Sec. 10 SE NE NW | KanTex Oil & Gas LLC | Jim Russell 12 | 15-091-24005 |
26-APR-2023 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 962 | 16-NOV-12 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 964 | 07-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 961 | 07-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 964 | 07-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 964 | 07-NOV-12 | |||||
T14S R22E, Sec. 10 SE NE NW | KanTex Oil & Gas LLC | Jim Russell I-32 | 15-091-23883 |
26-APR-2023 |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 877 | 13-SEP-12 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 897 | 07-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 897 | 07-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 897 | 07-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 897 | 07-SEP-12 | |||||
T14S R22E, Sec. 10 NW NE SE SW | KanTex Oil & Gas LLC | Jim Russell 10 | 15-091-23887 |
26-APR-2023 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 930 | 16-NOV-12 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 942 | 31-OCT-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 942 | 31-OCT-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 936 | 31-OCT-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 942 | 31-OCT-12 | |||||
T15S R9E, Sec. 35 NE SE NW | Town Oil Co. | JUNE OLSEN 1 | 15-127-20464-0001 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 1800; 2755 | 05-APR-10 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 12; 2825 | 05-APR-10 | |||||
T16S R21E, Sec. 20 NW SE SW NE | Hoehn Oil LLC | Hoehn 9 | 15-059-25466 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 730 | 01-DEC-09 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 751 | 06-NOV-09 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 751 | 06-NOV-09 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 751 | 06-NOV-09 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 751 | 06-NOV-09 | |||||
T17S R21E, Sec. 24 SE SW SW | Excel Oil & Gas L.L.C. | Hamilton 24-2 | 15-121-29716 |
17-DEC-2020 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 592 | 03-DEC-13 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 0; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
T17S R21E, Sec. 24 SE SW SW | Excel Oil & Gas L.L.C. | Hamilton 24-1 | 15-121-29715 |
17-DEC-2020 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 437 | 03-DEC-13 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 598 | 23-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 598 | 23-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 598 | 23-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 0; 598 | 23-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 598 | 23-OCT-13 | |||||
T20S R17E, Sec. 1 NE NE NW | TEG MidContinent, Inc. | B. Miller A2-1 | 15-003-24706 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 55; 1393 | 12-DEC-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 56; 1398 | 12-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 56; 1398 | 12-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 56; 1398 | 12-DEC-08 | |||||
T20S R20E, Sec. 15 SE SW NW SW | Tailwater, Inc. | West Wittman 22-T | 15-003-26055 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 729 | 31-MAR-14 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 746 | 11-DEC-13 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 746 | 11-DEC-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 746 | 11-DEC-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 746 | 11-DEC-13 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 1; 746 | 11-DEC-13 | |||||
T20S R20E, Sec. 22 SW NE SW NE | Hunt Oil, LLC | Banks 18 | 15-003-26220 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 818 | 16-JUN-14 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 834 | 11-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 830 | 11-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 834 | 11-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 834 | 11-JUN-14 | |||||
T20S R20E, Sec. 22 S2 SW NE | Hunt Oil, LLC | Banks 24 | 15-003-26222 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 791 | 25-JUL-14 |
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 1; 822 | 21-JUL-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 822 | 21-JUL-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 822 | 21-JUL-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 822 | 21-JUL-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 822 | 21-JUL-14 | |||||
T21S R14E, Sec. 7 NW SE SE | Petrol Oil and Gas, Inc. | TRUELOVE 7-2 | 15-031-22189 |
21-SEP-2023 |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray/Cement Bond/CCL |
Y | 20; 1804 | 10-FEB-06 |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1805 | 10-FEB-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 55; 1821 | 26-JAN-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 55; 1821 | 26-JAN-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 55; 1821 | 26-JAN-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 55; 1821 | 26-JAN-06 | |||||
T21S R15E, Sec. 14 SW SW SE SW | Birk Petroleum | Gupton 1 | 15-031-23876 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1513 | 21-MAY-14 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 6; 1516 | 08-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 6; 1516 | 08-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 6; 1516 | 08-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 25; 1514 | 08-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 6; 1516 | 08-MAY-14 | |||||
T21S R17E, Sec. 34 NW NW SE SW | Edward E. Birk | Krueger 1 | 15-031-23874 |
30-MAY-2014 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 1923 | 29-MAY-14 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 51; 1922 | 29-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1922 | 29-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 51; 1922 | 29-MAY-14 | |||||
T22S R4E, Sec. 3 NE NW NE | Shawmar Oil & Gas Co., Inc. | Jones 1 | 15-115-21307-0001 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 2457; 2638 | 08-OCT-10 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 2530; 2641 | 08-OCT-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 2530; 2641 | 08-OCT-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 2530; 2641 | 08-OCT-10 | |||||
T22S R16E, Sec. 29 SW SW SE NW | George, Mark | BEARD 13 | 15-031-22406 |
26-FEB-2009 |
Cornish Dual Induction Lateral Log |
Y | 45; 1074 | 07-FEB-09 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 41; 1078 | 07-FEB-09 | |||||
