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6762 records returned--50 displayed at a time.
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T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
Ascend. Desc.
Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
Status Help
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW SE NE SE Admiral Bay (USA) Inc.
(Admiral Bay (USA) Inc.)
Vogel 9-36D-3 15-011-23389
865 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW SE NE SE Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Vogel 9-36D-3 15-011-23390
865 GL
515 WILDCAT 26-AUG-2008   OIL
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW SW SW SE Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Vogel 15-36C INJ2UB 15-011-24141
861 GL
438   02-OCT-2012   EOR
Authorized Injection Well
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW SW SW SE Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Vogel 15-36C INJ3UB 15-011-24142
858 GL
438   10-OCT-2012   EOR
Authorized Injection Well
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A INJ 15-011-23805
882 GL
500   26-APR-2012 01-JUL-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A INJ2 15-011-23827
861 GL
500   10-APR-2012 30-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A INJ3 15-011-23828
500 KB
863 GL
500   11-APR-2012 30-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A INJ4 15-011-23829
868 GL
500   27-APR-2012 30-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A-1 15-011-23822
864 GL
562   11-AUG-2011 05-APR-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A-2 15-011-23823
870 GL
575   17-NOV-2011 08-JUN-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A-3 15-011-23812
881 GL
610   15-NOV-2011 08-JUN-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36A-4 15-011-23813
874 GL
575   17-AUG-2011 05-APR-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B INJ 15-011-23972
899 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B INJ2 15-011-23979
881 GL
520   05-MAY-2012 04-JUN-2018 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B INJ3 15-011-23980
870 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B INJ4 15-011-23981
885 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B-1 15-011-23956
880 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B-2 15-011-23957
896 GL
570   29-JUN-2012 23-AUG-2016 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B-3 15-011-23958
901 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36B-4 15-011-23959
895 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C INJ 15-011-23982
898 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C INJ2 15-011-23993
885 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C INJ3 15-011-23983
893 GL
532   07-JUN-2012 04-JUN-2018 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C INJ4 15-011-23984
901 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C-1 15-011-23960
896 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C-2 15-011-23961
900 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C-3 15-011-23962
891 GL
570   25-JUN-2012 10-MAY-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE SW NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36C-4 15-011-23963
891 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D INJ 15-011-23806
873 GL
530   24-APR-2012 01-JUL-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D INJ2 15-011-23830
866 GL
520   05-APR-2012 30-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D INJ3 15-011-23831
863 GL
500   09-APR-2012 30-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D INJ4 15-011-23807
876 GL
530   25-APR-2012 01-JUL-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
WUNDERLY 11-36D-1 15-011-23814-0001
880 GL
572     17-DEC-2021 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D-1 15-011-23814
880 GL
572   23-AUG-2011 05-APR-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D-2 15-011-23815
879 GL
675   17-NOV-2011 04-JUN-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D-2TWIN 15-011-24451
891 GL
475   02-JUL-2014 08-JUN-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D-3 15-011-23816
875 GL
583   05-DEC-2011 04-JUN-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 11-36D-4 15-011-23824
868 GL
572   26-AUG-2011 05-APR-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A INJ 15-011-23808
862 GL
500   18-APR-2012 01-JUL-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A INJ2 15-011-23832
862 GL
480   30-MAR-2012 30-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A INJ3 15-011-23833
480 KB
863 GL
480   02-APR-2012 30-JUN-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NW NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A INJ4 15-011-23809
878 GL
520   20-APR-2012 21-MAY-2012 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A-1 15-011-23817
862 GL
565   25-OCT-2011 01-MAY-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A-2 15-011-23818
874 GL
575   03-JAN-2012 29-MAY-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A-3 15-011-23825
863 GL
575   05-JAN-2012 09-MAY-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A-4 15-011-23820
861 GL
550   28-OCT-2011 07-MAY-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36A-4-UB 15-011-24098
861 GL
399   19-SEP-2012 07-MAY-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SW NW SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36B INJ 15-011-23985
875 GL
Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, SE NW SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36B INJ2 15-011-23986
869 GL
528   16-MAY-2012 23-AUG-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T24S R23E, Sec. 36, NE SE SW Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.
(Running Foxes Petroleum Inc.)
Wunderly 14-36B INJ3 15-011-23987
878 GL
540   07-MAY-2012 23-AUG-2016 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
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