Cornish Density Logs Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 41; 1078 | 07-FEB-09 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 41; 1078 | 07-FEB-09 | |||||
T22S R16E, Sec. 29 SW SW SW NW | George, Mark | BEARD 12 | 15-031-22405 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction Lateral Log |
Y | 51; 1089 | 25-FEB-09 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 46; 1091 | 25-FEB-09 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 46; 1091 | 25-FEB-09 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 46; 1091 | 25-FEB-09 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1052 | 04-JUN-09 | |||||
T22S R16E, Sec. 29 SW NE NW NW | George, Mark | BEARD 14 | 15-031-22589 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 1098 | 18-MAY-10 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 46; 1099 | 18-MAY-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 46; 1099 | 18-MAY-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 46; 1099 | 18-MAY-10 | |||||
T22S R16E, Sec. 34 SW SW NE NW | Colt Energy Inc | Whiteley 15 | 15-031-22395 |
20-JAN-2009 |
Cornish Dual Induction Lateral Log |
Y | 40; 1079 | 10-JAN-09 |
Cornish Compensated Density Log Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 41; 1089 | 10-JAN-09 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1069 | 09-JAN-09 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 41; 1089 | 10-JAN-09 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 41; 1089 | 10-JAN-09 | |||||
T22S R17E, Sec. 9 SE SW NW NE | Birk Petroleum | Lake 1 | 15-031-23684 |
07-OCT-2013 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1351 | 03-OCT-13 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1347 | 03-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1351 | 03-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 1351 | 03-OCT-13 | |||||
T22S R17E, Sec. 33 NE NE SW NW | Quest Development Co. | Lehmann 8 | 15-031-22714 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1334 | 13-SEP-10 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 46; 1326 | 25-AUG-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 46; 1326 | 25-AUG-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 46; 1326 | 25-AUG-10 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 45; 1324 | 25-AUG-10 | |||||
T23S R10E, Sec. 28 SE NE NW SW | GLACIER PETROLEUM CO. | THRALL UNIT 11-B | 15-073-22261 |
Unknown |
Johnson Jet Service Co. Radioactivity Log |
Y | 1650; 2450 | 12-MAR-82 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 1800; 2464 | 27-FEB-82 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 2371 | 18-MAR-10 | |||||
T23S R10E, Sec. 29 E2 E2 SE | GLACIER PETROLEUM CO. | THRALL 'B' 2 | 15-073-21610 |
29-OCT-2019 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 1950; 2420 | 26-MAY-80 |
Johnson Jet Service Co. Radioactivity Log |
Y | 1600; 2422 | 04-JUN-80 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | -6; 2335 | 18-MAR-10 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 2 W2 SW NE NW | Birk Petroleum | Flake 11 | 15-031-23903 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1568 | 09-JUN-14 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 53; 1567 | 03-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 53; 1567 | 03-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 5; 1568 | 03-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 53; 1567 | 03-JUN-14 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 2 NE NE NE NW | Birk Petroleum | Flake 5 | 15-031-23712 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 66; 1560 | 07-MAY-14 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 65; 1559 | 07-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1549 | 21-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 66; 1560 | 07-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 140; 1560 | 07-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 65; 1560 | 07-MAY-14 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 6 NW SE SW SE | Birk Petroleum | Demler 13 | 15-031-23149 |
07-FEB-2012 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 6 SE SW NE SE | Birk Petroleum | DEMLER 12 | 15-031-23015-0001 |
30-JAN-2012 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 171; 2026 | 27-JAN-12 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 168; 2028 | 27-JAN-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 168; 2028 | 27-JAN-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 168; 2028 | 27-JAN-12 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 8 SE SW SE | Birk Petroleum | Rich 4 | 15-031-23873 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1664 | 19-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 | |||||
T23S R16E, Sec. 33 NE NE NW SE | Victor J. Leis | Tannahill N-7 | 15-207-27826 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1410 | 09-MAY-11 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1429 | 19-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Sonic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 0; 1419 | 19-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1413 | 09-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1413 | 09-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 1413 | 09-MAY-11 | |||||
T23S R17E, Sec. 26 NW NE NE SE | Victor J. Leis | Mentzer N-1 | 15-001-30189 |
04-AUG-2011 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 21; 1279 | 06-MAY-11 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 21; 1279 | 06-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 21; 1279 | 06-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1278 | 06-MAY-11 | |||||
T23S R18E, Sec. 16 SE SW NE SE | Colt Energy Inc | Kivett 23 | 15-003-26166 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 980 | 20-JUN-14 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 70; 1003 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1000 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 52; 1003 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 52; 1003 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 27 SW SW SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 15-27 SWD | 15-011-23453 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1469 | 06-JAN-09 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 60; 1114 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 150; 1112 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 2181 | 09-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 51; 1114 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1114 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 2182 | 09-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 1470 | 06-JAN-09 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 51; 1470 | 06-JAN-09 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 27 NW SE SW SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 15-27D | 15-011-23395 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 872 | 09-DEC-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 875 | 09-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 290; 875 | 09-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 180; 878 | 08-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 875 | 09-DEC-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 33 NW NE NW | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Gregg 3-33B | 15-011-23462 |
17-SEP-2024 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 934 | 22-DEC-08 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 50; 935 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 935 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 260; 920 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 32; 935 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 NE SW NE SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Danley 9-34 | 15-011-23442 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 879 | 20-NOV-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 879 | 20-NOV-08 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 860 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 20; 900 | 19-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 879 | 20-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 879 | 20-NOV-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 NW SE SE NW | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 6-34 | 15-011-23441 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 879 | 04-DEC-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 882 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 882 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 200; 875 | 03-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 882 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 NW NW NW SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Danley 10-34B | 15-011-23411 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 862 | 04-DEC-08 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 865 | 06-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 871 | 06-JAN-08 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 0; 890 | 03-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 872 | 06-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 872 | 06-NOV-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 SE NW NW NW | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 4-34B | 15-011-23397 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 28; 878 | 17-DEC-08 |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 872 | 14-JAN-09 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 876 | 17-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 28; 878 | 17-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 28; 878 | 17-DEC-08 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 SE NW NE NE | Petroleum Resource Management Co. | Hammond E. 18-14 | 15-207-29017 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1108 | 08-SEP-14 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1125 | 28-AUG-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | -8; 1122 | 28-AUG-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 51; 1125 | 28-AUG-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 51; 1125 | 28-AUG-14 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | -8; 1126 | 28-AUG-14 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 NW SE NE | Petroleum Resource Management Co. | Hammond E. I 2-14 | 15-207-29018 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 6; 1105 | 04-SEP-14 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 5; 1103 | 04-SEP-14 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1088 | 09-SEP-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 6; 1105 | 04-SEP-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 6; 1105 | 04-SEP-14 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 5; 1105 | 04-SEP-14 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 20 S2 S2 SE NW | Victor J. Leis | Goebel 7 | 15-207-27636 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1065 | 15-DEC-10 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 46; 1076 | 02-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 46; 1076 | 02-JUL-10 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 20 N2 N2 SE NW | Victor J. Leis | Goebel 4 | 15-207-27634 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 51; 1106 | 13-JUL-10 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1090 | 02-DEC-11 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 1105 | 13-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1106 | 13-JUL-10 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 32 SW NW SE SW | Verde Oil Company | L. Davidson 23 | 15-207-27969 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1040 | 04-NOV-11 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 100; 1068 | 24-OCT-11 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 100; 1063 | 24-OCT-11 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 100; 1068 | 24-OCT-11 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 100; 1068 | 24-OCT-11 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 32 NW NW SE SW | Verde Oil Company | L. Davidson 22 | 15-207-27747 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 100; 1074 | 13-DEC-10 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1034 | 23-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1078 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 90; 1078 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1077 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 1078 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
T24S R17E, Sec. 25 NE SW NW NW | Enerjex Kansas, Inc. | Wilson Farms 1-25 | 15-001-29937 |
10-DEC-2021 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 1691 | 25-OCT-09 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 1691 | 25-OCT-09 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 1693 | 25-OCT-09 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1496 | 09-NOV-09 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 1691 | 25-OCT-09 | |||||
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